Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 166 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

The life and death of the earth at this moment has nothing to do with her.

If things were out of control, she would be willing to die in such an environment.

The room was cool and dark, and Jin Shu had breakfast, noodles with leftover hot pot meatballs from yesterday.

It's a pity that there are no eggs. It's hard to find a live chicken these days, let alone fresh eggs.

When Jin Shu thought that the heroine had eggs, she felt that the noodles in her mouth were almost boring.

But then I thought about it, living under the noses of so many people, even if the heroine had delicacies like lobster and abalone, she would not dare to bring it out.

She is afraid that people will miss her.

Even if she is the male protagonist, she is afraid now.

So even if she has it, she can only see it now but not eat it.

Jin Shu felt better and finished the remaining noodles in one go. She had already arranged the rest of the time.

It is only the third month of the end of the world, and the country has not given up on the people. Basically, planes will still drop aid every month.

But as aid becomes less and less and riots increase, hunger and fear are often accompanied by the growth of evil. Thousands of years of social civilization slowly regresses. Due to the lack of resources, people who want to survive can only pick up arms.

Either protect yourself or attack others.

Jin Shu didn't want to be a chopper who robbed other people's things, but she also couldn't be a hamster who only knew how to hoard supplies but had no ability to resist.

If she wants to have the strength to protect herself, she must start training from now on.

The original owner's body was not considered healthy even in a civilized society. He stayed at home all year round and had no strength in his limbs. Jin Shu almost died of exhaustion when she climbed up from the first floor.

The original owner of this home was better than the original owner. At least there was some fitness equipment in the house.

It is absolutely not allowed to be around people outside during the day, and when you are free, you are free. Jin Shu first used the cutting machine that was delivered last night to cut the glass into a suitable size, and then gathered all the clutter in the house to free up as much as possible. space for useful supplies.

Including the additional [-] square meters of hidden warehouse discovered, the usable area of ​​this house is nearly [-] square meters, which can store a lot of things.

It was at this time that Jin Shu discovered that she liked to store the food she needed to eat every day, the water she needed to use every day, and the clothes she needed to change in the morning and evening, etc.

After finishing the storage, Jin Shu looked at the neat and orderly home. She was satisfied, clapped her hands, and started exercising.

As a practitioner, Jin Shu did not need any tutorials to strengthen her body. In her original world, she put aside her cultivation of immortality and meditated, and spent most of her time practicing martial arts.

She had a set of boxing techniques that she had studied by herself. After the whole movement, although her whole body was sore, once she calmed down, she felt that her previously lazy body became much more relaxed and refreshing.

After a set of punches, the floor was covered with beads of sweat dripping from Jin Shu's body, and her whole body was as wet as if she had just been fished out of the water.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of ice cubes in the space. Once the ice cubes in the house have melted, just continue to replace them with new ice cubes.

The melted ice water could not be wasted. Jin Shu collected it all and put it on the balcony to freeze overnight. The next day there were brand new ice cubes.

This is called water resource recycling.

After taking a break after boxing, Jin Shu found a book from the study and read it quietly.As expected, they are kindred spirits. Their tastes are similar to those of the original owner, and they all like horror novels.

It was also the first time for Jin Shu to read this kind of novel. She was not afraid of any gods and ghosts. After all, she had seen too much in the ghost world. Real ghosts had no mystery, so how could she be scared, but it was good to pass the time. It was better than It's better to stay alone in the room and stare at the ceiling.

The room was quiet, and the fan blew gusts of cold air. After realizing the benefits of electricity, Jin Shu planned to buy a diesel generator. If she remembered correctly, the original owner should have a lot of diesel in the underground garage.

The plan was proceeding in an orderly manner when bursts of screams suddenly came from downstairs.

Jin Shu stood by the window and looked down. A man with his upper body naked was thrown out. It was similar to what she had experienced before, except that he was a little more miserable. It was the hottest time now, more than 50 degrees outside, and there was a faint sound today. It is possible to exceed [-] degrees, and the surface temperature is almost [-] degrees. If you are left outside in such weather, you can imagine how painful it will be to fry the meat on the ground.

Inside the apartment stood the hero and heroine and their partners.

Jin Shu recognized it. Isn't this man one of the tenants who lived in the original owner's house before?

The man's body was burned red as soon as it touched the ground. He quickly stood up and yelled inside.

"Why do you drive me away!! Why do you drive me away after you robbed my things!!"

Jin Shu smiled and watched the fun.

Last night, she looted all the belongings of the original owner. After the time freeze ends, those people will definitely let the dogs eat the dogs.

No, they were kicked out by the male and female protagonists as soon as the commotion started. In the face of the protagonist's halo and strength, the final end of these cannon fodder is basically death.

The man was still cursing and refusing to leave. The next second, a yellow beast suddenly sprang out from the corner. It was so fast that no one could catch its appearance. The man didn't even have time to shout for help before his body was bitten into pieces. It broke in half, blood sprayed on the ground, and soon smoke came out.

The beast stood at the door of the apartment, devouring the body of its prey.

Jin Shu took out the telescope and stared at the beast carefully.

It looks like a wolf but is indeed yellow, with black spots on its body. It is huge and can swallow half of its body in one mouth.

His red eyes flashed fiercely, and he grinned threateningly at the people in the apartment while eating.

Upon seeing this, the male and female protagonists immediately went back.

This thing is a mutated monster in the extreme environment of the end of the world.

It might have been just a palm-sized weasel, or it might have been a dog. Who knows, if you want to survive in the face of natural disasters, you have to mutate and survive. It seems that except for humans, other animals and plants have begun to evolve rapidly.

The end of the world seems to be the end of mankind.

The beast left after eating, leaving behind a pool of bright red blood. The blood was quickly absorbed by the black moss in the corner, and then the moss spread more and more crazily, almost to the tenth floor.

Jin Shu withdrew her gaze, her face expressionless, her heart still, and she continued to exercise.

After finally holding on until the temperature dropped, Jin Shu immediately started to put on thick clothes and wrapped herself from head to toe. After all, the temperature of more than 50 degrees below zero was no joke.

The fire started burning, but it was far from enough. Jin Shu could only huddle in a ball and watch the time slowly pass by.

Finally, six o'clock arrived.

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