Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 154 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

This injury is permanent and requires ongoing maintenance.

If it was really Shen Mianyi, it would be impossible for her to deny so firmly that she had never had a back injury.

Obviously, this fake "Shen Mianyi" guessed that the waist injury was just a cover to defraud her. She was smart enough to deny it immediately, but she didn't expect that Mo Shen wanted this kind of reaction from her.

Her performance was extremely poor, and Mo Shen had already seen through the ambition and greed written in her eyes.

He does not dislike a woman who strives to be social. After all, as a disadvantaged group, having such courage and perseverance is already worthy of respect from others.

But he doesn't like people who are too greedy.

It's a pity that Shen Mianyi is such a person.

But now she no longer even has the identity of Shen Mianyi, so in Mo Shen's eyes, she is worse than a stranger at this time.

This cut was clean and crisp, catching Shen Mianyi off guard.

She was frightened, worried, and afraid. She originally thought that people like Mo Shen would never believe such mysterious things, but now his behavior clearly shows that he also believes the rumors on the Internet, and he also wants to leave. By myself.

Shen Mianyi was panicked like never before.

She can be abandoned by anyone, but not Mo Shen, because as long as Mo Shen is here, she can be completely taken away from this dark mire and endless abyss.

At first, the phone call couldn't be reached and the text messages were never answered. Later, Shen Mianyi went directly to the downstairs of Mo's branch to wait for him. Mo Shen was not seen all day and night.

She was so frightened that she lived in panic all day long.

In fact, since she accepted Shen Mianyi's body, she has seen a prosperous world that she had never had the opportunity to see before, letting her know that there are so many possibilities in life, and that what she can get is far more than the broken silver coins. two.

She has long been addicted to this physical job.

No matter what, I don’t want to lose everything I gained.

The agent and assistant looked at her very strangely, as if they were looking at something dirty.

Shen Mianyi had tried hard to keep her emotions stable, fearing that someone would get caught after she broke her guard.

Because of Mo Shen's clarification, several heroine resources that were originally scheduled have now been temporarily replaced.

In addition, even several confirmed endorsements quickly deleted all Weibo related to her after the incident.

In one day, Shen Mianyi received five termination notices, and because her image was unilaterally damaged, she could not get a penny of liquidated damages and had to pay back compensation.

Shen Mianyi had never endured so much pressure and malice.

She was isolated and helpless. Her company had given up on her, and her agent had also given up on her. Several artists who had taken the initiative to be friends with her and made appointments to join the entertainment industry could not be contacted at all now. What made Shen Mianyi even more difficult to accept was that He Shaoyu's attitude.

She took the initiative to ask He Shaoyu out for dinner.

But the other party only replied to her, forget about eating, and talk on the phone if there was anything else.

Shen Mianyi kept choking and her voice was hoarse and haggard. She turned on the video and looked at He Shaoyu with tears in her eyes.

"You, like them, suspect that I am not Shen Mianyi? When I met you, I was just me."

"Does it matter what I think? Whether you are yes or no, it has nothing to do with me. Do you have anything else to say?" He Shaoyu frowned and his face turned dark. It could be seen that he had been Life is hard.

But it's normal, because He Shaoyu's beloved wife's account was hacked, and even if He Shaoyu peeled off a layer of skin, he couldn't get rid of the smell all over his body.

At the beginning, his fans collectively attacked many female artists online, but while he was cooperating with the company and the female artists' popularity, he repeatedly chose to hide when the other party was besieged by his fans.

This trick has worked well in the past few years, but now it suddenly doesn't work anymore.

He was severely scolded by the entire Internet, his fan base dropped like crazy, and he even lost several important resources.

Not only that, but the fact that he was in love with Shen Mianyi made him deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion. Now that it was difficult for him to protect himself, how could he still want to have a relationship with Shen Mianyi.

The clarification announcement has been written, and it is better to just say that the two of them are just friends and have never been in a relationship, which may cause some scolding, than admitting that they have been in a relationship with Shen Mianyi.

Facing He Shaoyu's cold attitude, Shen Mianyi couldn't help but tremble.

Is this still the He Shaoyu she has liked for many years?

The man in front of her was irritable, irritable, twisted, and dark. He seemed to be avoiding and disgusting with himself, which deeply hurt Shen Mianyi's heart.

"What do you mean by the announcement? Didn't we fall in love? We kissed in the car, at your house..."

"Shut up! I don't care who you are, you've hurt me enough now!
Is it wrong that I don’t want to be involved with you, who is neither a human nor a ghost?What's more, when you were having a heated fight with that Mr. Mo, did you ever consider me?

In short, I have nothing to do with you now, so don’t bother me again after hanging up the phone!

It's so unlucky to know someone like you!

If you really don't want to sleep, just go back to your body! "

A star-chasing idiot with a bad record, using other people's skin to disguise the darkness and distortion in his heart. He Shaoyu only felt disgusted. It was because of this person that he had fallen to this point. This kind of person could just be a rat in the gutter. Why? Do you have to openly harm yourself? !

After hanging up the phone, Shen Mianyi stood in front of the window blankly. All the life force seemed to have been sucked out of his body in an instant. His body could no longer bear the weight of his soul and instantly collapsed to the ground.

This is the man she has loved and protected for so long.

In the end, he's just a selfish, cowardly piece of trash!
"It was you who betrayed me first... I have always loved you and guarded your secrets. It was you who betrayed me first. Don't blame me..."

As He Shaoyu's station sister for nearly ten years, Shen Mianyi knew almost everything about his life.

His home address, his social connections, his family members, and the unforgettable things he has done behind his back to the media and fans.

No one knows their artists better than their fans.

Especially Zhu Qianying, an illegitimate fan who chases He Shaoyu all over the world with long guns and short cannons.

She tremblingly logged into the network disk and downloaded all the photos hidden deep inside. In addition to the photos, there were also videos, the shooting address, and the time were all clearly marked.

This is the unique secret of Zhu Qianying and He Shaoyu. She used to feel satisfied guarding these secrets for herself, but now it is meaningless to guard them all for him.

So, she packaged them all and sent them out anonymously.

That night, He Shaoyu recruited prostitutes overseas, was caught drunk driving, insulted fans, and had intimate photos with some rumored female artists who had been exposed online. All were made public.

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