Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 144 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 144 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (27)

But she never expected that the other party could help her solve all the problems in such a short period of time.

And it can also shut up all the director's group!

Mr. Mo, Mo Shen, what is his origin?
He is in his 30s, handsome and tall. He stands there like a majestic Greek god turned into reality. He is so noble that no one dares to look at him.

At first, Shen Mianyi only thought that he was a businessman with some ability.

The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is rich people.

He is so young, and I heard he just came to the mainland, so how rich can he be?
But now it seems that he is much more powerful than he thought.

When others help, she should repay them. Now she has nothing to repay others, except to treat them to a meal and chat.

After waiting for a long time, the person on the phone seemed to be busy, and Shen Mianyi didn't wait for a reply.

For some reason, Shen Mianyi was looking forward to the other party's reply. What would he say when they met again?Will you still ask her if she is single like you did when you first met?
It was getting dark, but the director hadn't made any move yet. All the actors were waiting to finish work and go home. At this moment, the director was shouting from outside the door with a loudspeaker.

"Start work, start work! Let's all start work! Stop sitting around, let's go through this scene again before it gets completely dark!"

Several artists in the lounge immediately got up to get ready. Seeing Shen Mianyi sitting still, someone kindly reminded her.

"We have to hold on tight. The director has a bad temper and he will curse."

Who among the actors in the entire cast has not been scolded?
Even if Jin Shu doesn't perform well, she still gets yelled at.

Shen Mianyi sat motionless, looking down at the screen of her phone, and said casually.

"What's the hurry? Jin Shu was half an hour late this morning. What's wrong with making her wait for us for half an hour now?"

Upon hearing this, several people looked at each other in confusion, secretly wondering where Shen Mianyi got such confidence and dared to challenge the director.

But then I thought about it, there are people behind me, and there are people who support me if I am willful, but I can't do this.

Everyone went out, leaving Shen Mianyi sitting alone on the sofa, drinking coffee with the air conditioner on, and playing a game with great interest on his mobile phone.

Playing games always flies by quickly.

When she finished typing, she looked at the time and found that half an hour had passed. There was no movement at all outside. As one of the actors with the most scenes in the scene, the director didn't even send anyone to look for her.

how?Don't you dare to call her?

"Go see what's going on outside."

The assistant nodded and hurried out. Not long after, he opened the door and came in. When he came in, his expression was a little unnatural and he spoke hesitantly.

"What's wrong? Tell me, they looked down on you again?"

Shen Mianyi's tone was unhappy.

The assistant stood at the door and said hesitantly.

"Filming has started outside."

"Filming has started? Which scene are you filming?"

Didn't you say that you want to finish filming today's scene?If she doesn't go, how will the scene be filmed?
The assistant looked away and whispered.

"It seems that another actress has taken your role."

Shen Mianyi was stunned at first, then sneered.

"Have you looked carefully? Are you sure my role has been replaced?"

"If you look carefully, they all have the same appearance, and I think the person is Xia Ke."

"Xia Ke?! How is that possible?"

Let’s not talk about how outrageous it is to find someone to replace her. Besides, Xia Ke is more famous than Jin Shu and has a higher status than her. How could she play the role of the second female lead?
Shen Mianyi couldn't sit still anymore, so she got up and walked out directly to the set. At this time, all the equipment was set up outside. The director stood in front of the camera, staring at the camera and shouting the rhythm.

Shen Mianyi couldn't help but squeezed in and took a look. Unexpectedly, Xia Ke actually put on her own costume and was chatting and laughing with Jin Shu!
How can it be! "Director, you asked Xia Ke to replace me?!"

The director didn't even look back.

"If you don't take pictures, there will be other people taking pictures, and everyone else will leave the set."

Shen Mian's breathing was rapid, and anger suddenly surged into her heart.

"Director, do you know what the price of replacing me will be?!"

The director glanced at her and smiled contemptuously.

"What's the price? Can you tell me?"

Scared him to death.

If it weren't for the [-] million investment in his pocket, he would have been frightened.

The director who has money is full of confidence, so naturally he will not give Shen Mianyi any face.

"Are you leaving? If you don't, I'll ask you to leave."

"You will pay for what you did today!"

Shen Mian left in anger.

Before leaving, he ran to Xia Ke and said something.

"Do you know that their crew will no longer be able to pay you the salary? You have been cheated. It's too late to leave now."

Xia Ke looked indifferent.

"Does it have anything to do with you whether you can or not? I don't care, so I won't bother you."

"Ha! There will be a time when you cry in the end."

"It's you who should cry now. You've already offended a director before, and now you've offended another.

If you have time, it's better to send in more resumes, otherwise you won't even be able to get a job in a while. "

Shen Mianyi was almost angry to death, but she was still trying to maintain a calm appearance on her face.

In the end, Shen Mianyi left. When she left, many people were watching the excitement. Some people were filming videos. The director found out and ordered them to be deleted.

Because Xia Ke came to the rescue, the filming progress was not delayed and everything went on as usual. The crew also had an official Weibo to record the behind-the-scenes on the set, and there were not many people interacting with it so far.


When they got to the car, Shen Mianyi suppressed the anger in her heart, opened the car window and gasped for air.

Now she finally understood the original owner's sadness and helplessness.

In such a rotten environment, it would be strange if she wasn't crazy.

But she is not the submissive Shen Mianyi she once was. She has another identity, that is, a Weibo celebrity.

It turns out that she can no longer wake up, but her account is still there and she can still continue to operate.

The habit of chasing stars all year round allows her to always take pictures anytime and anywhere, and she can perfectly avoid everyone's sight and take pictures of the most useful things.

She opened the Weibo homepage and tapped her fingertips on the screen. Soon, a long list of breaking news with pictures and text was released, and was posted at 08:30, the most active time for users.

A long article of [-] words, with pictures, accused the production crew of bullying actresses. The heroine and the director not only had a close relationship, but also collaborated to bully the second female lead in the same production crew. While serving the director at the table, the director replaced her on the spot and insulted the second female lead's personality.

The initial purpose of creating this Weibo was to help He Shaoyu rank in the rankings.

(End of this chapter)

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