Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 152 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

The time for make-up lessons has long been no longer limited to two hours.

Even sometimes on Saturdays and weekends, Mo Zhongxue could stay at Jin Shu's house all day.

The roommates gradually felt that something was wrong.

At first, Brother Mo only came back late occasionally, but now it is better. It is common to see no one all day long. When asked, he said that he was going to make up classes. Before his roommate could continue to ask, he had already left.

This trip can take at least half a day or as long as a day, and I always come back with a smile on my face, and once I even wore a women's scarf around my neck.

The question was that it was too cold. Jin Shu's manager was afraid that it would be too cold on her way back, so she gave him a scarf that Jin Shu had never used.

The suspicion in his roommate's eyes almost turned into reality, and he almost asked Mo Zhongxue in his ear, "Do you like Jin Shu?"

Mo Zhongxue looked calm.

"We are just two people with the same thoughts, discussing academic issues together. Don't think too much about it."

Are they overthinking this?
This guy almost stayed at Jin Shu's house. Is it really just to discuss academic issues?

One roommate was outspoken and said it directly.

"You are probably the only one in the world who can have such a good relationship with my future stepmother."

As soon as these words came out, the other two roommates who were fighting were instantly silenced.

Several people looked at Mo Zhongxue cautiously, but the other party looked indifferent.

"We only have an academic exchange relationship. Whether she can become my stepmother is still far away."

After all, he was the only one who knew that Mo Shen had been getting closer to another actress recently. Twice, he even saw the woman get into Mo Shen's car.

Although he is his own father, Mo Zhongxue still curses him in his heart, a scumbag.

Jin Shu is independent-minded and smart, so she shouldn't have too much involvement with such a man.

Thinking of this, Mo Zhongxue felt that it was time to talk to Mo Shen.

This is a father-son game. All nannies and servants have been cleared. The two of them are sitting in a gorgeous restaurant, looking at each other across a three-meter-long table.

It was too far away to talk, so Mo Zhongxue simply moved the chair next to Mo Shen.

"What's your relationship with that actress Shen Mianyi?"

"You investigate me?"

"That woman has been shopping on hot searches for several rounds. The whole Internet knows that she might want to be your second wife. Does this need investigation? You should pay attention to what is going on on the Internet sometimes. Stop living all day long. Like an old antique."

Mo Shen really didn't know this.

He is busy with work every day, and rarely holds his mobile phone when he is not busy. Most of his leisure time is either horseback riding or archery. He has never paid attention to these entertainment news.

"She and I should be considered friends."

"So you admit your relationship with Shen Mianyi?"

We are just friends, what can't we admit?

Mo Shen nodded.

Mo Zhongxue curled up his lips and smiled coldly.

"When you did this, did you ever think about her?"

Mo Shen was slightly startled, then smiled helplessly.

"Except that I have nothing to do with that woman, but Zhongxue, people should learn to look forward, and let her go by the past."

"This is what you said, she is already your past tense."

"Well, I said so."

Not to mention that the other party has been dead for many years, and that she is his sister-in-law, so she has nothing to do with him anyway.

In this way, the father and son talked about each other, and then inexplicably reached a tacit understanding.

Mo Zhongxue breathed a sigh of relief.The next meal was quite enjoyable, during which Mo Zhongxue took the initiative to toast Mo Shen.

"If possible, I hope you can find a more reliable woman and settle down as soon as possible."

"According to your good advice, your grandfather has been urging me a lot recently. I really should seriously consider this matter."

Although the old man has Alzheimer's disease, there is one thing he has not forgotten, that is, his younger son has not had a date yet.

Out of his father's instinct, he started calling more than a dozen times a day to remind her, which made Mo Shen extremely annoyed.

After lunch, Mo Shen asked again casually.

"How have you been doing in school lately?"


"You're still young, don't think about unrealistic things, you know? Yes, I'm talking about Jin Shu. It's time for you to recognize the reality."

Mo Zhongxue nodded.

"Well, I can see clearly that unsuitable people should part ways as soon as possible. I know what to do. I'll eat and see you later."

Mo Shen nodded happily.

It would be great if my son can figure it out.

Both father and son got the answers they wanted, especially Mo Zhongxue, who felt that communicating with Mo Shen was so comfortable for the first time.

Of course, it was a good thing that Mo Shen was willing to give up Jin Shu, but he turned to a scandal-ridden female artist with a record of misdeeds, which directly shattered the great filter that Mo Zhongxue had for him for more than ten years.

"As a son, I would like to advise you that there is something wrong with Shen Mianyi. If you are fine, you'd better watch more news."

After saying that, Mo Zhongxue left.

Mo Shen was left sitting there, thinking for a while and then smiled casually.

His kindness to Shen Mianyi was entirely out of repayment. No matter what kind of person she was, her kindness to the Mo family remained unchanged, and he had no intention of caring about the rest.

On the way back to the company, the secretary next to him was sorting out documents, and Mo Shen suddenly asked.

"If there is any entertainment news recently, please sort it out and show it to me."

The secretary was slightly shocked, then quickly packaged and sent all the recent trending news items to Mo Shen.

"The most famous one is this one, it's so popular, and it's related to Miss Shen."

Mo Shen took the computer and looked at it from top to bottom. At first, his face was just casual, but gradually, there were more thoughts and doubts in the eyes under the lenses.

"Go and check to see if the time and address mentioned here are accurate."

The secretary immediately sent someone to check, and the results were available in less than 10 minutes.

“The time on the Internet is relatively vague, but the time we found here is more accurate.

The time Ms. Shen committed suicide and was admitted to the hospital six months ago was [-]:[-] pm. Because the hospital is owned by the Mo family, the more accurate data we have here is that Ms. Shen was pronounced dead at [-]:[-] pm.

A miracle happened at [-]:[-], and Miss Shen was rescued.

At the same time, another time point mentioned in the article, that is, the time of Zhu Qianying's car accident was [-]:[-]. After the rescuers arrived, she was sent to the hospital for treatment. The doctor quickly issued a diagnosis. Zhu Qianying was Brain dead on the spot.

This is really amazing. One of the two people is dead, the other is brain dead, and the time is highly consistent.

And judging from the subsequent performance of Shen Mianyi, it is indeed very different from before, and the style has changed drastically.

This matter is indeed doubtful, but on second thought it seems a bit outrageous. "

Ridiculously coincidental.

It simply shocks people’s original outlook.

You have to believe that such outrageous things may really happen in this world.

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