Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 171 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Halfway through the journey, a heavy downpour suddenly fell, and the water under the assault boat was turbulent. Jin Shu stabilized the steering wheel, wrapped her whole body, put on her goggles and drove towards the air raid shelter in the mountain.

A clear bolt of lightning struck down, penetrated the black water, and set off a shocking wave.

Jin Shu tightly grasped the rope in her hand, quickly adjusted her body shape and tightened her grip amidst the bumps, and finally reached the halfway point of the mountain.

This mountain has a very high altitude, and there is a temple with great incense on the top of the mountain. Many mountaineering enthusiasts come here to climb the mountain.

The black water spread to one-third of the mountain. Jin Shu parked the assault boat and entered the air raid shelter from the hidden entrance.

Looking at the time, it was only 06:30 in the afternoon.

At this point, it is impossible for anyone to come here due to the heavy rain, so Jin Shu still has a lot of time to decorate the place.

A simple construction diagram of the air-raid shelter was posted at the entrance. Jin Shu took it off and walked into the air-raid shelter.

There are vertical and spacious circular passages in front and behind, like a subway station. There is a wartime weapons reserve station in the middle. This is an open space comparable to the size of a football field. Because it has been abandoned for a long time, it is quite dull and dusty inside. big.

Jin Shu placed all the looted goods here, and then went to lock the exit door.

This was a rather heavy explosion-proof door, comparable to the steel door of a bank vault. Jin Shu had to use all her strength to close the two doors, and then locked them from the inside.

The most important thing is the entrance. The best way to block the entrance is to seal it from the inside.

So Jin Shu had to hurry up and move all the things over. Once everything was arranged inside, she could seal the entrance directly so that no one could get in. If she wanted to go out, she could go in and out through the secret passage.

After settling everything and hiding the entrance again, Jin Shu got on the kayak and went back.

In the past, she had always returned home before time stopped. This time, under special circumstances, Jin Shu did not come back until around nine o'clock in the evening.

She put away her things and climbed up from the twelfth floor in a dignified manner.

When she reached the fifteenth floor stairs, two men stopped her.

"Where did you come from? Do you know this is private territory?!"

They didn't know Jin Shu, they just thought she was here to take refuge like the others.

"The place where I lived before was flooded. I had no choice but to take refuge here."

"It's okay to take refuge, but you can't let us use our place in vain. Let's do this. All your belongings will be confiscated, and we will allow you to stay."

Hegemonic collectivism again.

"As you can see, I have nothing."

The body is empty, there is really no place to hide anything, but the clothes are good, and looking at the face, she is white, tender, clean, and has delicate features, which is quite beautiful.

The two men winked at each other.

"If there is nothing, it will be difficult for us. Otherwise, you can go with us to see the boss first and see what the boss says."

Jin Shu followed them to the room on the fifteenth floor.

She has seen this place before. Some are aborigines in the community, and some are from outside. The leader is called Zhao Gang, a migrant worker who came to the city to work. In desperation, he and his coworkers hid here and killed the family who originally lived here. After that, he started to sweep around the building with a kitchen knife.

All that can be left behind now are surrenders.

There were four women in total, two of them were holding a child, one was a little older than a year old, and the other was the one crying at the door yesterday, and the child was only over two months old.

The remaining two stayed close to Zhao Gang, one squeezing his legs and the other rubbing his shoulders. Originally a man with no status in society, he has now become the ruler of this small group.

The moment he saw Jin Shu, Zhao Gang's eyes lit up.

Beautiful, so beautiful, it matched all his fantasies about women in the city. She was white, clean, soft, and frail. She had a bookish look and was very knowledgeable at first glance.

Zhao Gang pushed the woman beside him away.

"Little girl, how did you come here? Are you alone?" "Yes."

There was a cold and arrogant aura about him, just like the women he met coming out of the office building when he was working on the construction site. He looked down on country people like them and walked with their nostrils in the air.

But that face is really good-looking, fair and tender, with a beautiful figure, long legs and a small waist, and a superior big-city temperament that women in the countryside can never learn.

Zhao Gang liked it so much.

He just likes to watch them being arrogant now, crying and begging for mercy later, and finally kneeling at his feet like dogs.

"You want to stay, don't you? It's not impossible if you want to stay. I have the final say here. As long as I say a word, I can let you live a good life without worrying about food and clothing."

Women in the past were too demanding.

You need a house, a car, a betrothal gift, and social status.

Now it's fine, they don't dare to ask for anything.

Zhao Gang stared at Jin Shu's face and slowly leaned over, his eyes looking at her from top to bottom.

"Others have to pay a price if they want to stay, but you don't have to. You have a very special temperament and I like it very much."

This was said so clearly that Zhao Gang was sure that Jin Shu understood it.

"How about it?"

The man's hand slowly came up, and Jin Shu was about to take out the gun in her hand when suddenly, she reached out and heard a familiar voice.

"This is our companion, so we don't need any special care from you."

Jin Shu turned around and saw several people standing outside the door.

The male protagonist Lu Ling and the female protagonist Fang Yingqiu.

and their four companions.

There were two men and four women standing there together. Lu Ling, who had just stood up to speak, had a cold expression on his face and walked forward without any explanation and stood directly in front of Jin Shu.

"If it's okay, we'll go first."

The person was snatched away, but Zhao Gang could only grit his teeth secretly, not daring to say a single extra word.

Although the other parties were all young scholars, the man in charge, Lu Ling, was a doctor with good skills. He helped him clean up the malignant sores that had been tormenting him for several months as soon as he arrived.

In addition to these, these people all have weapons on their bodies. If there is a dispute and a fight occurs, it will definitely be his side that suffers.

So Zhao Gang could only hide his emotions secretly and watch them take Jin Shu away.

Several people live in the house opposite.

The room was simply decorated, and it was obvious that the few people did not intend to stay there for a long time.

Jin Shu was brought over, and another girl in the hero's team even offered her a glass of hot water.

Lu Ling looked at her, his voice calm and calm.

"Don't worry, they don't dare do anything to you while we're here."

Jin Shu nodded calmly.

These people didn't have the extra sympathy, otherwise they wouldn't have driven her out so cruelly.

The male protagonist never does unnecessary things. Since he saved himself, it only shows that he is of value to him. (End of chapter)

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