Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 153 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

At this moment, the mobile phone beside him vibrated.

The secretary opened it and saw the content on it, and quickly handed it to Mo Shen.

"Boss, a message from Miss Shen."

This is the boss's work phone and mobile phone number. Usually the secretary will reply. Shen Mianyi is a bit special. As long as the content is not irrelevant, Mo Shen will usually reply personally.

[Mr. Mo, are you free tonight?I’ll invite you to a delicious restaurant. You don’t need to bring any gifts. It’s just a get-together with friends]

Shen Mianyi has invited Mo Shen to such small gatherings many times, and Mo Shen would almost never refuse her unless she was very busy at work.

It was the same this time, he replied with two words.


Soon Shen Mianyi sent over the address. This is a secluded Internet celebrity restaurant with good privacy and expensive price.

But the two of them are just ordinary friends, so choosing a place like this every time they have a meal seems a bit like making a fool of themselves.

The secretary whispered.

"You have been photographed by entertainment reporters dining with Miss Shen three times this month, and now there are rumors that you and Miss Shen are secretly dating.

You see, is there a need for team PR? "

"No, it will be over soon."

When the kindness is over, the two of them will no longer have anything to do with each other.

It's not like he didn't think about buying out the favor at once, and said he was willing to give her a sum of money and arrange resources for her for two years.

But Shen Mianyi showed disgust and hurt.

She doesn't seem to want to be tainted by these material things. In this case, let's find another way.

The resources that should be given should be given, and some appropriate help should be given in normal times for a period of one year. After one year, the two will not owe each other.

This is what Shen Mianyi agreed to.

After a year, she will not contact Mo Shen again, and the two of them will have nothing to do with each other.

It's not that Mo Shen couldn't tell Shen Mianyi's little thoughts. There was much more desire in her eyes than she showed.

Mo Shen could probably guess what she wanted to do with this year, but he didn't care. If this woman could really make him like her within a year, he wouldn't mind getting married directly. Anyway, He always needs a wife to appease the old man.

When she arrived at the restaurant, Shen Mianyi was waiting at the door wearing a red short skirt, black strappy high heels, and a camel trench coat.

When she saw Mo Shen, a smile broke out on her face, looking very happy.

The camera in the grass was taking pictures frantically, but Mo Shen avoided the other person's outstretched hand and strode in directly.

After sitting down, Shen Mianyi was still talking to him about recent events, and she smiled helplessly when she took the initiative to talk about soul transfer.

"If this kind of thing really existed in the world, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Mo Shen just smiled faintly, chatted casually as usual, and then asked casually.

"Is your back injury feeling better?"

Shen Mianyi was obviously stunned for a moment.

"What kind of back injury? I've been injured all these years of filming. I can't even remember which part you're talking about."

"How is your recovery going now from the injuries you sustained while saving my son?"

There was no fluctuation on Shen Mian's face, but her brain was running crazily. Combined with the recent events on the Internet and Mo Shen's seeming indifference today, she had no choice but to smile.

"What kind of waist injury? Mr. Mo, you remember it wrong, he didn't seem to be injured when I rescued him."

Mo Shen looked at her, the corners of his lips raised, his expression plain.

"Oh, maybe I remembered it wrong." Shen Mianyi's heart was pounding.

It's indeed a trap!Mo Shen must have doubted her identity, so he deliberately used what happened in the past to test her!

Even if she remembered the original owner's past memories vaguely, there must be something wrong with Mo Shen's question. Most likely, he was trying to trick her.

Sure enough, after answering, Mo Shen seemed to have changed back to his original appearance.

Shen Mianyi breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to mention, consciously or unconsciously, the impact of being ostracized at work and online gossip on herself.

Mo Shen nodded.

"Well, I see."

As before, as long as he knows, he will definitely help himself solve all problems.

Such a man, Shen Mianyi is not stupid, so she would agree to take the money and leave him.

This is a real mountain of gold in front of you. Endless resources and wealth are gathered in one person. If you get this person, you can share his wealth and resources. Even if you put aside these external material things, the man opposite is good enough. Fascinating.

Shen Mianyi believed that Mo Shen had a good impression of her in his heart, otherwise how could he give her the opportunity to meet and have dinner again and again?
As long as she has enough time, she is confident that she can win this man's heart.

After eating, Shen Mianyi got directly into Mo Shen's car. The secretary hurriedly went to the passenger seat, pulled up the fender, and drove the vehicle at a constant speed.

When they arrived at the place where Shen Mianyi lived, after getting off the car, Shen Mianyi did not leave in a hurry, but turned around and looked at Mo Shen in the car window.

"It's very cold. Do you want to go upstairs and have a cup of tea?"

Mo Shen looked at her, then shook his head, and closed the car window without waiting for Shen Mianyi to say anything else.


The car started immediately, leaving Shen Mianyi, who had only spoken half of his words, standing behind with a look of shock on his face.

In the past, Mo Shen would wait until she went upstairs before leaving. What happened today?Did he just abandon himself?

Regardless of the messy sleepiness in the wind, Mo Shen told his secretary directly.

"There is no need to reply to any calls or text messages from her in the future. There is also a public relations department that really needs to come forward to clarify."

The secretary moved to the back seat again, listened to the boss's arrangements and quickly took notes with her fingers, and then asked a question with a wink.

"What about the matter that I entrusted to Mr. Wang?"



How proud of Miss Shen is that she actually allowed Mr. Mo to ask a big boss in the entertainment industry, just to make Miss Shen's career in the industry smoother in the future.

The secretary once thought that Miss Shen was most likely the future boss's wife, so he treated her with respect.

Now it seems that the boss's preferences really change faster than the weather.

In just one day, that person was completely thrown into the cold palace.

Public relations, refuting rumors, contacting reporters to issue press releases, all this series of actions was done very quickly.

The hot search headlines came out that night.

#Moshi Chairman Mo Shen refutes rumors that he is in love with Shen Mianyi#
The boss came out to refute the rumors directly, and those scenes where they were photographed eating together now became a joke.

The secretary was very curious as to why the boss's attitude towards Shen Mianyi had changed 180 degrees.

Of course, he dared not ask.

As for why, Mo Shen felt sleepy when he looked at the hospital's diagnosis report. He had a lumbar sprain and was advised to rest at home for a month.

After all, he was a lifesaver. Even if the other party didn't want to involve him too much, Mo Shen still took the initiative to understand the other party's injuries.

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