Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 145 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 145 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (28)

Later, it gradually became a gathering place to denounce some actresses who deliberately took advantage of He Shaoyu's popularity.

Relying on He Shaoyu's super popularity, this Weibo account has also become a famous account with millions of fans.

She, who was in charge of Weibo, once spent countless late nights angrily typing out essays of nearly [-] words, using extremely vicious words to insult Shen Mianyi, the actress who was competing for CP with He Shaoyu at the time.

Because of this essay, Shen Mianyi became the actress most severely bullied online. Her parents’ information was leaked, her past love life was exposed, and all the complaints she posted on social platforms when she was an amateur were exposed. Public trial.

Shortly after the essay was published, Shen Mianyi committed suicide.

Immediately afterwards, the person who posted the essay became Shen Mianyi.

Looking at these words again, Shen Mianyi frowned and sighed.

"You said that you had to take it out of your mind to touch my husband, which made me lose control of my mood. Hey... I also feel sorry for you.

So don’t worry, now that I have become you, I will definitely spend the rest of my life vigorously for you!I will never let go of those people who hurt you in the past! "

After saying that, she followed up with another article.

She knew that Shen Mianyi's despair was closely related to Jin Shu!Behind her back, Jin Shu might have forced her to go to many such dinners where she was serving men!

What's the difference between her and the old bustard?
Maybe she is actually a pimp, where is the bustard?Otherwise, just based on her looks and acting skills, why would she be so popular in the entertainment industry?How can you get so many resources?

[Reliable news is that the heroine of the series is a well-known bustard in the industry. Almost all the actresses who have worked with her have been murdered.

Also, the heroine recently appeared in a secret room variety show. The reason why she performed so well in the variety show was because she secretly gave the director a lot of benefits and cheated many actresses.]

As soon as this post was posted, in less than a second, thousands of people flooded into the comment area.

[Is there such a heartless person in the entertainment industry? ! 】

[Not long ago, she performed well in a secret room variety show, and recently joined a group to film as the heroine... Are you talking about Jin Shu? 】

[No need to guess, it’s Jin Shu. Rumor has it that the second female lead in the same crew, Shen Mianyi, has left the crew, and the paparazzi released photos]

[If this is true, Jin Shu must go to jail. She can do such crazy things, so she will stay in jail for the rest of her life]

【real or fake?Hasn’t Jin Shu always been a silly person?Can you do such a thing? 】

Blogger’s reply: [Sometimes a company can package a person’s personality perfectly]

Reply to the blogger: [Holy shit, are you admitting in disguise that the person in the post is Jin Shu? ! 】

As more and more people came in, within 10 minutes, this short article was on the hot search list. As the popularity grew, some people began to search for Jin Shu’s past posts in the comment area. Everything I have done in the entertainment industry in the past five years.

[If the pimping thing is true, we can really call the police to arrest her. This kind of private obscenity and obscene love industry is enough for her to use a sewing machine for more than ten years]

[Oh my god, Shen Mianyi probably broke the contract and left the set because she didn’t agree to being subbed.]

[Where is the evidence?I feel like this kind of thing still requires evidence, right?Has anyone involved come forward to speak out?If you say this without any basis, it is slander]

[I think pimping is outrageous, but being kept is definitely true. Paparazzi have photographed Jin Shu getting into an old man’s car more than once]

[I already know that everyone behind Jin Shu is a big boss in Guangzhou. Don’t you all know? 】

[Shocking big melon, small bench snacks melon seeds are ready, who wants to step in and step on the sewing machine, please start your performance]

Seeing that this article was getting more and more popular, Shen Mianyi finally vented the grievances she suffered on the set.

The private messages in the background were almost overflowing. She was browsing through them casually, and suddenly the content of a private message caught her attention.

[Jin Shu’s agency has come forward to clarify the situation and has called the police. If you have any more evidence, come out quickly and beat her to death! 】

There were a lot of people watching the fun, and most of the people standing by her side were those who had been sleeping with her online. In this carnival, they were like hungry hyenas, waiting to eat their hair and drink blood. Judgment orgy.

Shen Mianyi tapped the screen.Only then did she realize that the problem was getting bigger.

But so what, hadn't Shen Mianyi tolerated these things by herself? After all, the artist said that reporting a crime was just a formality. Besides, could Jin Shu dare to say that she had never done any of these things?

As for pimping, Shen Mianyi himself is the best evidence.

Jin Shu would take her with him whenever he had the resources, just to push her into the pit of fire when the time came.

As for now, let’s let the hot searches continue to ferment for a while.

If Jin Shu dares to call the police, she will continue to beat him.

At this moment, the phone vibrated slightly, and Shen Mianyi's heart trembled when she saw the person who sent the message.

It was Mo Shen, he replied.

【it is good】

[I will send you the restaurant location and I will wait for you there]

[Yeah, I’ll be there soon]

almost there.

Are you in such a hurry?
Shen Mianyi couldn't help but curl her lips and chuckle, and the anxiety in her heart finally felt a little more at ease.

If Mo Shen agreed so simply, he must still have a good impression of her.

After this incident, Shen Mianyi decided to thank the other party properly. A meal would definitely not be enough. Maybe she would also choose a gift to give to the other party.

The car was parked in the mall. Shen Mianyi went in and picked out a belt. After loading it, she immediately rushed to the appointed restaurant.

When she arrived on time, she found that a tall and upright man was already sitting in the reserved seat. He was wearing a light black coat, which made his face fair and handsome, and his temperament was noble. Just sitting there quietly was as expensive as a god's mansion. Unspeakable.

Shen Mianyi suppressed the throbbing in her heart, straightened her clothes and hairstyle, and walked directly in front of him with a touching smile.

Mo Shen stood up and greeted her politely and gently.

"Thank you for today's work."

As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Mianyi's eyes turned red, and her voice was choked with grievance.

Mo Shen looked at her doubtfully.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing. The atmosphere on that crew is not good, and I don't want to stay any longer. There's nothing wrong with leaving."

"The director kicked you out?"

Shen Mianyi lowered his head, choked and shook his head.

"If he doesn't chase me away, I will leave."

Mo Shen pursed his lips and replied in silence for a long time.

"Sorry, I can't help you."

He thought that the consequences of divestment would make the director obedient, but to his surprise, they actually replaced Shen Mianyi.

"How did they bully you?"

(End of this chapter)

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