Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 140 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 140 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (23)

[Fans, don’t be busy saying nice things to your master at this time, or your face will be swollen by then!Ha ha ha ha】

[I don’t believe it, but anyone who has been tortured by study will become extremely ugly, and they will never be as radiant as Jin Shu! 】

Online comments have no impact on Jin Shu.

The whole world knew that she was going to take the college entrance examination.

At the filming ceremony before the new drama started filming, the staff couldn't help but whisper as they looked at Jin Shu who was sitting in the corner looking through documents.

"She's pretending to be pretty cool. She hasn't moved a muscle for half an hour."

"Maybe she is really studying seriously. Don't make sarcastic remarks and be careful about being overheard."

"If she learns a question well, I'll pick off my brain and play it as a ball for her! There's so much noise around here, you can't learn anything! Just show off."

"They are all artists. Shen Mianyi is a junior college graduate and an undergraduate from a serious communication university. In the end, she has to be paired with a high school graduate. It's unfair in the world."

The staff talked enthusiastically.

"You have nothing to do, right? If you have nothing to do, go and move out the shooting props!"

A sudden loud shout from behind scared several people and immediately shut up and dispersed.

The director had a displeased look on his face, and Shen Mianyi, who was standing next to the director, had no choice but to persuade him.

"Sorry, blame me."

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Jin Shu won't be criticized without me. Although I know it has nothing to do with me, I still feel a little uncomfortable for Jin Shu when I hear such words."

Shen Mianyi's frankness actually made the director look at her in a new light.

"You don't have to feel any psychological pressure. You can act however you want. Jin Shu said that you have a good relationship with her and you are asking me to give you a chance. You must perform well, but don't let down Jin Shu's support for you. "

Upon hearing this, Shen Mianyi's face showed a touch of contempt.

Jin Shu’s support?
It’s so funny, how can a little girl whose cultural literacy is not up to the average level be worthy of the word “support”?

She did this simply because she wanted to use the negative news about the original owner to bolster herself.

Otherwise, if she doesn't support so many positive artists in the entertainment industry, she has to support Shen Mianyi, a little artist who is notorious on the internet?
In short, Shen Mianyi scoffed at the director's words.

The director is a genius. Even though Shen Mianyi acted calmly enough, he still caught a hint of "disdain" from her face.

It seems that this Shen Mianyi is not as conscientious and conscientious as Jin Shu said.

Forget it, the contract has already been signed, as long as she acts well and films well, and doesn't make any mistakes.

In the north in winter, it is dry and cold.

Almost every artist has a heater in front of them and is waiting for their part in a down jacket.

Jin Shu is the female protagonist, while the male protagonist Gao Yijun is a newcomer. He has just graduated from college and was successfully selected as the male protagonist with his outstanding face and height of 1.8 meters.

"Teacher Jin, you have to take care of our artists. If he does something wrong, just point it out. You don't have to coddle him."

The agent chatted politely with Jin Shu.

Gao Yijun was beside him and called Teacher Jin.

Jin Shu smiled.

She also likes good-looking ones, so she should take care of them.

The first scene of filming is the scene where the male and female protagonists meet again after ten years.

The male protagonist, who once had nothing, has now become a famous swordsman in the world.The heroine's family fell into decline and she was reduced to a roadside tea stall vendor.

Two people met at a tea stall. When the heroine was pouring tea for the hero, she looked up and saw a face she hadn't seen for many years. At this time, a woman was sitting next to the hero. This person was the hero who was obsessed with him. The female supporting character who has been by his side for more than ten years as he navigates the world.

Before Jin Shu's scene started, there was a scene between Gao Yijun and Shen Mianyi.

As a female supporting character, Shen Mianyi has been in love with Gao Yijun for many years. Her words and deeds must express her sincerity to the male protagonist, but at this time, the male protagonist only regards her as a trustworthy sister.

Therefore, in this scene, the female supporting role only exists as a promoter of the story. She has very few lines, only two from beginning to end.

"Brother Zhou, why do we come to a place like this to drink tea?"

"Brother Zhou, there is still a long road ahead. Your boots are broken and they are not heeling. Take them off and I will mend them for you."

After saying these two sentences, it’s time for the heroine Jin Shu to appear.

After all, Gao Yijun was a newcomer, so he was still a little nervous before the real rival scene. Just as he was adjusting his condition to face Jin Shu, Shen Mianyi suddenly poured him a cup of tea, put it to his mouth, blew on it, and handed it to him before.

"Brother Zhou, drink some water."

Gao Yijun was stunned for a moment. This sentence was not in the script.

But he continued to play the game.

"Thank you, Sister Yao."

"Brother Zhou, you have tea leaves on your mouth. Turn around and I'll wipe it for you."

Gao Yijun was already a little confused, but the director hadn't stopped yet, so he could only continue to act. The moment he turned his head, Shen Mianyi suddenly came over, holding a white handkerchief and leaning against him, helping him gently and carefully. Try wiping the corners of your mouth.

Being so close, he could clearly see the nervousness and shyness in the other person's eyes, and the love in his eyes was revealed without any concealment, almost turning into a net that completely wrapped Gao Yijun.

This ardent and intense love immediately stunned everyone outside the venue.

Even the director, who had just become angry because Shen Mianyi casually added a scene to the scene, couldn't help but nod when he saw the scene in the camera.

"There's something about acting."

The assistant director on the side whispered.

"To be honest, her acting skills are indeed much better than Jin Shu's. It's like her eyes can talk. It's okay."

"Look again."

While everyone was surprised by Shen Mianyi's natural and vivid acting skills, the leading actor Gao Yijun was already blushing shyly.

Shen Mianyi saw this scene and she smiled even brighter.

Next, it was the heroine's turn. As the camera zoomed in, Shen Mianyi clung to Gao Yijun, so that she was all in the center of the camera. Even after the heroine appeared, everyone's attention was still on her.

The director realized it later and looked away from Shen Mianyi.

"The camera shows the heroine's face."

At this time, he shouted to Jin Shu again.

"Remember! The feeling of meeting again after a long separation, be happy! Be afraid! Grasp this feeling!"

This is a highlight shot of the heroine.

The lovers who had not seen each other for ten years met again. The weather-beaten heroine felt ecstatic, nervous, sad, and bitter after recognizing the hero at a glance.

Many emotions burst out at this moment, which required very high acting skills from the actors.

(End of this chapter)

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