Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 139 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Mo Shen just thought that he wanted to continue to pester the other party, so he said with a cold face and an expressionless expression.

"I've already told her that you don't need to go to tutoring in the future. You should stay well at school. If you feel uncomfortable, come to the company to help."

"You won't let me go? Why? What are you afraid of?"

Why can't women with normal relationships have contact with him?
Is it because he is afraid that he will embarrass that woman?
Seeing Mo Zhongxue's expression of suppressed anger, Mo Shen emphasized his tone.

"I have no reason to educate my son! I'm going back and remember to have dinner with grandpa in the evening."

After saying that, Mo Shen left.

Mo Zhongxue was left standing there with a cold face.

The three roommates silently shrank their heads and said nothing, for fear of saying something wrong and making the young master unhappy.

"Then are you still playing games tonight?"

"Go to work and play some games."

"Ah, you don't want to go again, do you?"

Mo Zhongxue said something rebellious.

"Don't let me go, I will go."



Jin Shu rested at home for a whole day, during which Zhao Yan gave her several TV series books and asked her to choose from them.

They are all youth campus idol dramas, or they are the second evil female lead of ancient puppets.

The original protagonist's silly and sweet character is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the filming method is also quite consistent. It is all about youth idols and painful literature. Therefore, whenever such a TV series starts filming, Jin Shu will be the first consideration.

Her acting skills and TV drama scripts are also average. She acted in two or three movies a year. After so many years since her debut, she has not had a single masterpiece. Although she is a domestic entertainment star, she has been ridiculed a lot.

Zhao Yan has been comforting her that it is better to have some filming than no filming, as long as she can stay active in the audience's sight. After all, black and red are also red.

Jin Shu read it roughly once, and finally picked out a book.

"This, I think is good."

"This is a small-budget online drama, but the director is great and has many masterpieces. I also think this one is very good. The shooting period is short and the director is familiar with you.

Then this one? "

"Just this one."

Zhao Yan flipped through his notebook and suddenly said something.

"Oh, by the way, you play the heroine in this one, and the second female lead is... Shen Mianyi. You and the director strongly recommended her, so the director directly cast her as the second female lead.

That's okay, you are friends, and you won't be bored when filming. "

In other words, whether Jin Shu plays the role or not, the second female lead in this drama is Shen Mianyi.

Although it is just a low-cost online drama, it hit the first place in the TV series ratings list once it was aired. It was the most popular phenomenon-level drama series throughout the summer, which directly made the most popular male protagonist and female lead in this article become popular traffic. actor.

The character Shen Mianyi chose had a lovable personality. Compared with the female protagonist who was constantly dealing with three or four men, she was resolute and persistent, sticking to the male protagonist until she died with a sword for a man in the end. She became the hero's heart. Eternal white moonlight.

Then he became Bai Yueguang in the hearts of many viewers.

In short, this drama is one of the most important springboards on Shen Mianyi's road to fame.

And this springboard was built for her by Jin Shu herself.

"Then I'll give the director an accurate message. Oh, and by the way, registration for the college entrance examination has started. Register quickly."

Although Zhao Yan has no hope for Jin Shu, her character has been marketed by her. Now there are millions of people waiting to see the joke. Jin Shu is now a donkey on the millstone, and she has to pull her. "The tutor is coming soon, I'm leaving first."

"Give me another teacher, the one before will not come."

Zhao Yan frowned in confusion.

"Why? I gave him [-] per class."

900 yuan for two hours, such a good treatment, why don’t you just quit if you don’t want to do it?
"Well, people have their own things to do, so let's change it."

"Okay, then I'll go to the surrounding universities to find one."

From six o'clock to eight o'clock, it was the time that Jin Shu and Mo Zhongxue had made an appointment.

Before seven o'clock, Mo Zhong learned to teach Jin Shu new content, and from seven to eight o'clock was the time for expansion training.

And Jin Shu's extra 24 hours started at seven o'clock.

In this way, no matter how fast Mo Zhongxue teaches, she will have enough time to digest and consolidate it, and by the way, she can also take a look at the content of other subjects.

After her 24 hours were over, the tutoring continued, so that no matter how fast Mo Zhongxue taught, Jin Shu could handle it calmly.

This rhythm was maintained very well, but it's a pity that Mo Zhongxue can't follow it.

Just when Jin Shu took out the question bank given by Director Pitao and started reading, the doorbell rang.

After opening the door, Mo Zhongxue stood outside.

"Your dad said our contract is over and I've taken the liquidated damages, so you don't have to come anymore."

"That's between you and him. I have a beginning and an end to everything I do. Now that I've made a plan, I feel uncomfortable if I don't finish it."

This is the truth. Putting aside the relationship between Jin Shu and Mo Shen, Jin Shu's attitude towards learning makes Mo Zhongxue very curious about how long she can persist.

Plans were made, and the goal was his college.

Things that others thought were ridiculous, Mo Zhongxue also thought were ridiculous at first, but Jin Shu's performance during this period made him feel incredible.

She is smart and serious, and the desire for knowledge in her eyes is genuine.

"Aren't you going to get admitted to our university? I'll help you without charging you any money."

"Is it pie in the sky? Traveling so far to do charity?"

Mo Zhongxue walked into the room minding his own business, changed his shoes skillfully and walked to the desk.

"My dad aside, I appreciate you as a student. Let's get started. There are still 91 days until the college entrance examination. Time is running out."

A ready-made teacher had to come to her door, so there was no reason for Jin Shu to refuse.

At seven o'clock, time stood still, and in the quiet room there was only the sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper.

In the next ten days or so, no matter what announcement was made, Jin Shu would always hold a thick A4 paper in her hand, which was so densely packed with topics that even the paparazzi's high-definition camera could not capture the content clearly.

Related hot searches are hanging on the Weibo hot search list like dog-skin plaster, and scenes of Jin Shu studying seriously in various places are randomly scrolled.

The comments under the hot search are varied.

[How can someone maintain such a beautiful state while studying seriously?]

[Laughing to death, people taking the college entrance examination and postgraduate entrance exams wish they could spend all day in the library with nothing on their faces. Is Jin Shu wearing heavy makeup all day long just studying? 】

[Can everyone give her some face?Don’t expose her, wait until the results of the college entrance examination come out. I admit that I want to see a joke]

[Don’t deceive yourself by pretending to do your best. Friends, young and old, must not imitate her. When you really want to do something, you won’t tell the world]

[I think she is very serious, and she is actually a very smart person. Those things before were just personas]

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