Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 146 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 146 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (29)

Shen Mianyi lowered his head, his thin shoulders shaking slightly.

"They asked me to drink and I didn't want to drink."

"anything else?"

"The director got angry because I didn't toast him. I said a few words that he didn't like to hear and wanted to drive me away.

Mr. Mo, I thought that as long as I had acting skills and abilities, I could continue in this industry, but the facts slapped me hard. It turns out that there are not many things that I need to know. As long as I can smile and flatter men, that's enough. .

I don't understand, and I don't know how long I can last. "

Mo Shen looked at her face with a slightly cold expression.

He wiped his hands and said calmly.

"I'll help you solve the next thing. You can rest for a while and calm down."

Shen Mianyi's breathing stagnated slightly and she looked up at Mo Shen.

"Mr. Mo, you helped me so much, I don't know how to repay you."

"It's enough for you to live well."

Shen Mianyi felt some warmth in her heart, and she looked at him with a bit of shyness in her eyes.

"On the way here, I picked out a gift for you. I wonder if you like it."

She sent the belt out, Mo Shen took a look, and then shook his head.

"You don't need to be so polite. If you need my help in the future, just ask. No need for gifts."

Shen Mianyi retracted her hand in embarrassment, and then asked tentatively.

"I want to know why you want to help me. We are not related, and we are not even friends. Why are you so nice to me?"

Mo Shen's eyes were dull.

"You have helped me before, now it's up to me to help you."

"Help you?"

Shen Mianyi looked shocked. When had she helped Mo Shen?Why doesn't she have any impression?The original owner was not impressed either. Logically speaking, such a big person needs help from a small person like the original owner?
Mo Shen followed closely.

"My son was in a car accident before. You called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. You also donated blood to him when he was bleeding heavily and saved his life.

You are a kind person, I owe you a life, and I should help you now. "

After hearing this, Shen Mianyi's face showed a different expression.

It turns out that Mo Shen didn't like her, but because the original owner once saved his son's life.

She felt a huge sense of loss in her heart. She originally thought that Mo Shen had different feelings for her, and all this was just because of the kindness of the original owner.

"what happened?"

Mo Shen could see her depression.

Shen Mianyi shook her head quickly: "It's nothing. I forgot about it. I didn't expect that I saved a life. Fortunately."

Fortunately, the original owner did not save an ordinary child from an ordinary family, but a rich second generation with a prominent family background, so the blood she drained was not wasted, and now it can help her build bridges.

Thinking about this, Shen Mianyi was not so disappointed. The life-saving grace was much more stable than the relationship between a man and a woman. With this relationship, she would only have more opportunities to come into contact with Mo Shen. In that case, there should be Feelings will come sooner or later.

With this trump card in hand, Shen Mianyi felt relaxed.

Jin Shu is finished.

She was about to be completely screwed.


With the fermentation of public opinion, Zhao Yan has not slept all night.

They have used the golden four hours of public relations to clarify, and public opinion has been suppressed a little but will still revive.

This blogger whose online name is "He Shao Xiao Jiao Wife" has a large number of fans and is good at inciting public opinion and netizens' emotions.

After Zhao Yan clarified, the other party immediately sent another one. [Some people are stubborn, but it doesn’t matter. I have all the evidence in my hand. I hope that someone will still be able to huddle in the corner and act stupid like he is now]

As soon as this was posted, the comment section started boiling like boiling water dripping into a frying pan.

[Hurry up, hurry up, I have set up the small bench and am ready to eat melon]

[Is my favorite, the slap in the face finally coming?Don't talk nonsense, just show evidence to slap me in the face! 】

[The person who has been picked out and forced to leave now is Shen Mianyi. Many people saw it at the time. If Shen Mianyi can stand up and speak out, the matter will probably be a done deal]

【Sisters!Shen Mianyi posted on Weibo! !Hurry up and watch from the front row! ! 】

[I’m going to rush over there in a hurry! 】

Shen Mianyiangle: [There are some things I don’t want to say more. It has become a habit to swallow my anger. Seeing more and more people suffering from it, I have to stand up and speak out.

The following is the chat record between me and Ms. Jin. Since five years ago, she has taken me to countless social events and drank countless drinks. Alcohol has not numbed my soul. I want to tell all this.]

The accompanying picture is a screenshot of the chat history between Shen Mianyi and Jin Shu in the past few years.

A dozen pages of dialog boxes were filled with chats in which Jin Shu asked Shen Mianyi if she wanted to go out and have a drink with so-and-so.

[It’s Director Wang’s birthday today, let’s go out for a drink together]

[Brother Liu is finishing the wedding banquet, can he come out? 】

All similar content.

As long as someone who is well-known in the entertainment industry invites him to dinner, Jin Shu will invite Shen Mianyi to join him.

And Shen Mianyi replied "Okay" every time.

[Holy crap, how many people have passed by Jin Shu? 】

[This kind of woman is a prostitute in the entertainment industry. As long as someone with status invites her to dinner, she will lick her face and go to the party. She is not enough to be procured by herself, and she has to drag others along with her.]

[If you want to give me a hammer, I’ll give you a hammer. Now you have nothing to say, right?Whose nice guy keeps dragging his sisters out to drink with men?I guess there’s no need to explain more about what An’s intentions are here, right? 】

[Shen Mianyi is so miserable, there are so many old men here, I really don’t know how Jin Shu is able to do it]

Shen Mianyi laughed with satisfaction as she watched the direction of public opinion gradually go as she imagined.

Now Jin Shu has been nailed to the pillar of shame. She has dragged the original owner to socialize for so many years. The original owner must be too angry but dare not speak out.

Now she finally helped the original owner breathe a sigh of relief, and Jin Shu couldn't turn over now.

The entertainment industry has no place for this kind of garbage!

Two consecutive hot searches brought Jin Shu to the forefront.

The company's public relations team was on the front line and immediately sent network updates to Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

"What does Shen Mianyi mean? Are there any white-eyed wolves like her? In order to take her with you all these years, you must take her with you wherever the resource bureau goes.

If it weren't for you, how could a country girl gain a foothold in the industry just because of her? !
What does she want to do now? !She wants to kill you! "

Zhao Yan gritted his teeth and jumped up and down like a crazy monkey.

Jin Shu silently took off her headphones.

“What should ordinary people do if their rights are violated?”


"Take up the weapon of law to protect ourselves."

"...what are you trying to say?"

Jin Shu said leisurely.

"Find evidence and sue her."

(End of this chapter)

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