Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 183 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Jin Shu is not stupid.

How could she not see where Liang Qingzhi's inexplicable emotions came from.

That's why she wants to get him out.

A good life-saving grace also saved trouble.

She also met Liang Qingzhi's gaze without evading, with a calm look on her face.

"I saved you so that you could save the world."

"Living here, I can also save the world."

"But this is beyond the scope of my responsibility. My original responsibility is to save your life.

My current responsibility is to cooperate with your research.

Other than that, you have nothing to do with me, do you understand? "

Liang Qingzhi lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covering the emotions under her eyes, and whispered.

"Well, I understand."

"As long as you understand, it's fine. We can go out to eat first and pack things later."

Liang Qingzhi turned around and left without hesitation at all. She was wearing a wide sweater that didn't fit very well. The curly hair that hadn't been trimmed for a long time didn't look messy, but was still very soft.

Jin Shu sighed.

She didn't intend to break up the love. Although she was hurt, it had been so long ago that the hatred had dissipated. Continuing to struggle was just punishing and torturing herself.

It may also be a subconscious protective mechanism in the heart that rejects and resists all feelings between men and women.

She had a lot to do and didn't want to waste time on someone who was unlikely to have any results.

Especially this person is very important right now.

If you can, break it off as soon as possible. Don't blame her later for not clearly saying no and causing trouble again.

Liang Qingzhi's things were all moved out.

In fact, it was nothing, just the sheets, quilts, toiletries, and a few sets of clothes that Jin Shu prepared for him.

Jin Shu would not treat him badly when he got outside. He divided a separate rest area for him to ensure that he would not be disturbed in any way. The bathroom was also private, and his living conditions were basically the same as Jin Shu's, just to give him the best possible life. environment for rest and work.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Shu left the air raid shelter and sailed towards the South China Sea in an assault boat.

Now the black water is pouring back and has already eroded the sea water.

Viewed from a high place, the entire land was submerged by black water, and there was darkness everywhere. Ships could be seen everywhere, which was the last habitat of mankind.

Jin Shu didn't see the male and female protagonists when they came down from the mountain, but they are the children of good luck, and their fortunes are incredible. In addition, there are so many treasures hidden in the female protagonist's space, so the two of them should not live too much. Difference.

Leaving aside the male and female protagonists, Jin Shu saw a huge black commercial ferry along the road. A group of people on it were obviously fighting for territory. The camps were divided into two groups: one team was the predators and the other was the defenders.

Next to the commercial ferry was a small boat, with two big men in black sitting on it.

Jin Shu saw familiar patterns on them again.This organization seems to be much more powerful than she imagined.

After watching the fun and about to leave, Jin Shu suddenly noticed two very familiar figures on the boat.

She simply jumped on the boat and got closer to take a closer look. The disfigured man with gauze on his head and a cane looked familiar.

It wasn't until Jin Shu saw Fang Yingqiu behind him that she recognized that the lame man was actually the male protagonist Lu Ling.

Although the explosion did not kill him, it almost killed half of his life. Look at his appearance, disfigured and disabled. No wonder his brows were full of anger and sinisterness, which made Jin Shu not recognize him at first sight. .

Looking at the two men dressed in black, it seemed that they were part of the robbery team.

Next to Lu Ling looked at a giant who was more than two meters tall. He had a scarred face, a face full of flesh, and large muscles on his body tangled together. He also carried a rocket launcher on his back, hanging on his waist, and in his hand. Carrying a giant axe, the whole person looked like a mutated monster.

Others were robbing, but these two stood here chatting leisurely.

Lu Ling also held a piece of paper in his hand and approached the giant to show him.

Jin Shu took out the paper and looked at it, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curve.

Okay, okay, this kid really didn't hold his shit in. No wonder he was accepted by this gang of vicious bandits. Their feelings were based on using her underground air-raid shelter as a token of trust.

The specific location of the air raid shelter is clearly marked on this paper.

Judging from the determination on the giant's face, it was obvious that the two of them had reached a consensus.

Jin Shu sighed helplessly and shook her head.

It was impossible to live peacefully every day. Forget it, even if you come, you can’t leave empty-handed, so Jin Shu stripped off everything that the elder brother could take away, including guns, cannons, bullets, and knives. Axes and sticks, whatever they are, take them as ordered.

Jin Shu was not a person who took advantage of the situation to rob her, but now that this group of people was about to rob her in front of her house, Jin Shu would not be polite to them.

This merchant ship has been completely controlled. Most of the people on board have been killed. The remaining few who surrendered have opened the cabin.

When Jin Shu walked up the stairs to the cargo hold, the bandits were busy counting the goods.

Just like last time, for those who are familiar with the scene, Jin Shu's movements are also quite skillful. He kicked everything in front of him away, looked at the large barrel full of the cabin in front of him, and stepped forward to take a look.


The barrels that lined the entire cabin in front of me were all filled with precious oil! !
Not long ago, Jin Shu was still thinking about where to get some diesel. Now, the raw material for extracting diesel, oil, is right in front of her!
Jin Shu couldn't hide her joy. She scanned around and found that at least tens of thousands of tons of oil were transported here!

With no time to hesitate, Jin Shu directly turned on the sweep mode, cleaned out everything in the space, freed up all the space, and started filling in oil!
The more of this thing, the better. Whether it is peace or the end of the world, oil is hard currency. With this, the industrial industry has the possibility of recovery. With this, her underground base can keep warm in winter and cool in summer all year round. The most important thing is, The most important item on Liang Qingzhi’s research list is oil!

One bucket, two buckets, three buckets... Jin Shu was like a bee falling into a sea of ​​flowers, sweeping away non-stop.

Now the space has become much larger, and it can take away almost three hundred barrels of oil at a time.

Looking at the full cargo hold, Jin Shu didn't even take a sip of water. She was running with full firepower 24 hours a day between the two places!
There are fewer and fewer oil barrels in the cabin, and the space in the base is filling up more and more!

In the end, there were only two hours left, and the originally full cabin became extremely empty!Even more than half of the entire ship floated!

Jin Shu did not waste the remaining 10 minutes. There were many treasures inside this big ship.

Generators, drains, metal frames, and bottom sounders...

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