Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 177 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

"I'm thinking about what happened last night. It's really strange. We were always guarding the door, but how did the other party escape under our noses and destroy everything in the house in a short period of time? What about taking it away? I've been wondering how the other party did it."

Lu Ling has been thinking about this for a long time.

At that time, he was sure that there was someone in the house, and the windows had been blocked. How could the people in the house disappear out of thin air, along with all the supplies in the house?

They originally thought about relying on the things in the house to survive for a while, but when they found that even the bulletproof glass in the house suddenly disappeared, they went in and took a look. Good guy, not to mention the supplies, even one piece in the house could be dismantled. There are no wooden boards to light the fire!
He waited all night, but in the end he got nothing!And for no reason, everyone was left to starve and freeze together.

Lu Ling couldn't help but frown when he thought of this, and his mood became irritable.

"It was you who said there were supplies in that building, so we risked our lives and entered that building. I don't blame you, but sometimes I really feel that you know a lot of things that we don't know."

Fang Yingqiu wanted to deny it, but Lu Ling didn't give her a chance to deny it.

"You seem to know in advance that this air-raid shelter has been occupied by someone else."

"How could I possibly know."

"You know a lot of things, didn't you before? You reminded me to prepare some things to prevent cold and heatstroke.

But there are some things you want to say, just say it, and forget it if you don’t want to say it. "

Fang Yingqiu looked at him and hesitated to speak.

Lu Ling was a very good person and had been protecting her silently. No matter how dangerous the situation was, he would always stand in front of his teammates. No matter how much supplies he found, he would share them all equally with everyone.

Looking back at myself, there is enough food hidden in the space for everyone to last for several lifetimes, but I have always been timid and afraid to show it to others.

The more Lu Ling behaves like this, the more guilty Fang Yingqiu feels.

"I'll tell you when we get settled."

Lu Ling did not ask any more questions, but looked at her tenderly and helplessly.

"I hope one day you can truly consider me your partner."

Fang Yingqiu jumped directly.

"Let me join you. I have also learned some lock-picking skills before, maybe I can use them."

There was a high-temperature spray gun in her space, but she didn't have a chance to take it out for the time being, so after tinkering with it for a while, she pretended to set up a tent with the others, and then quietly left alone. When she came back, she already had an extra piece of junk in her hand. of packages.

She gathered her emotions and walked up to her teammates in excitement and surprise.

"Look! I just found a package of supplies in the grass. It seems that someone hid it there before taking it away!"

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly opened the package and took a look.

"Wow! Look! Is this a high-temperature spray gun?! It even comes with its own fuel! Lu Ling! There is a high-temperature spray gun here. Try it and see if you can burn the lock core!"

When Lu Ling took the spray gun, he gave Fang Yingqiu a meaningful look.

"Did you pick this up?"

Fang Yingqiu nodded firmly, after all, she had used this trick many times.Fortunately, Lu Ling didn't say anything more. He took it and started burning it at the entrance gap.

After burning for a long time, the door panels were burned red, but the door remained motionless.

"The people inside should have installed a door-resistance device. Even if the lock is burned out, the door cannot be opened."

After setting up the tent, the teammates were so hot that they were almost out of breath. When they heard this, they all couldn't help but complain.

"Then what should we do now? We are at the end of our rope. The boat we boarded last night was lost. We got here with great difficulty by rowing on a wooden plank. How can it be so easy to go back now?"

Besides, the city was flooded and there was nowhere to go in the mountains, so where else could we go.

"What should we do? Am I really going to sleep here forever?"

"The apocalypse will never end. The first people to die may be the luckiest ones. I feel like I really can't hold on anymore."

The breath of death enveloped several people, Fang Yingqiu sighed and comforted.

"It's okay. As long as you persist, you will definitely see hope. You are the best people in this world. Even if it is for the future of the world, you must work hard to survive."

After speaking, Fang Yingqiu came to the entrance again, took out the loudspeaker and shouted down.

“People down there, I don’t know who you are, but I hope you know who we are.

We have five top students here from Huaguo University of Science and Technology. If there is anyone in the world who can end all this, it is only these geniuses who master cutting-edge technology!

We are now deprived of water and food, and cannot survive for a day. As a human survivor, can you really watch our future hopes all die here!

I know you're down there!I know you can hear my voice. You have to think clearly. Without them, do you really want to stay in a dark air-raid shelter all your life and die alone in loneliness?

We have no ill intentions, we just want to preserve the last fire for the future of mankind!Open the door, we can work together to build a home together! "

To be honest, if the heroine is not eloquent, it would be a waste.

Jin Shu was indeed listening below, sitting on the sofa, cracking melon seeds and blowing an electric fan, listening to the heroine's speech with an expressionless face.

Really, if Jin Shu hadn't known that the heroine who talked about "the future of mankind" secretly hid dozens of tons of food and refused to share it with the great geniuses in her mouth, she would have almost been moved.

Saving the world, a time-honored matter, should be left to the hero and heroine. Why is she, a cannon fodder who was forced to sacrifice to heaven within three chapters of her appearance, joining in the fun?
So what if the people outside become extinct?
What does it have to do with her being a cannon fodder?
Jin Shu smiled, took a bite of the chilled cherries, squinted her eyes and shouted outside.

"Well said! Well, since you want to keep the last fire of mankind so much, then I can reluctantly take in the five geniuses you talk about, but you can't."

As soon as he heard this voice, Fang Yingqiu's eyes widened.

How could she not recognize this familiar voice?

"Jin Shu?! Why is it you!!"

How did she find this place?How could they get ahead of them and seal the entrance? !
Lu Ling also didn't expect that a woman he had no impression of would be able to seize opportunities and occupy resources again and again!
"Jin Shu, if you are upset because of what happened before, as the captain, I can apologize to you."

"There's no need to apologize. She's right. I can take in human fire, but only four people can come in. As for who comes in, it's up to you."

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