Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 182 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Jin Shu opened the first door in front of them. Just when the four of them thought that the door was the base, they didn't expect that there was another door 50 meters away.

In the 50-meter passage between the two doors, four single beds have been set up, separated by a curtain in the middle. All bedding supplies are available. The male and female areas are clearly divided, because there is a separate toilet and washbasin on one side of the curtain. , and wardrobe.

The other side is quite simple, a simple urinal, two blue basins with two towels and two sets of washing tools, and nothing else.

Jin Shu looked at the pale girl and handed her a sanitary napkin and a painkiller.

"The water pipes here are connected to the water heater. You can get hot water by yourself. Go and deal with it first. Come back and gather after the treatment is completed."

The girl glanced at her, took the things, and walked behind the curtain with the help of another girl.

The remaining two boys looked at everything in front of them curiously.

"Water heater, toilet...how did you do it?"

"You'll know later. Take a rest and I'll come over later."

In front of the two people, Jin Shu took out the key, opened the second door, walked in, and then closed it in front of the two people.

Back in his living area, Liang Qingzhi, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, stood up.

"You let them in."


"This is not a wise approach. People's greed will expand, especially men. They will always test your bottom line, and it is difficult to surrender to the management of a woman."

"Have you ever thought about your situation when you said this?"

Liang Qingzhi said with a serious expression.

"The fact that I can recognize all this means that I am different from ordinary men. I have not determined my psychological gender since I was a child. I don't want to be bound by gender to do things that the public thinks are normal, so you don't have to treat me as a A man, I am just a man."

Jin Shu nodded, admiring this person from the bottom of her heart.

It is indeed not easy for a man to say such things. He is not restricted by gender and is obsessed with what he wants to do. It is no wonder that he can become the savior.

But Jin Shu only listened casually to what he said, and picked out the useful ones.

For example, he is absolutely right in thinking that men are unreliable.

So Jin Shu kept them outside the door, and usually asked Liang Qingzhi to come out to discuss and communicate with them before the research progressed.

There are four more people in the base, and a lot more electricity is used every day. Fortunately, the generator Liang Qingzhi helped transform can now not only generate diesel power, but also use light energy to generate power.

The most important thing is that he can not only renovate but also upgrade. The generator that originally could only provide power for more than ten hours can now continue to generate electricity for more than 30 hours after absorbing solar energy for a whole day. .

In addition to working out, farming, and cooking for Liang Qingzhi, what Jin Shu has to do every morning is to prepare food for the four people outside for the day.

They did it themselves. After all, they were mental workers. Jin Shu did not treat them badly. She tried her best to make the ingredients as nutritionally balanced as possible every day, and she did not repeat the same thing every week.

Anyway, she now has so many supplies that several people can't finish them in a lifetime. Instead of waiting until she dies and wastes them, she might as well take them out now and enjoy them quickly.

Before the four of them arrived, Liang Qingzhi would only drink tea and read books every day. She would eat directly at meal times. She would usually help with renovations and upgrades of the base's exhaust, electricity, and indoor air circulation.

But since the four people arrived and learned Liang Qingzhi's identity, the four of them came to him with countless questions every day.

Liang Qingzhi didn't want to pay attention to them, but Jin Shu asked him to go outside and do research with four people every day.Being dependent on others and short-tongued, Liang Qingzhi could only patiently come out of the living area at the end of the day, and then change places to continue sitting and reading.

When the four people outside saw him, they felt as if they had seen a god come down to earth. They were cautious and worried that they might do something wrong and make the great god unhappy.

Jin Shu didn't know much about their major, so she asked one of the girls.

"What does Liang Qingzhi mean to you?"

"He should be regarded as the Jerusalem of our environmental physics community. Without him, our major would not exist. All the content we learn in class now is compiled by Teacher Liang and Teacher Liang's students.

Normally if we see Teacher Liang's students in school, we would be eager to run up and ask for autographs.

So can you imagine Teacher Liang’s position in our hearts? "

Jin Shu nodded.

When Liang Qingzhi was mentioned, the little girl's eyes lit up, and the enthusiasm in her eyes was undeniable.

"The end of the world has brought me and Teacher Liang into such close contact. Really, this is the luckiest thing that I have ever experienced."

"Do you know that your teacher Liang can't even boil water?"

"Great people should do great things. They shouldn't waste time on such small things. From now on, I will boil Teacher Liang's water!"

"Very good, Teacher Liang needs hard-working students like you."

If she had known that these students admired Liang Qingzhi so much, Jin Shu would not have had to put in so much effort to serve that ancestor every day. She could have just left the work to these college students.

People still enjoy it.

The girl's name is Zhou Zhizhi. When she sees Jin Shu, she calls her Sister Shu. She is very transparent and flexible, without any arrogance of a top student.

The most important thing is that this girl also cooks good food. Jin Shu has tasted it and it tastes very good.

So she gave Liang Qingzhi's three meals a day to Zhou Zhizhi without hesitation.

That night, Jin Shu stewed pig's trotter soup for one person, which was just enough for a bowl. Then she turned around and saw Liang Qingzhi standing behind her with a bowl.

The other party looked at the empty casserole silently, and then fixed his gaze on Jin Shu's bowl.

"What about mine?"

"Someone will prepare your food, and you can eat with them later, which will save you the trouble of going in and out.

I have decided to move this door further inside, expand the space of the passage, and organize a lounge for you outside. Oh, by the way, don’t you still need a research room? I will go out tonight to prepare what you need. You give me a list of equipment, and I'll go out and find it. "


"Huh? Why? You said it yourself, you need a separate research room."

"Why do you let me live outside?"

Liang Qingzhi didn't seem to hear a word of what was said next.

His silent eyes became a lot darker, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy. His eyes fell on Jin Shu, with some strange emotions.

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