Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 147 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 147 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (30)

"You definitely have to file a lawsuit, but it's not as easy as you think. The whole process can take up to half a year or up to three months. If you wait until three months have passed to clarify, you'll be in trouble."

Prime PR time is within four hours of a scandal.

To clarify after three months is similar to taking a person to see a doctor three days after he died. He has already cooled down!

Zhao Yan's mania did not affect Jin Shu, she was still looking through the book in her hand.

"It's okay. We don't need to clarify. It's not good for her to do this."

"No need? Grandpa, you're finally a little dizzy now, can you please be more careful about your future? The TV series you just filmed has already been trending!"

Jin Shu nodded.

"It's good to be on trending searches. Don't let the free publicity go to waste."

"Are you out of your mind? Do you want this kind of blessing?"

"Don't worry, there are people who are more anxious than me. Also, Shen Mianyi is not to blame for this."


Zhao Yan looked at Jin Shu with a look similar to worry and despair in his eyes.

"I just thought you had a brain, what happened? Is your brain borrowed? Or has it expired?

Don't you blame Shen Mianyi?Who's to blame?Blame me? "

Jin Shu tried to comfort her.

"First of all, you have to figure out who our enemy is. It's not Shen Mianyi, but the first whistleblower. It was she who pushed me to the forefront. The first thing we need to solve is not Shen Mianyi, but the person who is secretly talking nonsense. that person."

"Call the police? You have to find evidence that she framed you!"

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.

"Isn't she just talking about one thing? For resources and money, I accepted the unspoken rules of these people in the circle.

This is the main contradiction. Once this contradiction is resolved, the evidence will come. "

"How to deal with it?"

"It's easy, you'll know tomorrow."

Zhao Yan took a deep breath.

"Then what should we do tonight? Just let the matter ferment on the Internet?!"

“Article 264 of the Criminal Law stipulates that whoever openly insults others by violence or other methods or fabricates facts to slander others, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance, or deprivation of political rights.

Any of the following circumstances shall be deemed to be a serious circumstance as stipulated in the first paragraph of Article 246 of the Criminal Law.

500. The same defamatory information is actually clicked or forwarded more than [-] times.

[-]. Cause serious consequences such as mental disorder, self-mutilation, or suicide of the victim or his close relatives.

[-]. Those who have received administrative punishment for defamation and defamed others within two years. "

Jin Shu recited the relevant legal provisions smoothly and smoothly.

Zhao Yan on the other side was dumbfounded.

"And the person who broke the news is that... Mr. He's little wife...

Her article has been retweeted more than [-] times, which alone is enough to send her to jail.

Not to mention, she was sued for defaming another female artist six months ago.

She takes advantage of being an artist and is too restricted to do evil in the dark. Fortunately, I don't care. "

Zhao Yan was speechless by Jin Shu.

In the end, I could only listen to her command.

Jin Shu went out early the next morning. Zhao Yan advised her not to show up at this juncture, but before she could finish her words, Jin Shu had already left.When she got downstairs, Jin Shu, who was born with sensitive five senses, immediately noticed the paparazzi and cameras hiding in the corner. She pretended not to know anything and got directly into the luxury car that had been parked downstairs waiting for a long time.

At this time, the car window was lowered, and sitting next to Jin Shu was a tall, middle-aged man wearing sunglasses. He was fat and had a face as big as a plate. He had a beard and a smile full of dazzling gold teeth.

The man talked and laughed at Jin Shu, and finally reached out and patted Jin Shu's back, and Jin Shu handed her coat directly to the other person. The two behaved intimately, talking and laughing all the way.

The camera in the paparazzi's hand clicked, and hundreds of photos almost turned the scene in front of him into a movie.

Less than 10 minutes later, Jin Shu saw new revelations on the Internet.


# seeking hammer, get hammer#
In an instant, there was an overwhelming amount of curses on the Internet.

Jin Shu’s Weibo has been completely devastated.

[No, no, no, you can’t help it?Dare to go on a date with the sponsor the next day? 】

[I want to know all the identities of this funder within 1 minute, thank you]

[Now the truth is gone, Jin Shu can do anything for money]

【vomit!She can also kill such a fat and ugly man. I really don’t envy her at all for making money! 】

[Oh my God, isn’t this just a fat pig?This kind of person looks like a nouveau riche at first glance. How much money can a nouveau riche have? Jin Shu, how hungry are you? 】

[I think I have seen this man, the richest man in Guangzhou, a boss with assets worth tens of billions, quite rich! 】

[I won’t serve this kind of man even if he gives me [-] million! 】

Browsing the comments online, Jin Shu looked calm.

"Shu Shu, what are you looking at? Let Dad look at it too?"

Jin Shu, who was looking at related words such as "fat pig", "ugly" and "disgusting", silently put the phone away.

"You don't want to see it."

Father Jin sat down angrily and listened to Jin Shu's instructions for the entire trip.

The two of them first went to the city's largest shopping mall and bought a bunch of things. Bags, clothes and jewelry worth millions filled the trunk to the brim.

During this period, Dad Jin’s only role was to swipe his card.

After shopping, the father and daughter found a luxurious restaurant to eat.

Father Jin couldn't get used to eating these things, but for the sake of his daughter, he still tried his best to pretend to enjoy it and ate the tasteless steak and salad in front of him.

"Shu Shu, are you short of money recently? Is [-] million enough? Your dad and I have recently sold some buildings and made a lot of money. I'll give you some more."

"Well, as you like."

There is such a father who loves to send money to his daughter when he has nothing to do. The original owner is very successful in the entertainment industry.

Although his IQ is not high, he quickly established a foothold in the circle due to his wealth and looks.

There is basically no contact between father and daughter except for financial exchanges. Father Jin also understands that the meager father-daughter relationship between himself and his daughter relies entirely on the millions he regularly sends every month.

He felt guilty, and he didn't dare to ask for anything too much, as long as his daughter was happy.

"Shu Shu, let's talk to dad."

After hearing this, Jin Shu calmly put down her phone, looked at him, and asked straightforwardly.

"How did you get my mother to agree to marry you in the first place?"

This question is very spicy.

Because Jin Shu's mother is a well-known beauty in the local area, it is no exaggeration to say that those who pursue her can go around the town.

Such a beautiful woman ended up marrying the rich and wealthy Daddy Jin who had nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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