Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 165 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Isn't this the meaning of life?

There was food, drink, and a little nest.

For the first time, Jin Shu's requirements for life have dropped to such a low level. In the past, she ate all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, wore silks and satins, and was accompanied by servants. She was never like this now, alone guarding the warm stove, eating hot pot and listening to the music outside the window. The sound of rain became more intense.

The temperature outside the window has dropped to nearly 55 degrees.

The strange rain will not be frozen, but will become more violent.

The window was shaking violently due to the strong wind, and Jin Shu took a look.

This window won't last long. According to the original plot, a wave of tornadoes will hit the city soon, and countless people will die in this tornado.

She had to reinforce the windows before disaster struck.

Perhaps it was because she hadn’t eaten such fresh and delicious food for a long time. Jin Shu had a lot of snot and tears. In the end, her stomach was aching. Only then did she realize that she had been eating for a long time. I am full.

Put away the pots and pans and pack up all the leftover food to make noodles tomorrow morning.

Looking at the frost on the window outside, Jin Shu rubbed her hands and quickly got into the sleeping bag under the quilt.

Wrap yourself layer by layer, then sleep with your eyes closed while holding a hot water bottle.

The original owner probably hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long, long time.

The screams outside lasted for a long time before Jin Shu was woken up.

Someone was knocking on the door, and along with the cry for help, Jin Shu opened her sleeping bag and looked at her watch.

It's four o'clock in the morning.

It's still dark, the temperature is still around minus [-] degrees, and the remaining fuel in the stove slowly spreads the temperature from a small flame.

But it was soon blown away by an even colder chill.

Jin Shu looked outside the door.

Her sealing strips are not completely dry yet, and people outside are kicking and kicking them. Although they can't get in, they still affect the use of the door behind it.

After putting on her clothes and getting up, picking up the kitchen knife, Jin Shu stood at the door and looked out through the peephole.

It was dark outside the door. You could vaguely see a few people standing outside with flashlights and whispering something. There was also a person who kept beating on the door. The words in his mouth gradually changed from pleading to... Cursed.

"Open the door! What a sissy! It turns out you are at home all the time!! Open the door quickly!"

Damn sissy, Jin Shu thought for a moment and confirmed that he was the original owner of this home.

In Jin Shu's view, the word "sissy" not only insults men, but also insults women. The original owner was just gentle and good-looking, but his courage in the face of death was not what those outside the door claimed to be men. No beast can compare.

Jin Shu calmed down and listened to what was going on outside.

Her hearing was far better than that of ordinary people, and the low-pitched discussions of those outside through the thick door panels could still be heard clearly.

"I have confirmed several times before that there is no one on this floor, but today I heard the movement upstairs, very clearly! And the smell in this room is very fragrant.

There must be someone here!And there are a lot of supplies! "

"The damn bitch has been hiding for so long!"

"When was this door replaced? I didn't even notice it when I came here before!"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, there must be someone in the house who has supplies. If you break in, you probably won't be able to get in. You have to find a way to get him to open the door."

There was some muttering outside for a while, and after a while, a woman's cry sounded. "Please, please open the door. We don't mean any harm. There is a child at home who is about to starve to death. We don't want anything. We just ask you to give us some water. The city has been without water for too long, and all the previously stored water is gone." Without black water pollution, children will really die of thirst if they can’t drink water!”

Jin Shu looked at the woman's performance outside with an expressionless face.

She was indeed holding a child in her arms. When she talked about her sadness, she pinched the child hard, and the child who was shivering from the cold immediately opened his mouth and burst into tears.

But at just over a year old, he cried terribly.

Jin Shu had a sullen face and was indifferent.

The three men hiding behind saw that there was no movement at all, and they were instantly furious.

"Damn you bastard! You're a piece of trash that refuses to save you! Don't let me see you coming out! If you dare to show your head, I will definitely kill you!"

The other party is hard-hearted, and this kind of bitter trick will not work on her, so there is no need to waste time.

The last few people cursed and left. The child was still crying, and the woman cried so hard that she almost fainted while holding the child.

She followed the man and went back together holding back tears.

Seeing that everyone had left, Jin Shu withdrew her gaze.

She guessed that there were other people living in this building, so she acted within the stationary time.

Now it seems that strengthening the doors and windows is indeed the right decision, otherwise the original door would not be able to withstand the opponent's continuous kicking.

As time went by, the temperature quickly rose.

From 30 a.m. to [-] a.m., in just three hours, the temperature soared from minus [-] degrees to over [-] degrees. It was like throwing the earth directly from the freezer to a big stove, with almost no transition time.

Such a terrible temperature difference between day and night makes it impossible for humans, as endothermic animals, to adapt.

Newborn children almost all died.

Humans simply cannot survive in such an extreme climate.

By eight o'clock in the morning, the temperature had climbed into the forties.

The room, which was cold enough to freeze everything last night, turned into a steamer.

The higher the floor, the higher the temperature. For example, in the house Jin Shu left, the indoor temperature was close to 55 degrees. When the temperature reached its highest, it was nearly [-] degrees outside and almost [-] degrees indoors.

At such a temperature, if there is no good way to physically cool down, people will soon die of dehydration due to sweating.

The original owner had followed the advice of the big brother in the group and was prepared to cover the entire roof of his attic with insulation boards, which could isolate most of the heat.

Therefore, even if the end of the world comes, the temperature in the original owner's home will rarely exceed 35 degrees. Although it is a little hot, survival can be guaranteed.

As for now, although there is no insulation board, Jin Shu has ice cubes brought back from the cold storage last night.

A bucket of ice cubes was placed in the corner of the entire living room. The solar generator was turned on and an electric fan was connected. The two fans directly formed convection and quickly circulated the cold air from the ice cubes throughout the room.

I looked at the thermometer half an hour later and saw that 27 degrees was already a very comfortable temperature for humans.

Jin Shu lay on another mattress.

There are two cushions in the living room.

One is a thick Simmons, with a sleeping bag and two thick quilts on top.

There was also an ordinary mat with a mat on it. There were small charging fans on both sides of the mat. Jin Shu was lying in the middle, eating fresh grapes and cherries brought back from the icehouse.

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