Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 170 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

The hotel rooms on the [-]th to [-]th floors were dark inside. Jin Shu walked inside with a flashlight and swept away dozens of duvets and various high-end toiletries.

In the warehouse behind the hotel, Jin Shu saw the hotel-specific rolling paper piled up throughout the warehouse. This stuff is a good thing. It is a non-renewable resource in the apocalypse and must be taken away!
Continuing up, what Jin Shu didn't expect was that the 22nd floor of this building turned out to be a boutique supermarket.

The door of the supermarket was locked. Fortunately, Jin Shu took a pair of steel pliers from the hardware store and easily broke the chain. After pushing the door open, she found that there were several people living in the supermarket. They lived in the supermarket. In the next cubicle, they were eating steak around a charcoal grill.

Being able to stay in a warm glass house eating barbecue and drinking beer in the apocalyptic world outside, which is like hell on earth, one can only imagine how many hidden generators there are inside this supermarket.

Jin Shu suddenly became excited. She put aside the large amount of supplies in the supermarket and looked directly for the generator in the supermarket.

Behind the rows of refrigerators and cold storage, Jin Shu saw a large diesel generator. It was not easy to take this thing away, and her small house couldn't fit it, but it didn't matter. She would change places sooner or later, and this generator The machine will come in handy sooner or later.

As time went by, the internal space of the space ring also expanded a lot.

Jin Shu knew that this had something to do with the pendant around her neck. The pendant contained the spiritual power left by Fei Yun, which nourished Jin Shu invisibly. The ring on her hand would naturally absorb a lot of spiritual power, and the internal space would expand. Within expectations.

Jin Shu touched the ring.

After continuing to work hard, compared with the space that could accommodate mountains and seas in the past, the current space is really not enough.

No matter, let’s remove the generator and stuff it in first.

A generator directly occupied more than half of the space, and after the power outage, Jin Shu had to take away all the food in the refrigerator before it melted.

These foods are only for the rich, including more than 1 kilograms of beef, more than 2000 bunches of grapes, and more than 8000 kilograms of sashimi, etc., take them all away!

In her Hongmeng space, time stands still, and the mountains and seas can remain unchanged for thousands of years after being accommodated in it. Back then, Jin Shu had countless magic weapons, but her favorite was still this ring.

Her father personally picked the first vine that grew when Pangu created the ring and made it for her.

So as long as she enters the space, Jin Shu is not worried that the chilled food will spoil.

After searching the items in the chilled section, Jin Shu rushed to the snack section.

Most of the snacks inside have been eaten.

They were all uninvited guests, and Jin Shu felt no guilt at all, but took away everything she could see.

Jin Shu didn't believe that a few men in a glass house could guard such a large supermarket without killing anyone under their control.

In the apocalypse, everything was about living. Jin Shu had no time to think about what those men would do if she took away all her things.

They can do whatever they want. If it were them, they wouldn't be able to leave anything for themselves.

The snack section was plundered, and the next step was the daily necessities section. The toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, skin care products, and other items were not touched much. If the apocalypse continued, it would be difficult to see these things again. Now she could only stock up as much as she could. After all, she Your mission is to survive as long as possible, the longer the better.

Next to the living area was the maternal and infant area. There was not much milk powder left in it, so Jin Shu put it all into the space without even thinking.

In addition to milk powder, there are also a series of high-end brands imported from abroad such as baby cream, feeding bottles, diapers, strollers, baby supplements, etc.Whatever it is, take it all with you.

After that, in the seasoning area and the wine area, hundreds of bottles of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar were all stuffed in. No matter what kind of wine, red or white beer, it disappeared instantly with just a touch of your hand. Finally, all major areas were looted. It was almost done, and when Jin Shu was about to leave, suddenly, a sign of a warehouse attracted Jin Shu's attention.

Here, there were actually two burly men sitting with guns. They both had black ribbons tied around their wrists, and they looked familiar.

Looking closer, Jin Shu remembered that when she went to find diesel last night, the man had the same strap tied around his wrist.

Now it seems that these people should be a group, occupying the supermarket in this building with firepower, and using the supermarket as a base to occupy the territory.

After opening the curtain and entering the warehouse, there were actually more than a dozen men inside. Judging from their body shape and hairstyle, it was not difficult to tell that these men must be related to the army.

Glancing over it, Jin Shu's eyes lit up!
The container warehouse, which was comparable to a basketball court, was packed with goods so densely packed that Jin Shu had to raise her neck to see the shelves on top.

A man drove a forklift to the top and counted the goods.

Compared with the ones here, the things outside the supermarket are almost the same as the small fish and shrimps in the sea.

Jin Shu walked forward and looked row by row. It took more than half an hour to go around in a circle from the outside to the inside. The shelves were stacked high on top of each other, including the drinks, dry goods and grains sold in the supermarket. , daily necessities, and some machine accessories specially supplied from external warehouses, there is everything here.

At this moment, Jin Shu still felt that her space was too small.

No matter what, just stuff as much as you can first.

Go back and hide the generator first, and then clear out all the other messy things in the space.

Then I went back to the supermarket and started stuffing the goods into the space row by row.

With more than 30 cubic meters of space, no matter how hard we try, we can only fit into a small corner of the entire warehouse.

Looking at the rest, Jin Shu decided to find the next base.

Fortunately, she actually knows a good place.

In the original plot, the hero and heroine discovered a wartime air-raid shelter in the mountains. The structure inside was simple, with an exit and an entrance at the front and rear. As long as the exits were blocked and the entrances were guarded, the entire air-raid shelter would be a natural fortress base, even if aircraft and artillery came. It can't even be blown down.

Jin Shu had her mind set on the air-raid shelter from the beginning, but because her current task was to stock up on supplies to survive, this plan could only be temporarily shelved and delayed.

Well now, there are so many goods, the plan can be moved forward!
Talking without doing anything is a waste of life. Jin Shu immediately took action. The men who happened to occupy this supermarket had an assault boat. With this, it could reach a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour and could travel back and forth between the city and the suburbs in half an hour.

What's more, time stands still and the water waves calm down, which makes Jin Shu feel like walking on flat ground.

She didn't take a break all night, and kept shipping goods back and forth. Finally, in the last five minutes of time standing still, Jin Shu finally shipped the last batch of goods and set off. (End of chapter)

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