Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 164 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Experiments have proven that this black water is only corrosive to human skin, and you can still swim in the water as long as you take good protection.

It was in this building materials market that Jin Shu saw a shop specializing in custom-made explosion-proof doors.

Floods and earthquakes are coming fiercely, and these good things are left here without anyone caring about them.

The door of the hostess's house is equipped with a double-layer explosion-proof door. It will not move even if it is chopped with a knife or ax, giving a full sense of security.

There is no need for a double layer. After all, if someone else really uses thermal weapons, the wall will not last long, and it will be useless to have two doors standing there.

Jin Shu liked it very much, but it was too heavy for her to carry, let alone up to ten floors.

"Arnold, how did I perform in the previous few worlds?"

"very good."

Arnold was a little confused. Jin Shu would never call him during the mission.

"Then give me a reward, like this pendant. I want one more thing."

Arnold thought about it and agreed readily.

"Tell me what you want."

"A ring, made of wood, on my hand."

When she said this, Arnold understood.

She wants this...

"I can take it over, but let me tell you in advance that the spiritual power of this world is incomparable to your original world, and the effect of that ring will be greatly reduced."

"Well it's okay."

As soon as she finished speaking, a wooden ring appeared in Jin Shu's palm. She immediately put it on her index finger. The next second, a square space of only ten cubic meters appeared in front of her eyes.

Compared with the previous space, it is indeed much less.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s better than nothing.

Such a large space is enough for her to take away many good things.

Jin Shu immediately took in the explosion-proof door in front of her, followed by the door frame, door lock, hinges, sealing strips, etc.

In addition, Jin Shu collected several pieces of bullet-proof glass. Although there was no power for the time being, she still had to bring the cutting machine.

Having this baby is so convenient. It doesn’t matter if the space is limited. Jin Shu doesn’t mind running two more times. It’s just for exercise anyway.

During this period, she passed by a supermarket, and almost everything inside had been plundered. Jin Shu paddled a kayak and searched around inside, and finally found a cold storage at the back door of the supermarket where no one was paying attention.

After opening it, I found that there was still a lot of air conditioning in the cold storage that had been out of power for three months!
Only then did Jin Shu discover that there was an independent solar generator next to the cold storage.

No wonder there is air conditioning inside for such a long time. In the apocalypse, the daytime temperature is as high as over 60 degrees. Such a strong light and heat source is enough for the generator to operate normally. At night, the temperature will drop sharply to minus 50 degrees. At this time, it is not possible. The generator needs to be running.

Jin Shu walked in and found that many things inside had been taken away.

Obviously, someone has discovered this place. The reason why there are so many is because the other party has not had time to transport them all away. After all, these frozen foods are not easy to store. They can only temporarily put these things away until a better way is found. Stay here.

Now it’s cheaper for Jin Shu.

Boxes of beef rolls and lamb rolls, take them all away.Among the chilled fruits, there are actually a lot of durians, which are rare and good things. Although Jin Shu doesn't eat much, these things can be used as hard currency, so she took them.

In addition, there were large chunks of beef and pork packaged in large chunks. Because they were exclusively for the boutique supermarket in front of her, the quality of the meat was very good. Jin Shu took them all away without hesitation.

There are still a lot of frozen chicken, duck and fish left, which are also placed in boxes. Seven or eight boxes of zero and zero are all stuffed into the space ring.

In the end, Jin Shu brought back all the frozen vegetables, frozen cooked food semi-finished products, and chilled fruits in two trips.

When only ice cubes were left in the entire cold storage, Jin Shu returned home with satisfaction.


After getting the door and glass, the still time was almost over. Jin Shu looked at her watch. It was almost six o'clock in the evening.

In other words, her resting time started at six o'clock this time.

There was still a long time before dawn. Jin Shu studied the installation of the explosion-proof door in a leisurely manner and found that the steps were not difficult. The main reason was that it required too much effort.

This was easy to do. Jin Shu found a small loader in the building materials market, which just filled the remaining space.

With this, the steps to install the door are much simpler.

It was almost the same size as Jin Shu expected. It was a standard entrance door size. I dismantled the previous door and installed the explosion-proof door frame. Although I was not very skilled in the steps, I still installed the door after a night of effort.

Finally, just wait for the sealing strip inside to dry and fix.

With this door, ordinary thermal weapons will definitely not be able to get in. This is enough. If someone really wants to use a cannon to blast, this place is not enough.

Arnold said that she has only one mission in this world, and that is to live as long as possible. The longer she lives, the better.

So Jin Shu's only goal now is to survive, and to survive well.

She rearranged the entire house, and used all the bedrooms to store food and water. She had to store enough food and fresh water before the apocalypse intensified.

As the night went on, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower. The temperature of nearly minus [-] degrees made activities extremely slow.

Even though he put on an extremely cold down jacket, he still couldn't resist the coldness that invaded his bones.

Fortunately, there is a stove at home. A fire is lit in the living room. There is an iron shelf on the stove. The boiling hot water in the kettle on the shelf gushes out.

The heat has been dissipated a lot, but it's not enough.

After the water boiled, Jin Shu filled three or four hot water bottles and stuffed them into the bed. In order to make it easier to observe the outside environment, she directly dragged Simmons' mattress to the living room and spread a layer of down quilt, a layer of cashmere quilt, and the innermost layer. There is also a cold-proof sleeping bag that has been warmed by a hot water bottle.

When the hot pot was placed on the stove, the spicy base melted in the remaining hot water, and soon the whole house was filled with a spicy aroma.

Take out the beef, mutton, vegetables, and some frozen fish and shrimp that came back from the cold storage. Wash them and put them on the plate. Everything is ready.

The fire was burning brightly, because Jin Shu had removed all the flammable objects in the living room, and the stove was burning kerosene, so there was nothing to worry about.

The cold air around him was driven away, and his hands and feet, which were almost numb from the cold, gradually warmed up and became very warm.

The original owner's body had been hungry for a long time. When he smelled the aroma of food rolling in the spicy pot, he became very energetic for a moment.

First pick up a large piece of mutton and dip it in the prepared sesame sauce.

After one sip, not only the body but also the soul will be greatly comforted.

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