Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 188 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

In today's precarious doomsday.

Fang Yingqiu only needs to provide his own space to get the protection and blessing of Boss Fang.

After spending the painful and desperate time in the early days of his imprisonment, Fang Yingqiu gradually felt that such a life was not too bad.

At the very least, she no longer has to live around like before, and she doesn't have to worry day and night because her space will be coveted by others.

Now she has the best food and clothing, and enjoys the protection of the most powerful man. No matter who sees her, they must respectfully call her Sister Qiu.

If this is the case, since she can't resist, then she should aggrieve herself for the time being and continue to endure.


Jin Shu knew that sooner or later this base would become the target of public criticism, so she accepted talents like Liang Qingzhi.

Leave professional matters to professionals, and the result will be twice the result with half the effort.

With the main raw material oil, and with Liang Qingzhi's help in refining it, electricity consumption, which was originally the most troublesome, is now no longer a problem.

As long as the entire base is powered on, not to mention how it will help research, as far as Jin Shu is concerned, the whole person's mental state will be much better.

The four top students who were taken in before are now progressing almost as in the original plot. They are following Liang Qingzhi to do research. After having an in-depth understanding of Liang Qingzhi's light screen plan, the four of them were deeply impressed and worshiped Liang Qingzhi. Almost to the point of blind madness.

At this level, Jin Shu is really not worried that these people will betray her.

So she continued to expand their research channels. After retaining their own living area, these people could move around freely in other places.

One week after another, Jin Shu transported all the research equipment Liang Qingzhi needed from the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is heavily guarded and it is extremely difficult to get in and out, but Jin Shu can not only enter and exit at will, but also carry out so many equipment as if he is in an uninhabited land.

Liang Qingzhi didn't ask anything, and asked Jin Shu directly if he needed anything. The two maintained a strange but tacit understanding of each other. The short meeting time every day was like an underground party meeting. After a few words, Jin Shu remembered what he needed. stuff, then turned around and left.

Most of the time, Liang Qingzhi wanted to say a few more words, but as long as it was not work-related, Jin Shu would interrupt him without hesitation.

"This matter has nothing to do with research and is not within my scope of responsibility. Just shut up."

Liang Qingzhi was also used to Jin Shu's avoidant attitude, and was a little disappointed at first. Later, after discovering that she had this attitude no matter who she was, her heart gradually became more balanced.

So during the back and forth, he also mastered the skills of getting along with Jin Shu, which was to help her solve problems.

No matter how capable Jin Shu is, she is not proficient in everything. Liang Qingzhi is much more proficient than her in matters within the professional scope.

Renovating ventilation ducts and discharging underground water are small problems that Jin Shu can solve by herself.

But she didn't understand things like the balance of temperature and humidity in the base and the precise adjustment of temperature and humidity, so she could only think about it slowly. At this time, Liang Qingzhi would offer to help.

"I'm here, eating and drinking for free. It's only right that I help you with a little help."

There was no problem at all, so he had a legitimate reason to enter and leave the living area, and spent three days installing a temperature and humidity regulator at the base. As a result, the vegetables in Jinshu's vegetable field grew more vigorously. With the blessing of spiritual water, the yield is quite gratifying.

“Farming is not bad either.”

After coming to the end of the world for so long, Jin Shu finally found a hobby. She spends all her time reading and farming.

Liang Qingzhi could tell that she cherished her vegetable patch, so after the initial research on the light screen came to fruition, the greenhouses around the vegetable patch were replaced with a hemispherical light screen.

"The light screen can absorb heat energy, wind energy, and water, and convert it into energy. From now on, you don't have to stare at the thermohumidifier day and night. They can grow better under the light screen."

In the true sense of temperature and humidity balance, the full-screen remote control in Liang Qingzhi's hand can perfectly evolve spring, summer, autumn and winter within the light screen.Jin Shu reached out and touched it. It was slippery, like glass.

"How strong is this?"

"If the base collapses, it will not collapse."

"Where are the guns and ammunition?"

Liang Qingzhi smiled and said something in a calm and calm tone.

"If the world is destroyed, it will remain standing. If the world explodes in the next second, your vegetable patch may be the only civilization left by mankind."

Jin Shu glanced at him, not hiding her respect.

"Professor Liang, if human beings have you, their lives should not be cut off."

Liang Qingzhi smiled and said nonchalantly.

"I have no interest in saving humans, but since this is my savior's wish, I am willing to help her fulfill her wish."

Jin Shu frowned.

Come again and again.

No matter how serious and serious things are, he can successfully mislead her. If Jin Shu hadn't been determined, she would have been really moved by him.

Jin Shu didn't bother to study the truth or falsehood of Liang Qingzhi's words, as long as he could get things done.

Facts have proved that Liang Qingzhi is indeed worthy of the title of "Savior of the End Times".

The light screen covering the vegetable garden can not only sense the internal temperature and humidity, but also adjust accordingly. Just when Jin Shu thought the light screen was just a huge cover, suddenly, the light screen changed color, from the original white to It turned into a dark color, and at the same time, there was a "click" of thunder inside, and a bolt of lightning flashed violently the next second. Just when Jin Shu was wondering if there was something wrong with her eyes, she just heard a "crash", and she In the small vegetable garden, it rained heavily.

Jin Shu: "..."

She looked at the vegetable field in front of her that was shrouded in a light screen. A look of confusion appeared on her face, which had rarely shown any emotional fluctuations in thousands of years.

She is not in the world of cultivating immortals either.

Why did you see the wind and rain with your own eyes?
"Can it also make thunder and rain?"

"Well, lightning helps plants grow."

There is no need to explain this, Jin Shu knows.

Could he explain something useful?Is this what Jin Shu wants to ask?

“Where did the thunder and lightning come from and where did the water come from?”

"There is an energy storage device in the light screen, which can be converted into lightning. Rainwater quickly captures water molecules in the air and condenses to form water droplets. The amount of rainfall can be controlled by adjusting the temperature of the light screen contact surface.

It can have light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain, or extremely heavy rain. "

Liang Qingzhi never tired of showing Jin Shu the light screen rain.

The magic is comparable to the method.

Sure enough, technology changes the world, and geniuses master technology. (End of chapter)

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