Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 178 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Fang Yingqiu urged anxiously.

"Jin Shu, now is not the time to lose your temper. If you have any grievances or dissatisfaction, you can tell us now. We will try our best to satisfy and make up for you. The temperature outside is too high now. Can you let us go in first and then talk about it?"

No matter what, as long as you can get in, everything will be easy to arrange.

Jin Shu just smiled.

"I still say the same thing, you can come in, but only four can come in. I will give you 3 minutes to think about it. If you can't choose after 3 minutes, then no matter what you say next, I will not be merciful. "

Jin Shu's words didn't sound like a joke.

The six people outside looked at each other.

Lu Ling made a gesture. Everyone had a tacit understanding and only needed the simplest gestures to understand what the other person meant.

[Promise her that Wang Feng and I will stay, and you four will go in first]

Everyone immediately understood what Lu Ling meant.

As long as you can get in, it doesn't matter who has the final say. It's not easy for the two people outside to get in.

To say that this Jin Shu is really not very smart, this is good, it also saves them from wasting time on dealing with her.

"That's it! We'll choose four people to go in with you, and you open the door!"

Jin Shu took a comfortable sip of ice water inside.

She recycled the ice cubes she got from the cold storage. Anyway, her space can keep time and space still. It's a little small, but it's more than enough for a refrigerator.

"Okay, there are two left. Don't you have guns in your hands? Go to the tree 50 meters away and shoot at the two legs. When I see it, I will open the door and let the others Four come in.”

"Are you kidding me when you step on a horse!!"

Wang Feng cursed on the spot.

The reason why he agreed not to go in was because the captain promised that he would be sure to go in after that.

It's better now, both legs are injured and he's waiting to die!

Lu Ling also turned cold, and his voice became increasingly dissatisfied.

"Are you playing tricks on us? Jin Shu, you have already played tricks on us once. If you try again, are you sure you can bear the consequences of being our enemy?"

Jin Shu was eating melon seeds below.

"Everything I said is true, but I said I would only accept four people. What if the other two rush in when I open the door? How can I, a weak woman, withstand it?
So, since those two people are ready to make sacrifices, what's the difficulty in giving yourself two shots?Do you still want to leave behind the last fire of mankind?
Fang Yingqiu, do you think what I said is right? "

Fang Yingqiu sneered.

"I think you are maliciously retaliating against us! Lu Ling, don't waste time with her. Let's go. I don't believe it. Is this the only entrance to the entire air-raid shelter?"

Jin Shu, you'd better hide, otherwise I will definitely make you pay the price when we get in. "

"I gave you a chance, but if you can't seize it, fine. I wish you good luck. I'll wait for you below."

Jin Shu didn't want to waste her time. The melon seeds were a little dry after being knocked down. She planned to go back and make herself a piece of fruit.

When he turned around and returned to the living area, the humanoid creature lying on the blanket moved.

Only then did Jin Shu remember that the dying savior was still here lingering.

Forget it, if the end of the world can really improve, she might be able to live a few more years.Thinking of this, Jin Shu directly dragged the man to the stove.

He lit the fire and took out a set of disinfection and dressing equipment found in the warehouse.

It happened that the man was not wearing any clothes, so Jin Shu dipped a towel in water and wiped him from top to bottom. After wiping, all the wounds on his body were exposed.

The injuries were quite serious, but they were probably not man-made. After all, the tears on the thighs and shoulders were certainly not caused by humans.

In addition, most of the wounds on the body are caused by corrosion and soaking in black water, burning, rotting, and exposure to the sun, followed by climbing and friction. Some serious places, such as knees, wrists, palms, etc., have been deeply injured. The bones are visible.

His face was not very injured, it was as pale as paper and looked like a dead person.

He is no different from a dead person now, that is, he has one more breath.

"You are lucky to meet me."

360 lines, Jin Shu Xingxing knows a little bit about them, among which the most researched is the medical skills of the human world.

She doesn't know how to use modern methods, but she can do it in ancient times.

When taking inventory of supplies, she found a bunch of Chinese herbal medicines. Jin Shu remembered that she had passed by a Chinese medicine clinic that was half submerged in water. Because she was short on time and had a heavy task, she didn't do much research and just pulled in all the things inside. in space.

Now when I was reorganizing it, I found that there are still many good things in it that can remove decay, promote muscle growth, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

There was a small earthen pot on the small stove, and the inside was steaming. The bitter smell of potion filled the air. The man lying next to him opened his eyes and slowly turned his neck to look at Jin Shu, who had her back turned to him.

He could feel himself being saved, wrapped in gauze, and not feeling much pain anymore.

Just then Jin Shu turned around and noticed that he was awake.

"Awake? That's good. Drink the medicine."

It didn't save her from using a funnel to pour it down his throat.

When giving the medicine, Jin Shu gave it a spoonful, and the man drank it quietly. The bitter and unpleasant medicine tasted like sugar water to him without even frowning.

After drinking the medicine, Jin Shu helped him continue to lie down, and then brought clean gauze and medicinal mud.

"I'll change your dressing. If it hurts, just endure it."

The man watched silently as she used scissors to cut away the layers of gauze wrapped around her body. During this process, the flesh and blood stuck to the gauze and was torn apart. He frowned slightly, but remained motionless and silent.

Jin Shu didn't have much gentleness and patience. She quickly changed the gauze, scraped off the newly grown rotten flesh, then reapplied the medicine and wrapped it with new gauze.

The corrosiveness of the black water has penetrated deep into the flesh, and healing is a long process.

In the next two days, Jin Shulei could not help but change his medicine twice a day, feed him medicine three times and give him two meals of rice cereal.

During this period, men will have normal excretion, so the diapers Jin Shu hoarded came in handy. They had to be diligent and change them three or four times a day.

However, when changing to this one, the man would close his eyes tightly, and Jin Shu could feel his whole body shaking slightly.

He had never trembled like this when he was being shaved, but when I was just changing his diaper, he looked like he was beyond hope.

Anyway, it was not Jin Shu who endured all this. She was calm and composed, without any psychological pressure.

"You are just a piece of meat in my eyes now. I will not feel sympathy or shame for you. Don't worry."

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