Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 160 9 Leaky Fish Actresses Are the King of Rolls

She sat firmly on the window sill, then smiled and waved to Shen Mianyi and said something.

"You should go back too."

With a bang, Shen Mianyi's body fell on the garbage pile, and the violent impact caused her to fall into coma instantly.

Jin Shu walked downstairs unhurriedly and looked at Shen Mianyi who was in a coma. When there was no one around, she walked up to her and bit her finger to draw a talisman on her forehead. Finally, she tapped her fingertip lightly. , the next second, Shen Mianyi's body completely collapsed.

As the strongest person in the six realms, she could easily solve such a trivial matter as "soul transfer" before.

But in today's society, spiritual power is insufficient. Even if you know how to break it, you can't stand it without the help of strength.

So Jin Shu specially went to the place with the strongest spiritual power in the country for two days to practice the method of cracking it.

She had done what she had to do, and the rest had to be left to the law.


On the hospital bed, Zhu Qianying, who was dressed in hospital clothes, suddenly stood up from the bed.

She gasped for air and looked at everything around her in panic.

It's a simple ward, surrounded by patients.

This is not a deluxe single room!

She did not become Jin Shu!
So where is she?Who saved her?Who sent her to the hospital?

At this moment, the patient on the side pointed at her and shouted.

"Wake up! You wake up!! Nurse! Nurse! Zhu Qianying wakes up!!"

Zhu Qianying stared at her and subconsciously retorted.

"I'm not Zhu Qianying!! Don't talk nonsense! I'm Shen Mianyi!!"

The man was yelled into confusion.

She pointed in the mirror fearfully.

"Aren't you Zhu Qianying? Are you crazy?"

Zhu Qianying turned around fiercely and looked at the mirror hanging on the wall. The moment she saw the face in the mirror, her eyes widened and she screamed uncontrollably!

"Ah——!! Ah——!! Fake! This is fake! What kind of broken mirror is this!"

She stood up and pulled off the mirror and smashed it to the ground.

As a result, Zhu Qianying's face turned into hundreds of pieces facing her. No matter how much she rubbed it, nothing changed.

At this time, doctors and nurses came over. Seeing Zhu Qianying losing control of her emotions, several nurses rushed up to hold her down, and then injected an injection of sedative into Zhu Qianying's body.

As her body slowly collapsed, Zhu Qianying was still thinking in despair.

"I'm not Zhu Qianying, I'm dreaming, this is all fake! This is all fake!"

Soon the police came.

Zhu Qianying is expected to face more than ten years in prison because of her slander and slander, which has caused irreparable mental and physical harm to many female artists.

She was unconscious at first, and there was nothing the law could do to her.

Now that she was awake, it was time for her punishment.

Zhu Qianying pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool, trying to make herself look like a mentally ill person. However, after examination, there was no mental problem with her. She was sober from beginning to end, but she was just unwilling to accept the facts.

In the end, Zhu Qianying was arrested when she woke up, and Shen Mianyi fell to her death from a building and became hot searches at the same time.

Everyone seemed satisfied with the result.

[It seems that one of the bosses couldn't bear it anymore and took action. Zhu Qianying finally received the punishment she deserved! 】

【Shen Mianyi can finally rest in peace】

Many fans attended Shen Mianyi's funeral on their own initiative.

Mo Shen also showed up. He stood in the crowd, looked at Shen Mianyi's photo, smiled bitterly, and then turned around and left.

Jin Shu presented her with a flower and hugged her parents.


"I... we know, we have known for a long time... This is good, this will also allow my child to rest in peace and be reincarnated as soon as possible." Jin Shu looked at the two crying old people and returned to the beginning of her thoughts.

She had long known how to solve the problem of soul transfer, but she had been silent for a long time, just waiting to see the attitude of the two old people.

If they know that their daughter is dead but are unwilling to accept it, then suspend the plan and give them some time to calm down.

But the two old men obviously did not want the foreign invaders to continue to occupy their daughter's body, so Jin Shu did not hesitate and drove Zhu Qianying out directly.

Grief is inevitable.

This is the normal state of the world, and there is nothing Jin Shu can do.

After Shen Mianyi was buried, Jin Shu received the admission notice and successfully enrolled in a certain school.

This is not the first time she has gone to college. There is not much new ideas, but she has completed her studies step by step, and finally won the title of an undergraduate for the original owner, completing her regret.

After that, Jin Shu was going to take on several good movies and TV series. After the university graduation ceremony, she went to receive the Best Actress and Best Actress awards.

In the eyes of others, just completing one task would be enough to brag about it for a lifetime, but Jin Shu got all of them in just four years.

During the interview, the reporter asked her what it was like to be a genius.

Under the dazzling light, Jin Shu thought of her past self.

She seemed to be born a genius.

But in the end, the end was miserable.

The aura of genius has never been something worth showing off to her.

She knew that what supported her life to this day was her calm mind that gradually allowed her to see the world more clearly as time went by.

She is lucky.

Have twice as much time as ordinary people.

So no matter how much honor she gets, she can maintain the greatest degree of humility and calmness.

“I get these honors not just because of my hard work, but also because I’m lucky enough.

Thank you all for your support and love, thank you. "

Still a step-by-step answer.

It seemed that no one could see the joy or sorrow on Jin Shu's face.

Some people even spent a lot of time studying her inner journey, but in the end nothing happened.

Like everyone else, Mo Zhongxue was also curious about Jin Shu.

Jin Shu was his school girl, and before Mo Zhongxue graduated from college, he took the initiative to express his feelings.

He was so nervous that night that he even breathed carefully.

He thought that the academic similarities between the two of them were enough to qualify him to stay with Jin Shu.

But unexpectedly, Jin Shu only replied to him with one sentence.

"I don't belong to anyone, I belong to myself, I don't love anyone, I only love myself."

He replied subconsciously.

"I don't need you to love me now, it's okay to accept me and then love me slowly."

"I don't even love you, so why should I have to accept you? Are you willing to form a family with someone you don't like?"

This sentence directly silenced Mo Zhongxue.

Not loving is the original sin.

This question has no solution.

But Mo Zhongxue has a stubborn temper and is willing to spend his whole life doing what he wants to do.

Then he remained single until old age.

After Jin Shu fulfilled all her wishes, she enjoyed her life and found a place she liked to rest.

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