Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 191 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

"Such a powerful person? Why haven't I heard of him?"

Boss Gao stared at the screen with a playful expression, as if he was looking at a treasure that he treasured.

Fang Yingqiu noticed his expression. How could he not know what his expression meant after being with him for so long.

"Liang Qingzhi is arrogant and arrogant, and has a lot of integrity. Force is useless against him."

"That's because the method is not clever enough. As long as he is afraid of death, then I have a way to make him listen to me."

After speaking, Boss Gao gave an order.

"Come on, keep bombing until the people inside come out and beg for mercy!"

Ammunition and artillery fire began to bomb as if they were free. The originally flat hilltop was now riddled with craters, and the base made of reinforced concrete at the bottom was gradually exposed.

The main body of the air raid shelter, which occupies an entire football field, has been revealed.

Originally, Boss Gao came to the base and planned to use this place as his ammunition depot. The entire hilltop was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But now that there is something better in front of us, this base has no meaning in existence.

It exploded, everything exploded. He didn't believe that the genius named Liang Qingzhi inside could still sit still under such a fierce artillery attack.

Seeing that the entire base was bombarded to nothing but ruins, there was still no movement inside. As the base collapsed, a huge transparent spherical object slowly appeared in the pit.

Lu Ling, who was among the team members, looked at the spherical building in front of him with shock and fascination with his only remaining eye, and his blood began to boil again.

This is the light screen that Fang Yingqiu once mentioned to him. At first sight, he can feel the oppressive force coming towards him.

He limped forward and was pushed directly to the ground by other team members.

"What's the rush? Damn lame!"

Lu Ling, however, just stared ahead.

"Light screen, light screen...there really is a light screen."

When Fang Yingqiu mentioned this, he didn't believe it. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he confirmed a long-held guess in his mind, that is, Fang Yingqiu did have some ability to predict the future.

Since she can predict the future, why did she let herself fall to this point?
Did she do it on purpose?
Thinking of this possibility, Lu Ling looked at Fang Yingqiu's back with cold eyes.

If this is really the case, then everything I am enduring now is caused by this damn woman!
She was the one who caused her to end up like this, but she turned around and fell in love with another man and continued to live a pampered life!
This kind of woman deserves to die!

Feeling the cold gaze from behind, Fang Yingqiu slowly turned around and met Lu Ling's eyes.

Suddenly, I was frightened by the hatred in his eyes.

But she calmed down quickly. The man in front of her was a waste. Why did she care so much about him?
If Boss Gao hadn't thought that he was a talented person and could be of some use if he was kept, Fang Yingqiu would have wanted to kill him.

There was no time to care about him now, the more serious thing was to find Liang Qingzhi in the light screen in front of her.

The base fell and the light screen was finally exposed.

But looking in from the outside, all you can see is a vast expanse of white. As for what is specifically inside, you can't see clearly at all.

Boss Gao patted the screen, and the captain on the side shouted inside.

"We are the Black Dragon Alliance. We are here to help you. If the people inside come out, we can talk."

His tone now is quite polite. After all, the leader has said that when dealing with the people here, peace is the most important thing and lobbying is the main thing. You can no longer use direct firepower.After waiting for a long time, there was no response at all. The captain glanced at Boss Gao with some confusion and asked cautiously.

"Is there no one here?"


Fang Yingqiu was extremely excited. After listening to the useless remarks made by the other party, she went directly to the ground and went to the ground in person.

"Professor Liang, I know you are inside, please introduce yourself. My name is Fang Yingqiu, from the Black Dragon Alliance.

You may not know us very well. It doesn't matter. We don't mean any harm. I have heard your name and admire you very much. If possible, can we meet? "

Liang Qingzhi has a cold temperament and doesn't like to get close to others. I heard that he has no desires and demands, and he is not interested in power at all. Such people are the most suitable to recruit. Who doesn't like talented people who are capable and have no ambitions?
Fang Yingqiu lowered his attitude so much, which made Boss Gao a little unhappy.

Before he could have a seizure, suddenly a light screen in front of him slowly changed color, from white to transparent bit by bit!

This transformation seemed to everyone to be almost the same as magic, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Fang Yingqiu was ecstatic when she saw this.

Sure enough, my trick worked!

Inside the transparent light screen, stood a thin man with curly hair, wearing a gray sweater, with his eyes lowered and a lazy and decadent posture that was incompatible with the current apocalyptic world where everyone is in danger.

He slowly raised his eyes and looked at the people in front of him, with no expression on his naturally world-weary face.

The moment Fang Yingqiu saw him, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Seeing that this man has transcended human beings and become a god-like existence.

The moment she got close to him, an unparalleled sense of security filled her body. She couldn't help but approach him slowly, and whispered cautiously.

"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm. I know your research requires a lot of precious raw materials, and we can provide them. You can have as many as you want.

We can let you sit back and concentrate on your research.

So, would you like to talk to me in more detail? "

There is no reason for the other party to refuse such an attractive offer.

After all, no matter how smart Liang Qingzhi is, she is still a human being who cannot live without food and water. If she is in danger, she will lose her life if she is not careful.

Now that he has developed a light screen, such a precious thing will soon be snatched up by people all over the world. By then, without any ability to protect himself, he will have to rely on others to do his job.

However, people like this are sought after by thousands of people wherever they go, so Fang Yingqiu must take the initiative and show sincerity in advance to impress the savior in front of him.

She said so much, but the other party just glanced at her lazily and opened her thin lips lightly.

"You are noisy."

Fang Yingqiu's pupils trembled. She had so many conjectures flashing through her mind just now, and she was mentally prepared for Liang Qingzhi to be unreasonable, but the other party's cold and rude reaction was obviously beyond her expectation.

She quickly suppressed the discomfort in her heart and smiled.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but you should really think about what I just said.

I hope I can negotiate peacefully with you because I respect you and if it were anyone else, they would be rude. "(End of chapter)

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