Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 184 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Thanks to Jin Shu's free time and love to read all kinds of miscellaneous books, she happened to see Dachang Heavy Industry recently, which introduced in detail several types of commercial cargo ships commonly used in China. The detailed internal structure layers once made Jin Shu sleepless and forgetful. Research.

Sure enough, as long as you learn the knowledge in your head, it will not be in vain. No, it will come in handy now. Although I wasted a lot of time and didn't take much away in the end, it doesn't matter. Jin Shu brought If you don’t want to leave, don’t even think about taking these people away.

At the second after six o'clock, Lu Ling, who was still chatting, suddenly felt something cold under his body. He looked down suddenly and his face turned as red as pig liver in the next second. He hurriedly reached out to cover his lower body.

"Who! Who did it!"

Where are his pants! !

On such a cold day, his legs without pants instantly turned blue and blue from the cold. Fang Yingqiu on the side was not much better either. She had no warm clothes left on her body, leaving only short-sleeved shorts that were embarrassing to cover up, and she was so cold. The two people hurriedly ran to the cabin.

The leader of the Black Dragon Gang looked at the two men in a hurry and didn't realize what was going on for a while. But he soon realized something was wrong, and as soon as he lifted his feet, he found that he was much lighter.

He touched his body violently, and his heart sank suddenly.

Where are the weapons? !

All the weapons on him are gone!
How could it be possible? Who has the ability to steal his equipment in the blink of an eye? !

There was confusion in my mind, and before I could sort out the clues, a horrified shout came from below the cabin.

"Chief!! Chief!! Our goods! Our goods are gone!!"

When the leader heard this, he couldn't do anything, and rushed to the cabin. When he got down, he saw that the huge cabin was now empty. At a glance, all the oil in the entire cargo hold was gone! !
"What's going on?! Where are the things?! Where are so many fucking goods?!"

"We don't know either. Just now...it was really in front of us just now. In the blink of an eye, it was gone! Boss, boss, is our place haunted?"

The leader was sullen and silent, looking at the empty cabin. He was so angry that he wanted to draw his gun and kill the boy in front of him without hesitation. However, when he pulled it to his waist, the place where he originally put the gun was empty.

He couldn't help but not believe it!

His batch of goods really disappeared out of thin air!

But he wouldn't be stupid enough to suspect that it was haunted. This was obviously man-made!
"Set the boat and find it for me. With so much cargo, I want to see where he can go! Find it! Dig three feet into the ground and find it for me!!"

At this time, the announcement from the captain's room came out.

"Engine failure, unable to start."

"A malfunction?! It was fine just now. How can it malfunction?!"

The leader's angry face was so dark that it was almost dripping with water.

I can't suppress my anger at all. This is a whole boat of oil! !Everything was stolen in the blink of an eye!And I don’t even know whether the thief is a man or a woman, a human or a demon!
"All the previous crew members were killed, and now no one knows how to repair the ship. Boss, why don't we go back first and send someone over to repair the ship?"

"Where's that Lu Ling? Call him here!"

Lu Ling, who finally found his clothes and put on his clothes, limped to the leader.

Fang Yingqiu, who came with them, also heard that the cargo on the ship was missing.

It was comparable to a supernatural event, and no one could figure out how such a thing could happen.

But others couldn't understand it, but Fang Yingqiu couldn't help but doubt it.

If you can have a portable space, maybe others will too.

If you want to take away the cargo of this ship instantly, it is most likely because the other party also has a storage space larger than yourself, which can easily absorb the entire ship's cargo.The more Fang Yingqiu thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

Even if she knew the truth, she didn't dare to tell anyone, not to mention whether others would believe it or she might get burned if she told it.

Who on earth is it?There is such a big space, and so many things can be stolen under everyone's nose...

Fang Yingqiu felt a little uneasy and a little angry.

Stupid things, won't they arouse suspicion?Who just relies on his own advantages and doesn't think about the consequences at all. Does this kind of person deserve to have the same storage space as himself?

I thought I was the only lucky one favored by God, but I didn't expect that this gift actually fell on someone else, and it was obvious that the other person's spatial ability was stronger than my own.

Fang Yingqiu couldn't wait to know who the other party was, so when she heard people around her talking about how this was not the first time this happened, she couldn't help but ask.

"What you said happened before. What was it? When did it happen?"

The man looked Fang Yingqiu up and down, and then said angrily.

"That time, the brothers robbed a supermarket and were ordering goods. Then, like today, all the goods were gone in the blink of an eye!! That was goods worth hundreds of millions, and they were just gone! The brothers wasted a lot of money just for this supermarket. So many bullets!

I'm so angry. In order to kill those dolls, I didn't even wash off the blood on my body. The result is good, I directly benefited others! "

Fang Yingqiu was thoughtful.

Hundreds of millions of goods can be loaded and taken away in an instant, so how much space does the other party have?

I thought my space was big enough, and I was complacent and thought I was special enough. Now that I think about it, I just feel a little ridiculous.

"Then you didn't notice anything strange at the scene?"

"What the heck, in the blink of an eye, grandma's legs were gone! All the guns and ammunition she brought that day were stolen! Just like today, in front of so many people in public, all of our bodies were stolen The weapons are gone too!”

The more Fang Yingqiu listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

This is no longer just a simple space. It can steal all the goods in an instant and also take away the weapons of the entire ship. The opponent may have other unknown abilities.

What is the ability to do this?
Fang Yingqiu was lost in thought when suddenly Lu Ling called her.

"Come here with me."

The two stood in the corner, Lu Ling looked at her with a dark face.

"What do you think about this?"

"I don't know, I have no clue."

"No one else has it. I don't believe you haven't it. Ah Qiu. I thought there were no secrets between us."

Fang Yingqiu felt uncomfortable staring at him.

"What exactly do you want to say? What do you doubt about me?"

"Aqiu, I'm not stupid. There are some things I want to wait for you to tell me personally. The person I trust most now is you, but you are still wary of me..."

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