Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 141 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 141 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (24)

The director stared at the screen and shouted.

"Start shooting!"

A pair of hands stretched out from behind the curtain. No one was there yet, and a weak and hoarse cough came, accompanied by an extra shout from the side.

"Lady boss! More tea!"

The heroine opened the curtain and slowly appeared.

When the camera showed her, she had a pale and young face. She coughed lightly, but it seemed that she had exhausted all her strength. After a little exhaustion, her pale face turned a light pink.

She looked in the direction of the voice. There was a faint watery light in her peach blossom eyes, and her beautiful brows were full of amorous feelings, and her black hair fell down to outline a broken and haggard beauty.

The moment the camera captured this scene, everyone's breath froze.

This kind of Jin Shu takes everyone back to the shabby teahouse in a second. The charming proprietress's every smile is breathtaking.

Everyone who was complaining about Jin Shu's acting skills just now fell silent.

Even when the director didn't come back to his senses, Jin Shu's eyes moved slowly. Suddenly when she looked in a certain direction, her eyes seemed to be frozen, and she stood stiffly on the spot, her fair skin At that moment, his face showed confusion and astonishment.

She blinked and looked at the other person carefully, and the disbelief flowing in her eyes finally turned into uncontrollable ecstasy and longing.

Her tear-soaked eyes were as clear and clean as lakes, and with her eyes slightly red, the woman covered her mouth fiercely to restrain the thoughts and grievances that were about to burst out.

For a full minute, the camera remained motionless.

The studio was extremely quiet, and everyone felt as if their hearts had been pricked by needles. They couldn't help but feel sad and sad for the woman in front of them.

Her eyes were red, and she suppressed her emotions. Just as she was about to step forward, she suddenly saw a girl sitting next to the man. She was dressed in red, flamboyant and handsome, and was acting intimately next to the man.

My feet seemed to have been filled with mud and I could no longer take a step.

At this point, the scene is over.

But the director refused to call, so Jin Shu kept looking at the male protagonist's back silently. Seeing him chatting and laughing with another woman, suddenly, a drop of clear tears fell from her eyes without any warning.


The moment the director called out, Jin Shu lowered her head and wiped her eyes.

Her eyes were red, her whole body was bent over, and she exuded an aura of loneliness.

Everyone thought she was still immersed in the scene just now and couldn't extricate herself, and the director told everyone not to disturb her.

At this time, Jin Shu was gritting her teeth and rubbing the contact lenses in her eyes. The lenses were displaced and her eyes hurt terribly when she moved even a little bit. She couldn't control the tears falling down.

"I didn't expect that Jin Shu's acting skills have improved so much after not seeing her for several months!"

The assistant director looked at Jin Shu sitting in the corner, and when he thought about his evaluation of her just now, he felt a little guilty.

"Let her rest for a while."

At this time, Shen Mianyi was sitting next to the male protagonist Gao Yijun. She thought that after her scene was over, she would amaze everyone around her.

Unexpectedly, after the director called for a call, no one responded at all. On the contrary, everyone gathered around Jin Shu, asking for help and being attentive.

Her scene just now was performed with her back to Jin Shu, so she couldn't see Jin Shu's performance at that time.

Coupled with the fact that there was no sound at all, Shen Mianyi naturally thought that Jin Shu was performing just as mediocrely as before.

After all, her acting skills are generally well known to everyone.But at dinner in the evening, all the actors sat together, and the director, deputy director, and producer were also at the same table. They drank some wine, and while chatting, one or two of them praised Jin Shu.

Director: "Jin Shu is good. You girl finally listened to me and studied your acting skills. You performed very well this time. Keep up the good work!"

Assistant director: "It has definitely improved a lot compared to two years ago. Hahaha, thank you for accepting this script. Apart from you, I really can't think of anyone who is more suitable for the role of the heroine."

The character of the heroine is captivating.

While others have strength, she has beauty.

While others have wealth, she has beauty.

While others have wisdom, she still has beauty.

So the only goal in finding an actress is to be beautiful.

Because of this, the director found Jin Shu, who has a beautiful body but average acting skills.

After all, as long as she is beautiful enough, then half of the role has been created successfully.

But what he didn't expect was that in addition to being beautiful, Jin Shu also had acting skills!
Before, she was just a pot of plastic flowers, of no use, but now she is at least a blooming flower, which not only looks good, but also smells fragrant.

The dishes were spinning around on the table, but Shen Mianyi had no appetite. Her ears were filled with the mindless praise of Jin Shu from the people around her. During this period, someone mentioned her a few words, but they were only used to compliment Jin Shu.

She was sitting on pins and needles, her face was very ugly, even when the director called for everyone to toast together, she just sat there motionless and looked at Jin Shu.

The director looks at her.

"What? Are you not feeling well? I don't even see you eating or talking."

Shen Mianyi raised her lips and smiled.

"It's so funny listening to you talk that I can't stop eating."

These words sounded weird. Not to mention the director, even the waiter who was watching could tell that something was wrong.

The director grimaced.

"Oh, tell me, what I said was interesting?"

"It's all very interesting. Not only me, but everyone sitting here thinks so too, doesn't it?"

These people are not blind. Even non-professionals can tell at a glance who performed well and who performed poorly in the scene just now.

I have watched Shen Mianyi in the TV series that Jin Shu has filmed before. She has a pretty face and looks like a wooden beauty who can only express her emotions with her eyes wide open. Can such acting skills be praised?

How bad is the entertainment industry?
What dark things has the original owner experienced before?
At this time, their compliments to Jin Shu were completely insulting to herself. She couldn't stay at this kind of dinner for a minute.

She looked around, thinking that the people around her might be able to stand up and say something to help her, or even if it didn't work, they would have to give her a look of encouragement.

As a result, I looked around and found that everyone looked at me as if they were crazy, as if they didn't think there was anything wrong with what the director just said.

Shen Mianyi's heart became cold, and she looked at Jin Shu with a half-smile.

"The director said it right today. I am indeed not as good as you. I am not as good at flattering you as you are, and I am not as good as you at fawning over others. I will never give up dignity for resources like you."

She said it with righteous indignation.

Jin Shu put down her chopsticks and looked at her quietly, with a hint of coldness deep in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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