Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 176 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Jin Shu paused.

Something wasn't right, this level of shaking had to be a large animal, and most likely a human.

Jin Shu stood still. After watching for a while, she saw that the temperature had risen. If she didn't go back, she might be exposed to death in the sun.

Taking out the gun in her arms, she approached slowly. Just when she was about to reach out to push away the grass, a bloody hand suddenly stretched out on its own. As the hay shook, Jin Shu narrowed her eyes and looked at it expressionlessly. A "human" creature that was naked, covered in bruises, with its face completely disfigured and whose entire face could not be seen crawled out.

The reason why he described it this way was because Jin Shu really couldn't associate the thing in front of him, which was covered in rotten flesh and exuded a horrible smell, with anyone.

Judging from his body shape and height, he is a man.

He crawled forward bit by bit, heading towards the direction of Jin Shu. Everywhere he passed was covered with blood stains left by the friction of wounds.

Finally he reached Jin Shu's shoes, and just as he was about to grab them, Jin Shu retracted her foot and walked around him without hesitation.

It was obvious that he knew his secret entrance.

If left alone, this thing will be a disaster, and sooner or later someone will discover this place.

In just one second, Jin Shu thought of all the possibilities, and finally thought that the best way was to kill the person in front of him. Looking at him now, death would be a relief for him.

Jin Shu raised the gun and pointed it at his head. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, bursts of human voices suddenly came to his ears.

She has good hearing, and a sound of this level came from about five or six hundred meters away from her.

The overgrown weeds here provide good cover, so it's not easy to see, but they can certainly hear them if they fire.

Jin Shu knelt down with a sullen expression, took out the knife and pointed it at his neck.

She rarely commits murder after practicing immortality for many years, but this does not mean that she will not kill. On the contrary, her killing method is very neat and she can send the other person to death without any pain.

But I didn't expect that before the knife fell, the other party spoke hoarsely.

"Help me...I can end this."

His voice was too soft. If Jin Shu hadn't had good hearing, she wouldn't have been able to hear what he was saying.

As soon as these words came out, Jin Shu immediately thought of the most important plot in this world, that is, the male and female protagonists picked up a dying man on the way to find an air-raid shelter as a base.

The male protagonist disagreed, but at the female protagonist’s insistence, he still took the man into the air-raid shelter.

Later, under the careful care of the heroine, the man slowly recovered. When he woke up, everyone knew that the man was actually Liang Qingzhi, a world-famous physicist.

The heroine naturally knows how much this man named Liang Qingzhi will make a great contribution to the world in the future.

It was he who invented the light screen, a protective barrier that absorbs light sources and can isolate all extreme natural disasters from the outside world, creating the last piece of pure land for human survival.

After that, the light screen slowly expanded, eventually covering the entire human living area. During Liang Qingzhi's lifetime, the light screen was continuously upgraded and transformed, and finally protected mankind for hundreds of years in this apocalyptic world.

In short, this is an apocalyptic patron saint.

Because the male and female protagonists were kind to him, Liang Qingzhi was willing to be used by them. In the end, even though he created the light screen, he still surrounded the male protagonist and became the new leader of the apocalypse.

And in the rest of his life, he worked conscientiously and without regrets to help the male protagonist manage the new world.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu did not hesitate to pick up the man on the ground, help him clean up all the traces, opened the secret passage and jumped directly.

When she jumped down, because the distance was a bit high, Jin Shu clearly heard the sound of the man's bones breaking.

She probably checked his physical condition.

Well, except for the fact that I was still hanging in the air, there was no good spot on my body.

For such a seriously injured patient who could belch at any time, it was hard for Jin Shu to imagine how he would live to be 120 years old in the future.At this time, above the secret passage, Fang Yingqiu looked around.

She frowned, trying to figure out the direction in her mind.

Lu Ling, who was behind him, noticed what she was looking for and asked suspiciously.

"What are you looking for? The entrance to the bomb shelter is not here."

Fang Yingqiu shook his head.

"It's nothing. I'm observing if anyone else is coming here besides us."

"Probably not. The location of the air-raid shelter here is very hidden. I have studied this in my previous project, so I know that there is an air-raid shelter in this mountain. Others should not be able to find it."

Fang Yingqiu nodded perfunctorily.

Of course she knew there was an air-raid shelter here. After all, Lu Ling in his previous life had established the last human base in this air-raid shelter, but these were secondary. The most important man had not yet appeared.

If I remember correctly, he should have been rescued near the air-raid shelter. The person who rescued him was another girl in the team. After that, the man obeyed his savior and was loyal to him.

Fang Yingqiu arrived here at the right time, but after looking around, he couldn't even see anyone.

Did he not show up yet, or was he rescued by someone else?

Fang Yingqiu's thoughts were confused, and his urgent mood was caught by Lu Ling on the side. He frowned and felt doubtful.

"You look like you are looking for a specific person. Is there someone you want to find on this mountain?"

Fang Yingqiu was stunned, still denying it.

"Don't think too much. Have you found the entrance to the air raid shelter? Let's hurry up. The temperature is almost 45 degrees."

Yes, now is not the time to dwell on this.

You have to find the entrance to the air raid shelter as early as possible.

At this time, the voice of teammates came from the side.

"Found it! Here it is!!"

Lu Ling hurriedly walked over and found the entrance to the air-raid shelter in an underground hole with intricate tree roots.

Teammate Wang Feng jumped down excitedly, grasped the door handle and pulled it out hard, but there was no response from the door.

Another teammate, You Jie, followed suit and worked hard. In the end, his arm was almost torn off and scrapped, but the door still didn't move at all.

Lu Ling on the side saw something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to try it.

Logically speaking, although this kind of door is heavy, it is not so heavy that it cannot be pulled no matter how hard it is pulled. Judging from this level, it is likely to be locked inside.

"Don't try, it's locked inside."

"Locked?! This place is occupied by others?! What should we do now? Where should we go next?"

Lu Ling calmed down and calmed everyone down.

"Don't worry, the internal lock core structure of this air-raid shelter is very simple. I can try it. You guys set up an insulated tent outside first to save your strength."

Lu Ling took out the device and started trying to unlock the door. At this moment, he noticed that Fang Yingqiu seemed to be distracted. He asked casually while working.

"What's wrong? You've been absent-minded today." (End of Chapter)

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