Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 189 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Jin Shu looked at him.

"How long does it take to make such a light screen?"

"If we had a machine, we could build a light screen world about the same size as the base in one day. But we don't have the conditions to make the machine now, so we can only make it manually. We can produce 140 pieces in seven days. It's almost like seeing this dish. Multiply the area of ​​the land by three.”

Jin Shu made some gestures.

"Very good, come on, let's slowly expand around the vegetable garden."

Liang Qingzhi nodded, then turned around, silently staring at the lettuce inside the light screen.

That look is similar to the look a wolf gives when he sees meat.

"Like to eat this?"

"Well, the boiled rice is delicious."

"What else do you like to eat? Just tell me."

It's very hard for a genius to use his brain. This little food and appetite can't satisfy his desires. Doesn't that make Jin Shu too stingy?

"That day I smelled mulled wine outside. It smelled very good. I kept smelling it and didn't sleep all night."


"You don't have to feel embarrassed. This is my problem, not yours. I live and eat at your place for free, so how can I make any extravagant demands?"


After hearing his comfort, Jin Shu felt even worse.

Since he wants to eat it, just cook it for him. There are plenty of vegetables in the vegetable field anyway.

"But how do you open this light screen?"

"Oh, I set a regional password. Just click on a light screen to enter the password. I will upgrade and improve it later. It will be more convenient to change the password to fingerprints, pupils or veins."

"You're really smart."

Jin Shu has always considered herself to be a semi-genius. After all, she has always been a leader in the world of immortal cultivation where there are many talents.

Not only practicing, but also learning other things, the speed will be much faster than ordinary people.

But compared to a top genius like Liang Qingzhi, Jin Shu had to admit that she was indeed inferior to him.

However, there are always people who stand at the top in this world. There is no need to compare yourself with such people. You will only make yourself unhappy.

On the contrary, I should be glad that such people are not my enemies at present, but partners in the same camp as myself.

After entering the password according to Liang Qingzhi's instructions, a light screen slowly opened in the next second, high enough for Jin Shu to enter and exit upright.

After she entered, the light screen closed automatically. She stood inside and looked outside. Her sight was not affected at all, and her breathing became much easier.

Liang Qingzhi followed him in.

"I added a filtration system inside the light screen. External oxygen must pass through this filtration system before entering the light screen. Therefore, the average life span of people living here will increase a lot."

Jin Shu's eyes lit up.Isn't this her ultimate goal?

Staying in such a place with warm winters, cool summers, constant temperature and humidity, sufficient light and clean air, without being disturbed by the outside world, you can live quietly by yourself and become a long-lived old man.

Liang Qingzhi seemed to see the change in Jin Shu's mood.

"You like this design, don't you?"

"Of course, isn't it a good thing to have longer life span?"

"Then I can continue to add some health care procedures to improve the quality of life in the future, such as controlling light intensity, day and night alternation time, oxygen concentration, etc. These are all helpful to prolong life."

To be honest, anyone who hears this without seeing it with their own eyes will think that Liang Qingzhi is a liar selling health care products.

There is such a magical thing in this world.

Jin Shu's eyes were bright when she stared at the light screen. She had the purest curiosity about all novel things.

Liang Qingzhi looked at her silently, her lips curved in a slight arc.

In the next few days, Liang Qingzhi and four students began to expand the safe territory outwards with the vegetable field as the center.

Four people helped out, because all four of them were related majors and had high IQs and strong understanding. Under the guidance of Liang Qingzhi, they were able to take charge quickly, which also greatly increased the coverage speed of the light screen.

As time goes by, the black water has spread to the mountainside. Now all cities have been submerged by the black water. The last living area of ​​mankind has been repeatedly reduced. Now most survivors are forced to retreat from land to ships.

The black water eventually connected with the sea water, forming a vast black sea. Ships can be seen everywhere on the sea, connected one by one. They are sea bases for survivors. The survivors report to the group to keep warm and resist sea bandits.

With the collapse of order, human social civilization has directly regressed by 3000 years. The previous legal society no longer exists. If you want to survive in the end of the world when resources are scarce, the best way is to plunder.

Groups of plunderers recklessly burned, killed and looted on the sea, and the most famous among these robbers was the Black Dragon Gang, who left no one alive wherever they went.

A group of sea robbers formed by foreign mercenaries.

They have the most advanced weapons and equipment, not enough guns and ammunition, and even a lot of military weapons. When an ordinary fleet encounters such an armed team, it has almost no power to fight back and can only be slaughtered.

Wherever the Black Dragon Gang goes, the men are usually kidnapped without leaving alive the women, and most of the women who are kidnapped have a tragic fate.

Nowadays, the Black Dragon Gang has become the overlord of this area. Many fleets have taken the initiative to seek peace, lowering their posture and being small. Over time, this fleet of gangsters has directly proclaimed itself the king. The leader of the gang is no longer called Boss Gao. Now Everyone must call him King.

At this time, he was dressed in golden fox fur, with hundreds of followers coming in and out. He held dozens of fleets and was making waves throughout the South China Sea. His name was known to everyone. When he met other fleets on the way, Everyone on the ship must give way. Everyone on the ship must kneel on the deck and cannot look directly at the true face of the "King".

Such a huge team marched along the former coastline of the Black Sea and came to the mountains standing in the vast ocean.

More than half of the mountain has been submerged, and the ship reached the mountainside directly when it docked. Now there are many survivors living on the mountain. These people without ships can only rely on this remaining piece of land to survive.

When they saw a ship docking, the first survivor to find it actually rushed forward excitedly, waving and shouting.

"Here!! There is someone here!! Someone is here to save us!! Finally someone is here to save us!!"

The next second, a gunshot rang out, and the man fell to the ground. He stared at the sky until he died, and in the center of his forehead, a dark hole gushed with blood.

At this time, the few people who were following him and had not had time to get close were frightened when they saw this scene. After being stunned, they rolled and screamed and ran back.

But there was no time to run away at this time. A heavily armed team came down from the boat and fired with guns. (End of chapter)

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