Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 143 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 143 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (26)

Jin Shu smiled.

"Don't worry about it, 7000 million, right? I'll make a call."

"You called too?"

Jin Shu nodded, dialed the phone and made a "shh" gesture to the director.

"Hey, dad, lend me some money and I'll pay you back in half a year.

How much money to borrow... maybe [-] million.

One hundred million is not much to you. If I borrow it, I will pay it back. Can I pay you two hundred million back then?
Hey... Mom passed away early, and you are the only relative I have. The affection between relatives is not worth even [-] million? "

"What do you want 17 million for? You are a dead girl. I didn't study well when you were [-] and ran out to work in society. I won't say anything. Now you can come back and ask for money."

Jin Shu held the paint on the table expressionlessly.

"So now I'm back to mend the relationship between father and daughter. Isn't the first step for a daughter to rely on her father to ask him for money? If I don't ask you for money, how can I trust you and rely on you?

And I decided to go to college. "

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became serious.

"Really? A serious test? Not the kind of test that makes you look embarrassed just by flipping through the book? Not even after your dad and I finished bragging to others, and your compliments added up to less than [-] points. The kind of test that will give you good grades?”

The director was dumbfounded.

How many times has this dad been hurt?

Jin Shu's tone was determined and serious.

"Yes, it's the kind of exam that [-]% guarantees you can get into university and honor your ancestors."

"Okay! Just rely on this ambition! I will let the finance department send you the money later! Is it okay for dad to fly to see you in two days?"

Jin Shu, who took the money, had a first-class service attitude.


"Really, really?"

"Well, really."

Father Jin on the other end of the phone suddenly felt a little at a loss.

My daughter used to think he was embarrassed, thinking that he was a nouveau riche who made his fortune by demolishing and reselling properties, and was incomparable to other serious entrepreneurs.

In addition, I was too busy when my daughter was young and never paid attention to her. The relationship between father and daughter was as estranged as passers-by on the roadside, who would not say hello even if they saw her.

My daughter has been rebellious since she was a child. After graduating from high school, she did not want to study. She directly followed the footsteps of her idols and entered the entertainment industry. She has never returned home in these years and has become famous in that circle on her own.

Daddy Jin was also distressed and proud, but more importantly, he felt guilty and inferior.

His daughter is developing so well, and he doesn't want to cause her to be laughed at because of himself, so he has cooperated with her and never disturbed her life all these years.

After many years, his daughter finally took the initiative to contact him.

Although he opened his mouth to ask for money, Dad was still excited and excited.

He was just a girl like Jin Shu, and everything she had worked hard to earn all her life would be hers. No matter how much she squandered it, she would never be able to spend it all in her lifetime. Now that she was willing to spend her own money, Dad was actually happy.

The money arrived in no time.

"Then should I pack my things now? Is there a tarmac over there? Dad flies..."

“Public transportation, private transportation is not good for the environment.”

"Okay, listen to you."

After hanging up the phone, Jin Shu checked the money in the card, and then looked at the director who looked like he was in a fugue.

"The money has arrived, can I call you now?"

"...Jin Shu, what does your father do?"

[-] million, given as promised, and it is working capital.

what does this mean?
This means that her family's wealth is at least several billion.

Why do you want to join the entertainment industry with such a net worth?Why should I suffer?Wouldn't it be nice to just go home and inherit the family property and become a little princess?
Jin Shu looked calm. "My family was very poor before. We made more than [-] million yuan from demolition. Later, my father used the money to buy some unfinished buildings. These unfinished buildings gradually became our shopping malls, school district housing, and Maozhou Industry Building.

Now my dad mainly does some development and can earn a few dollars a year. "

"How many...uh...?"

"[-] million."


The director almost knelt down to Jin Shu.

This is like meeting a real daughter.

"Your family is so rich... I've never heard of it before, but you're quite low-key."

"That's my dad's, what does it have to do with me?"

"...Yeah, very brave."

"But now I think about it, he is gone, and the money will be mine sooner or later. If I don't spend it now, I won't be able to spend it all in the future, so let's set a small goal first and spend [-] million."

"...Well, stop talking."

The original owner's father is a well-known rich man in Guangzhou.

However, because his father had done some unfair things when he was young, and his reputation in the local area was not good, the original owner, who was strong-willed, never mentioned his background to anyone.

Of course, the original owner is the original owner.

Jin Shu is Jin Shu.

The original owner struggled with himself and struggled with himself. In the end, he broke out from depression and passed away. As a result, the billions left by his father had no place to put it. In the end, he put all his nostalgia and love for his daughter into her last life. Good friend, Shen Mianyi.

Before his death, his father left a large fortune to Shen Mianyi.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu felt sick in her heart.

With money, the director's backbone instantly became stronger.

Sitting in the artist lounge, Shen Mianyi was surrounded by several actors from the same crew.

She was surrounded by everyone, and everyone asked questions.

"You are too stubborn! In fact, I also think it is abnormal for the director to be so kind to Jin Shu, but we dare not say it."

"Well, you have the background and confidence. If it were us, you would be kicked out."

"You offend Jin Shu so much, aren't you afraid that she will put on your shoes next time? I heard that she is very generous. She often invites people on the crew to dinner and buys them luxury gifts. If she tries to exclude you, you will be in trouble in the future. Life is probably hard enough."

Shen Mianyi's face was calm, with a touch of disdain in her eyes.

"No one educated her before, but it doesn't mean there won't be any education in the future. If she continues to be so arrogant and domineering, of course someone will teach her how to behave."

"It has to be our Sister Shen. When Sister Shen calls, the director doesn't even dare to let go. Just now, the assistant director said that he wanted to add scenes for Sister Shen."

Shen Mianyi smiled.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to be serious about filming, and I just can't stand it. Some people don't know what the world is like just because they have some background. I've always been like this. I just do it if I don't like it. So, she can either get out or endure it." .”

Several people continued to praise.

Shen Mianyi raised the corners of her mouth, opened her phone and sent a text message to the mysterious number.

"Thank you."

"I should thank you in person and treat you to a meal."

"Are you free tomorrow? I'll treat you to dinner."

Three text messages were sent, and she stared at the screen and waited.

I felt a little nervous for no reason.

When they first exchanged numbers, she didn't know how capable the other person was, so she called him this time just for testing.

(End of this chapter)

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