Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 169 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

The woman looked at the man aside with fear.

She couldn't hold on anymore, her whole body was shaking, and every time she took a breath, she seemed to be frozen instantly.

She was trembling and holding the child in her arms, feeling extremely helpless.

If she hadn't been forced to do so, how could she be willing to let her young children go out to starve and freeze?

If the door never opens, she can wait, but the child cannot.

So her eyes were full of pleading.

"Brother Gang, the door won't open. Let's go."

The man glanced at her coldly, then stared fiercely at the heavy door in front of him, then jumped up and cursed.

"Son of a bitch! I don't believe you will never come out!"

Damn, I met someone with a hard heart!

This woman's child is her own. Although she doesn't like it, she can't really freeze her own seed to death.

"Third brother, you send someone to guard here! Guard in shifts!
Sissy, you'd better hide away for the rest of your life!Otherwise, when I catch you, I will skin you and throw you outside! "

At this time, Jin Shu had already laid back in her sleeping bag.

Hiss, it's too cold outside, so I still have to sleep with the stove on this day.

The night passed with the sound of heavy rain outside the window.

When she woke up the next day, Jin Shu opened her eyes and felt the biting cold air in the air as soon as she stood up.

I looked at my watch and saw it was past seven in the morning.

Logically speaking, the temperature at this point should almost reach zero, but now the temperature in this room is not to mention zero, it is even colder than last night!
It was still dark outside. Jin Shu put on thick clothes and just walked to the window to see what was going on outside through the gap in the iron sheet. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck directly!

In an instant, the entire sky was as bright as day!The dark clouds seemed to be torn open, revealing scarlet blood. There seemed to be a terrible beast trapped outside the clouds, stirring up the black clouds that were so thick that they could not be dissolved.

For a moment, Jin Shu felt like he was back in the original world, and the thunder cover was nothing more than that.

The sky and the earth were completely black, the air was so oppressive that it was almost breathless, the black rain kept falling, and the black water outside the window was about to spread to the tenth floor. Looking down, it looked like a turbulent black sea, the blackness was roaring and beating with the wind and thunder.

All of this reminds people again and again.

Humanity today is in the end of the world.

There were several kayaks and Zodiac boats on the water, and the people on them were wrapped in thick raincoats as the boats bumped and floated on the black water.

The lower floors are no longer habitable, and the heavy rain continues. If this trend continues, the entire top floor of the apartment building opposite will be flooded in one fell swoop.

Three months into the apocalypse, just when mankind thought it had found a way to get along with the apocalypse, a simple rainstorm could completely destroy mankind.

Jin Shu lives high up, so there is no need to worry about water coming up.

She turned around and turned on the electric heater, then looked at the power of the solar generator. Fortunately, it was enough for her to use it for another ten hours.

After the stove was turned on, the temperature in the living room increased slightly. Jin Shu took off the outermost layer of her coat and was able to stay very comfortable wearing only the extremely cold down jacket.

I looked at the indoor temperature and it was three degrees above zero.

At this time, the temperature outside was estimated to be nearly minus sixty degrees.

The strange black water will not freeze, which will only make human activities more difficult.

Jin Shu made a bucket of noodles and heated up a portion of instant beef curry rice found in the cold storage.

When the weather gets cold, you need to eat more. The more energy you replenish, the stronger your ability to resist the cold will be.

Jin Shu, holding instant noodles, sat on the sofa, wrapped in a thick blanket, eating next to the heater and looking out the window.She saw a Zodiac approaching her building from the apartment opposite.

At this time, the assault boat is much easier to use than the kayak. There is no one else who can use this thing except the hero and heroine.

There are six people sitting on it, and you can tell who they are without looking at their faces.

The hero and heroine and several of his genius friends are all the founders of the future base. Naturally, it is impossible for the heroine to leave them behind.

As for the rest, Jin Shu looked towards the top floor of the apartment.

Sure enough, several men were standing there waving their arms and calling for help.

Soon their voices were muffled by the drowning black water.

Jin Shu looked away, finished the noodles, and continued eating.

Sure enough, after eating something, my body became warmer.

After finishing the meal and putting away the dishes, Jin Shu turned on the light and sat on the sofa with a blanket reading a book.

I looked up and looked at the indoor temperature. It was almost ten degrees.

Jin Shu, whose hands and feet were warm, couldn't help but feel a little sleepy. The black water outside was surging, but the house was quiet and peaceful. The cold weather had nothing to do with Jin Shu. She huddled in her safe house and enjoyed life.

Go to sleep if you feel sleepy.

She still has plenty of time anyway.

Jin Shu did nothing all day, reading, boxing, packing supplies, and then dozing off.

There were too few entertainment activities, so at six o'clock in the evening, Jin Shu went straight to the bookstore in full gear.

There were still two people huddled at the door, taking turns guarding her.

Looking at the bruised faces from the cold, Jin Shu was not polite and gave each of them a slap to keep them warm.

When going downstairs, Jin Shu looked around and finally saw a few people living together in 1503 on the fifteenth floor.

The indoor area of ​​this house is very large. The 100-square-meter room is packed full of messy things, including clothes of all seasons, electrical appliances that have been soaked in water, and pots and pans that have not been washed after eating.

Jin Shu walked in and looked around, and finally her eyes rested on the woman huddled in the corner.

She was wrapped in a worn blanket and holding a baby in her arms.

The child was extremely thin and wore nothing. He was huddled near his mother's chest, with a pair of dark eyes open.

Jin Shu took one look, turned around and left expressionlessly.

After going out, she first went to the bookstore to search for books she was interested in. Then she went to the building materials market and picked out many insulation boards and heating ducts.

The building materials market was huge. Jin Shu rowed the boat slowly and looked at the few shops left outside.

After looking for some useful things, she went to the tallest commercial building in the city.

It's a place exclusively for the upper class to shop, and things get more expensive as you go up.

Naturally, there are many people living in the building, and they would definitely not be able to enter in normal times, but at this time, no one can stop Jin Shu.

She put the kayak away and started walking up from the eleventh floor.

Numerous brand-name bags and clothes were left in the mall. Jin Shu went in and took a look around, taking away the good-looking ones and the unsightly but warm ones. She could stuff them directly into the ring with just a touch of her finger. Don't be too convenient.

The twelfth floor is a private club, a place where rich people go to get beauty treatments and drink tea. Here Jin Shu found a lot of valuable tea leaves. She also loves tea, so when she saw this, she naturally wanted to pack them all up and take them away.

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