Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 159 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

By the time everyone found out, Shen Mianyi had already arrived at the airport alone.

She is not stupid.

Why should she bear everyone's expenses?

No one knows her anyway. If she doesn’t run away, will she stay where she is and be slaughtered by them?

She had already bought her own ticket, and now she just needed to take her ID card to check in. As soon as she reached the check-in counter and reached into her pocket to get her ID card, she suddenly found that her wallet was gone!

At this time, in the hotel, a girl who was wearing a mask and hat like Shen Mianyi stood up and spoke slowly when everyone was at a loss.

"She left her purse behind when she left."

When everyone heard this, they immediately came together to take a look.

Shen Mianyi could do something like run away, so everyone looked at her wallet without any psychological burden. None of the people here were moral people, so they opened the wallet without hesitation.

"Look, look what's in there!"

"ID card! Damn hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha The ID card is still in there!"

He hurriedly took out his ID card. As soon as he saw the name on the ID card, after a brief silence, the crowd suddenly burst into sharp laughter.

"Holy shit, shit!! Shen Mianyi!! Hahahahaha!! It's actually Shen Mianyi!!"

"Really or not? I bet it's true! Is Shen Mianyi the one staying with us along the way?"

"Why is she here? Just to attack Jin Shu? Oh my god, she really doesn't hate Jin Shu so much! No wonder she organized us to come here. I'm still wondering what kind of hatred she has against Jin Shu!"

"Shen Mianyi is a star to some extent, right? Just ran away for this little money? He ran away and left his ID card behind. This is really the most magical thing I have ever encountered this year! Where is the camera? Come on, come on, take a picture of this!
Who in the family understands?It was Shen Mianyi who organized us to come to Guangzhou!The most important thing is that she didn’t want to pay and ran away!Hahahahaha I am really going to laugh to death from this woman!What on earth is she doing? "

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room soared crazily.

[Okay, okay, Zhu Qianying, what other outrageous things can you do?]

[I am now more and more certain that she is Zhu Qianying, it is really outrageous, but no one in their right mind would do such a thing]

[How jealous is she of Jin Shu? 】

[Can a Taoist priest come and take her in?I really don't want her to continue to harm this great beauty Shen Mianyi! 】

[Shen Mianyi’s parents also had a live broadcast just now, and the old couple also said in the live broadcast room that this Shen Mianyi is not their biological daughter now, and her biological parents are dead. Zhu Qianying, get out of here! 】

In the corner, the girl wearing a mask looked at the excitement and excitement of the people in front of her, and there was a smile in her calm eyes.

Anyway, the college entrance examination is over and a major event has been settled. Now Jin Shu has plenty of time to have fun with Zhu Qianying.

Didn't she deliberately organize netizens to attack her?
Then Jin Shu also joined in.

Regardless of whether you can beat it or not, join first and then talk about it.

Seeing that Zhu Qianying wanted to run away, Jin Shu directly got her wallet. Without her ID card, she would not be able to leave Guangzhou today.

In the end, Jin Shu found Shen Mianyi in a hotel next to the airport.

No ID is required here, and it's the closest to the airport. Jin Shu asked the front desk for today's check-in information, and added some benefits. Soon, she stood at the door of the room, looking directly at Shen Mianyi who came to open the door. On.

Shen Mianyi was stunned for a long time. When she realized that the person standing in front of her was Jin Shu, she suddenly sneered.

"What? Are you here to see my joke?"

Then her eyes turned red again, and she reached out and grabbed Jin Shu's sleeve.

"Jin Shu, what do you want? Can you let me go? We used to be best friends, but now I have fallen to this point, what else do you want?" "I came to you, there is only one thing thing."

"what's up?"

Shen Mianyi looked wary.

Jin Shu smiled.

"I want to know how you possessed Shen Mianyi. I thought about it for a long time. The most likely possibility is that you two had an accident at the same time. Your desire to survive is stronger than hers, so you took over her. Body."

Shen Mianyi stared at her, and suddenly, she thought of something.

An accident occurred at the same time, and a stronger desire to survive...

If there is really a chance to transfer the soul, then why can't this happen again?

Anyway, she has nothing now. She is desperate and is worse off than dead. What is there to lose by trying again?
Thinking of this, Shen Mianyi's eyes flashed fiercely. She tried to stay calm, but her voice was still trembling a little.

"It's not safe to talk here. Go in and talk. Anyway, I have nothing to hide from you now. I'll tell you everything. Can you just let me go from now on?"

Fortunately, Jin Shu didn't notice anything strange at all and just followed him through the door.

Shen Mianyi locked the door, fastened the chain, and then looked around.

"Sit down, I ordered some wine, do you want some?"

Jin Shu didn't seem to pay her any attention at all, and opened a can of beer without warning.

"I am indeed not sleeping."

The two chatted while drinking.

While she was in the bathroom, Shen Mianyi ground the sleeping pills she usually took into powder and sprinkled it into her beer.

Not long after two bottles, Jin Shu fell asleep.

Shen Mian saw the situation and was ecstatic.

She tried hard to think of a way for two people to approach death at the same time, and at the same time, Jin Shu had to die before she did.

In the end she chose to jump off the building.

This hotel has six floors, and she lives on the sixth floor. When she opens the window, there is an abandoned garbage dump.

The two of them jumped down together. If she stood on the left, she could land on top of the garbage in the garbage dump and save her life.

Jin Shu was on the right, where there was only bare concrete. If she fell in this state, she would definitely die.

After thinking of the method, Shen Mianyi didn't hesitate at all. She first dragged Jin Shu to sit on the window sill with great effort, and then she jumped up and sat on her while supporting Jin Shu's body.

Before the two of them turned down with their backs facing each other, Shen Mianyi checked the garbage pile under her again to make sure that she could be caught. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Jin Shu, you have enjoyed it for so many years, it's time for someone else to enjoy it."

After saying that, she let go of her hand and fell back while holding Jin Shu's arm.

At this moment, Jin Shu on the side did not move at all.

Shen Mianyi's eyes widened in horror. Before she could even react to what was going on, her body fell backwards uncontrollably!

At this moment, she looked up and saw Jin Shu who had opened her eyes at some point, holding the window frame firmly with one hand.

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