Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 158 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

What do ordinary people compare to people like Jin Shu who are born with good fortune?

She already has so much, why not make her feel better?
Shen Mianyi has also figured it out these days.

The turning point in my destiny was all because of Jin Shu.

If it weren't for Jin Shu, there was no way he would have fallen to this point.

She clearly knew that she had done nothing wrong. The only thing she did wrong was that her background was not good enough. The only thing that made her inferior to Jin Shu was that she did not have a father like her behind her.

Thinking of this, she pulled up her mask and continued walking inside with the large army.

A secretary specially took them on a tour, starting from the first floor and taking the elevator up, and finally reaching the top floor of the 32nd floor.

This is the chairman's office, and everyone is holding a video camera. After all, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Chairman Jin's office. How can I not record it properly?

Father Jin is already waiting for them in the office.

Everyone sat at the conference table, with a pen and paper in front of them, and a huge conference screen directly opposite them.

When Dad came out, he smiled and said hello to everyone.

"It's not easy for everyone to come here, so we won't waste time and get started. Don't you want to know whether our company's operations are legal and regulated?

Come on, this is all internal information of the company. Take a good look at it. If you still have any doubts or doubts, feel free to raise them. We have only one purpose today, to answer your questions so that everyone can go back with understanding. "

In the next two hours, Dad Jin directly disclosed the entire development history of the company in the past few decades, and disclosed the tax payment records of these years. The tax amount of nearly [-] million every year made Dad stand straight when he spoke.

Based on this, no one can say that he is not a good businessman.

Finally, and most importantly, Dad directly asked someone present to call the Capital Education Bureau to check Jin Shu's college entrance examination results and review Jin Shu's college entrance examination papers.

The other party soon gave a reply.

"Jin Shu's test paper has been reviewed here and there are no problems. If you have any questions, please call the supervisory phone number."

Because this matter caused such a big fuss, in order to maintain the fairness of the college entrance examination and reduce the influence of this matter as quickly as possible, the people who reviewed the test papers also speeded up and gave a reply as soon as possible.

At this point, those who clamored that there was a problem with Jin Shu's grades had completely shut up.

More than a dozen people looked at each other. They didn't know what to say now. After all, the organizer had promised when they came here that the father and daughter of the Jin family would definitely be able to find out the problem. If they couldn't find out, she would pay for all the air tickets and accommodation. .

Now that the evidence was in front of them, everyone looked at the tightly wrapped man in the corner.

At this moment, Shen Mianyi, who was wearing a mask and sunglasses, lowered his voice and spoke.

"Mr. Jin, anyone can make a phone call. After all, your tax payment data is just a piece of paper. Do you think this evidence is convincing enough to appease everyone?"

"Also, this matter is obviously related to Jin Shu, but she didn't show up from beginning to end. Is she feeling guilty?"

Daddy Jin sat back on the sofa and looked at her. The smile on his face just now disappeared, leaving only the seriousness and indifference of the superior.

"I have something to tell you. There is absolutely no need for me to prove this to you. It's difficult for everyone to agree. I'm a businessman and I'm very busy. I don't have time to waste time with you people.

If I have a problem, the country will sanction me.

It's not your turn to point fingers here.

I do this entirely because of my daughter. I don’t want her to think that her father is a domineering and unreasonable person, so now you have the opportunity to sit here and talk to me on an equal footing.I have said everything I need to say. If you have any questions, please contact our legal department directly. "

If you have the patience to give them so much face and let them sit here, and patiently explain so much to them, and yet you are still making excuses here with all the evidence in front of you, then don't blame Father Jin for getting down to business.

After all, the person who raises the question is responsible for providing evidence. If they still have questions, let them find the evidence themselves.

Father Jin left the scene directly, and instead someone from the company's legal department sat across from him and started talking seriously, professionally and indifferently.

The last dozen or so people who had never seen such a scene stood up and left one by one, as if running away. It was not until they left the building that the ever-present sense of oppression finally disappeared.

More than a dozen people looked at Shen Mianyi, who was the last one to come out.

"I'm so hungry. I originally planned to have a staff meal at someone else's company, but now it's fine. The boss is angry and left. What should we eat for lunch today?"

Guangshi is a famously expensive place. A casual meal here will cost two to three thousand for a dozen people.

Shen Mianyi took everyone to eat at the restaurant with the lowest per capita consumption. Amid some people's complaints, they finished the meal in a strange atmosphere. When the final check was taken, it was still more than 1000.

This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury for Shen Mianyi, who is almost out of ammunition and food.

Not to mention, she also promised to reimburse everyone for round-trip air tickets and hotels.

After all, it's tens of thousands.

Before Shen Mianyi came, she was sure that the Jin family would use money to silence them.

After all, he dared to let them pass openly, wasn't it the best preparation for bribery?

Otherwise, can the Jin family's enterprise and Jin Shu's achievements really stand up to scrutiny?

But she never expected that Father Jin could be so domineering!Don't give them a chance to debate at all, just forcefully suppress them!

"I didn't want to come at all in the first place! Isn't this just a waste of time? Now it's okay, I still asked for leave. You have to reimburse me for lost work time."

"Why do you have to mess with the Jin family? They have a great business, and I'm even afraid that I won't be able to get out of this place."

"Let's go now. There's nothing wrong with them. They make us look like clowns."

Everyone looked at Shen Mianyi who didn't even take off her hat and mask while eating, and couldn't help but wonder about her identity.

"How much hatred do you have with Jin Shu? Why do you have to drag her into trouble?"

Shen Mianyi didn't dare to show her face. She had been hungry for a long time but now she didn't even have the courage to take off her mask and eat.

Now that things had turned out like this, she was very anxious and angry. Listening to the noisy voices of these people, she stood up suddenly.

"You guys eat first, I'll go out and use the bathroom."

Everyone didn't think much and continued eating.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Shen Mianyi was nowhere to be seen, that everyone finally realized what he was doing and quickly asked the girls who were traveling with him to go to the bathroom to take a look.

"Damn it! That guy ran away!!"

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