Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 138 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

"Then, that goddess... Hehe, this is my WeChat account, let's, let's add it? When do you have time? You can go to my garden and have a look."

Jin Shu generously took out her mobile phone and added the other party's WeChat message.

Seeing this, the other two boys couldn't wait to take out their mobile phones.

"And me and me."

"My hometown has the largest wild red-crowned crane living area in the country!"

Jin Shu looked away and sighed.

They are not her Feiyun.

It's a pity that her Feiyun couldn't be reincarnated, otherwise she wouldn't have lived alone for thousands of years.

For most of the next day, the three of them took Jin Shu around the entire school. During the process, they met many fans who came to Jin Shu for autographs.

The three boys took charge of the bodyguard work and surrounded Jin Shu. They planned to take her to the cafeteria to eat. When they saw that the crowded cafeteria affected Jin Shu's mood while eating, the three of them decided immediately.

"How about going to the Swan Lake Restaurant? There will definitely be no one on the second floor at this time!"

"Yes, yes, there is Brother Mo's exclusive restaurant on the second floor. We all look familiar, so I just want to take Teacher Jin to try it!"

So, as soon as the three people arrived upstairs, surrounded by Jin Shu, two people dressed in black came face to face.

Jin Shu looked up.

The taller man is tall and tall, with sharp eyes. The shorter man is her teacher.

The three looked at each other.

Jin Shu spoke first.

"Hello, Teacher Mo."

Mo Zhongxue's expression could no longer be described as ugly.

He pursed his lips tightly and looked at the three roommates with eyes that looked like he wanted to kill someone.

It was at this time that the three roommates, who had been seduced by beauty, realized that they had gotten into trouble.

The matter has come to this, and it is definitely too late to turn around and leave now.

"Mo...Hello Uncle Mo."

Jin Shu glanced at Mo Shen. She looked familiar, but couldn't remember who it was. However, she attributed the familiarity to the fact that he looked very similar to Mo Zhongxue.

"Is this Teacher Mo's father? Hello, my name is Jin Shu."

Jin Shu still understands the exchange of favors.

And if she does this, it will be obvious in the eyes of others.

Mo Zhongxue had a cold face, while Mo Shen tensed his chin in displeasure.

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.

The father and son seem to have some opinions about themselves.

But it doesn't matter, Jin Shu doesn't care, she is hungry too and wants to eat something hot now.

Bypassing the father and son, Jin Shu ordered herself a bowl of noodles with an egg, and then sat at the window, eating while looking out at the lake.

Mo Zhongxue glared at the three people.

The roommates lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

"Listen to our explanation, I didn't expect you and your dad to eat here."

"To shut up."

"We have just observed it for you. Jin Shu is not only beautiful and has a good personality, but she is not as vulgar as the people say on the Internet at all. She knows a lot!"

Mo Zhongxue didn't want to hear so much nonsense.

"Okay, I don't expect you to be able to do it."

You can't stop her. Even if you can't see her in school, you can still see her when you go out.

"Brother Mo, please stop meddling in other people's business. Jin Shu is quite good, really."

The roommate finally struggled to say a kind word for Jin Shu.

"Okay, I know I can't stop it."

"That's right! Look at the look in your father's eyes. He wants to eat Jin Shu! Men of this age are very lonely. Let's go and stop being a light bulb here."

With that said, the three roommates dragged Mo Zhongxue away.

Jin Shu, who was eating noodles just now, turned around and found that except Mo Shen, everyone else in the restaurant had disappeared at some point.The man stood in front of him, looking at him.

"Why? Do you want to try it too?"

Mo Shen sat down directly.

"Since you're here, that's just right. It saves me having to look for you again."

At this time, Jin Shu finally remembered why Mo Shen looked familiar.

Doesn't it look familiar? This is the financial backer behind the heroine Shen Mianyi.

Before the male and female protagonists officially announced that they were together, the female protagonist met a mysterious rich man at a dinner party because the female protagonist casually helped the waiter catch the dropped dinner plate. After the rich man saw this scene, the rich man fell in love with her at first sight.

In the original plot, the heroine’s career took off immediately in the later period, becoming extremely popular and becoming a top domestic entertainment phenomenon. In addition to the help of the male protagonist, the most powerful helper was this woman who silently supported the heroine and was unwilling to A wealthy gentleman who takes love with a sword.

The original owner met him once. At the Best Actress Award Ceremony, this Mr. Mo personally came on stage as a mysterious guest to present the award to the heroine. Afterwards, he witnessed the heroine's career and love harvest in the audience, and finally hid his achievements and fame. , disappeared into the auditorium.

To a certain extent, he is the white moonlight in the heroine's heart.

If it weren't for the fact that the heroine was a fan of the hero's wife before she was reborn, otherwise she would really be reluctant to let go of the super rich man sitting in front of her with a mountain of gold and silver.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu nodded.

Okay, okay, you really can't get entangled with these protagonists, right?

You can meet an affectionate male partner whenever you have a meal.

Jin Shu didn't want to pay attention to him and just kept eating noodles.

Mo Shen looked at her and spoke bluntly.

"Zhong Xue is young and ignorant. Your interest in him is similar to love. Tong, as a parent, I am very concerned about it."

"Cough cough cough..."

A mouthful of noodles got stuck in her throat and Jin Shu almost choked to death.

She had been stable all her life, but she was still shocked by the two words from the man's mouth.

"What are you talking about? Did you brush your teeth when you got up in the morning?"

Mo Shen looked at her expression, which was vivid and vivid, and the shock and surprise in his eyes were not fake.

He frowned.

"You and Zhong Xue are not lovers?"

Jin Shu glanced at him coldly, then took out her phone and turned on the recording button.

"Say, go on."

Mo Shen suddenly stood up.

"I'm sorry, maybe I misunderstood. Zhongxue will never go to your place to make up lessons again. I will compensate for all losses."

After hearing this, Jin Shu silently opened the payment code on her mobile phone.

"The contract is void, and the liquidated damages are ten times, one hundred thousand."

Mo Shen stared at the payment code in silence, and finally glanced at the secretary standing in the corner.

The secretary immediately stepped forward and paid Jin Shu 10 yuan.

After getting the money, Jin Shu had no appetite to continue eating, put away her phone and turned around to leave.


I should do some fortune-telling when I go out today.

Seeing the woman leaving neatly, Mo Shen became more and more certain that the two of them were definitely not a couple. If there was a relationship, it was probably Mo Zhongxue's unilateral love.

Jin Shu seemed to know nothing.

"Boss, she seems quite angry."

"I see."

When Mo Shen and the others came out after chatting, they found that Jin Shu was missing and asked quickly.

"Where's Jin Shuren?"


"Leaving? Shouldn't you let her sit down and talk to me?"

If there is a one in [-] chance that she will become your stepmother, why don't you introduce her to him formally now?

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