Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 137 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 137 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (20)

What are the people talking about? The topic should be interesting.

Jin Shu suddenly smiled, and in an instant, her bright facial features became more and more breathtakingly beautiful, so visually stimulating that it was impossible to ignore.

Mo Shen withdrew his gaze. At this time, Mo Zhongxue was looking out the window, with some anxiety and uneasiness in his eyes. He was still sitting here, but his soul had already flown far away.

It was obvious that his son was deeply fascinated by that woman.

This is very difficult.

His son is too sensitive, too fragile, and has some mental illness. Losing his beloved has become a pain that he does not want to remember. If he crosses his arms now, will it hurt his heart again?

Mo Shen's face was as still as a mountain, but his heart had become a tangled mess.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

Mo Shen looked back at him.

He said calmly: "Whatever you are looking at is what I am looking at."

Mo Zhongxue asked tentatively: "Does it look good?"

Mo Shen hesitated for a while and decided to wait and see: "It's okay, the skin is good."

Mo Zhongxue: Sure enough, dad was confused by that woman’s skin!
"But the skin ages easily. I think as a human being, the inner soul is more important."

"Well, I'm very happy that you want to do that. The inside is more important. It takes a lot of time to understand a person."

Mo Zhongxue glanced at Jin Shu.

What do you mean, do you want to know more about this woman?Inoculate yourself in advance?
Mo Zhongxue was in a low mood: "I'm not interested in her inner self."


Mo Shen lowered his hand holding the cup.

"You should take relationships seriously. It was my negligence. When you grow up, I should teach you how to fall in love."

Mo Zhongxue no longer wanted to talk to him.

Mo Shen looked at his attitude nonchalantly, and it was clear at a glance that he was not serious about this relationship at all.Just for fun?

Where did you learn this irresponsible attitude at such a young age?

Mo Shen knocked on the table.

"No matter what her career is, once you get along with her, you must be serious and responsible. As a man, if you cannot show a serious and responsible attitude towards a woman, you will not be able to achieve anything in your career in the future."

Mo Zhongxue lowered his head and said wilfully.



Jin Shu, who was holding a warm roasted sweet potato and eating deliciously, cursed expressionlessly after feeling the two scrutinizing eyes from the restaurant for the tenth time.


The three boys were still jumping around in front of me.

"Goddess, do you want to eat? The restaurants in our school are great, with both Chinese and Western styles! You can eat whatever you want!"

"Swipe my student card! I just added several thousand to my card. Teacher Jin, I'll treat you to lunch!"

It was very cold outside. Jin Shu was eating sweet potatoes and silently looking at the two white cranes walking by the lake, with an imperceptible trace of depression and longing in her eyes.

These two white cranes are incomparable to her Feiyun.

But it can more or less comfort the nostalgia in my heart.

"Goddess, do you like cranes? I have a large garden at home with many animals and a few white cranes. If you like me, I will take you to visit!"

Guo Tao is a local. Although he is not as rich as Mo Zhongxue, he is still a local second generation. His family has a garden covering an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters, and many rare birds and animals are raised in it.

Upon hearing this, Jin Shu smiled and nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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