Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 172 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

As for the specific utilization value, Jin Shu has to observe further.

The girl who handed her the water was named Lan Lan. She was a graduate student in geology and was doing research at the best geology school in the country.

"Drink some water to warm yourself up."

Jin Shu took a sip from the water glass. The room was extremely cold, and the only source of heating was the stove in the room.

The hero and heroine were sitting next to the stove, discussing something.

The voices of the two people were very small and far apart. Logically speaking, it was impossible for ordinary people to hear them.

But Jin Shu is not an ordinary person. She has excellent hearing and can clearly hear the voices of the two people even from such a distance.

Fang Yingqiu: "Why did you save that woman? You would never do such a meaningless thing before."

Lu Ling: "The locked room upstairs should be related to that woman."

Fang Yingqiu: "That house looked like it had been decorated in advance. It had blast-proof doors and bullet-proof windows. It was sealed inside and out. How could it have something to do with her? In my impression, this house shouldn't be like this. of."

Yes, she has past life memories.

She also just remembered that someone in the same neighborhood in her previous life found a large amount of supplies in a certain household in this building.

The original owner seems to be a hoarder, and he stocked up on many useful things before the end of the world.

Fang Yingqiu has these impressions.

Lu Ling shook his head.

“I watched her walk into the building when she was kicked out, and to be able to survive this long, someone obviously helped her.

The gang just now were extremely vicious and would eat people without spitting out their bones. If you fall into their hands, you will definitely die.

So there is only one person who can help her, and that is the mysterious man living upstairs.

The group just said that the head of the household is a sissy with a very hard heart and will not open the door easily. If we want the other party to open the door and let us in, the breakthrough should be with that woman. "

These two people talked about "woman" and were not even willing to call Jin Shu by her name, but they clearly arranged what Jin Shu would do next.

Lu Ling never wastes time, and he is too lazy to compromise with a small character like Jin Shu, so he goes straight to the point.

"What's your relationship with the household upstairs?"

Jin Shu drank tea, looked at everything around her, and replied casually.


"We want to meet your friend, please help. Don't worry, we won't hurt you or him."

"Why should I help you? Don't I know what kind of people you are?"

Lu Ling didn't expect Jin Shu to speak so frankly, and he didn't defend himself.

“No matter what kind of people we are, we are always more civilized than the people across from us.

I know your friend has hoarded a lot of supplies, but he has never opened the door. Can he survive with his little stuff for the rest of his life?It's raining all the time now, and it's only a matter of time before the water level reaches your level. By then, you have to open the door even if you don't.

But then, the group of people waiting outside the door will not be as civilized as us.

You should be a smart person, and you can understand the pros and cons of this with a little thought.

Let him open the door and you can join us then. "

join them?


Jin Shu had seen with her own eyes the consequences of joining them, which was to be left on the top floor to die.

Seeing Lu Ling's confident face, Jin Shu just wanted to smile.

"Don't think that I'm so important. I don't have the ability to ask him to open the door. You are so capable, so go ahead and try." After saying that, Jin Shu continued to hold the water. When she was about to drink it, she found that the water was almost cold.

This damn weather can't last for a second.

Seeing that Jin Shu stopped talking, the heroine Fang Yingqiu also came over. Her voice was hard and emotionless, and no matter what she said, it was in a commanding tone.

“With the current rain intensity, this level will be flooded tomorrow night, and then he will naturally open the door, and you will lose all your current value.

By then, have you thought about your ending?
I know you are still resentful about what happened before, but now we are not asking you, but giving you a chance to survive.

Think about it, if the water comes up tomorrow night, how will you protect yourself? "

Judging from the current situation, the heroine is right. Based on her understanding of Jin Shu, a home girl with an introverted personality and no power to control the situation. If there is no one to protect her in the apocalypse, she will only die.

If it were the original owner, he probably would have been forced to agree to them.

Just like when they asked for collective life, they had no strength to protect themselves and could only be slaughtered by others.

But to Jin Shu, these words were no different from farts.

As long as the heroine keeps her word, she will never appear here now.

But thinking about it, I still need to do some superficial work.

"He is very alert. If you go with me, he will definitely not open the door. He might shut the door with me."

The heroine curled her lips and smiled, knowing that Jin Shu would definitely compromise.

"You go in first and open the door for us when the time comes."

Jin Shu nodded and looked at the male protagonist nervously and humbly.

"You will keep your word, and you will take me with you when the time comes, right?"

Lu Ling looked at Jin Shu's humble and pleading eyes, with a hint of ridicule flashing in his eyes.

"Well, as long as you cooperate."

"Then why did you kick me out when I cooperated in the first place?"

The male protagonist frowned, not wanting to waste time settling old scores with Jin Shu.

"You violated the rules first. I'm just doing business. The most important thing for a team to survive in the apocalypse is to work together and obey the leadership's instructions. You just need to remember this."

Jin Shu nodded repeatedly.

Several people followed her to the sixteenth floor, and Lu Ling gave her a walkie-talkie.

"When the time comes, we will contact you via the intercom. If I ask you to open the door, you will open it."

Jin Shu took the walkie-talkie and walked to the door with her back to them.

He knocked on the door in a decent manner, then took advantage of the darkness to block the door for a moment, took the opportunity to take out the key, opened the door, and immediately entered the house.

The door was immediately locked.

This door is equipped with an anti-theft lock, so you don't have to worry about someone being able to pry it open. The intercom buzzes the moment you close the door.

Jin Shu stretched out and turned on the generator, then lit the stove and plugged in the electric heater. After the living room warmed up, she took out the good things she got in the supermarket today.

A steak worth more than 1 yuan per pound and a bottle of red wine worth more than 10,000 yuan.

Jin Shu likes to drink, but she only drinks a small amount every time.

It's the same today. I poured some red wine into the pot, then added some fruits and spices, and put it on the stove to simmer slowly.

While the red wine was cooking, he put the steak on the frying pan. As the temperature rose, the fat of the steak made a "sizzling" sound, and the alluring aroma of meat spread. Along with the mellow aroma of red wine, Jin Shu took a deep breath. .

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