Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 192 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Liang Qingzhi opened her eyelids, with a hint of mechanical coldness in her eyes.

At this time, he didn't look like a living person, but like a high-tech robot. There was no trace of human emotion or brilliance in his long, narrow and deep eyes.

Fang Yingqiu knows that people who are too smart are generally incompatible with this world.

And Liang Qingzhi is the pinnacle of geniuses, and he deserves to be different. It is precisely because of this that Liang Qingzhi is the only one in the world, and he has even more powerful personality charm.

"Don't you understand what people are saying? I said you were noisy, and you are all noisy.

Get lost, I don't want to work with you. "

Seeing his attitude, Fang Yingqiu felt anxious and angry.

"I know you have your own ideas and attitudes, but do you know who are the people standing outside now?

I don't want to hurt you, I want to protect you, so I block them all behind me and try to persuade you under tremendous pressure.

You are so smart and you should know the powerful relationship between this. Choosing to cooperate with us now is your best choice. "

When Liang Qingzhi heard this, he suddenly opened the corner of his mouth and showed an expression that was half-smile but not a smile. This finally gave his face some human vitality, and his whole person suddenly glowed with brilliance.

"Then just let those behind you try and hurt me? I'm covered."


Liang Qingzhi continued speaking seriously.

"The people who protect me are very powerful. I advise you to stay away, otherwise it will be difficult for me to die around here."

Corpses and other things also affect the appearance too much.

Liang Qingzhi is a bit of a germaphobe and can't bear to see these things.

Fang Yingqiu asked urgently after hearing what he said.

"They said they can protect you? Who else is there besides Jin Shu? How long can he protect you with his own strength?"

Logically speaking, Jin Shu also came here on someone else's lap. Fang Yingqiu preconceived the idea that there was a more powerful person in the base.

Just when Fang Yingqiu was impatient, Liang Qingzhi in front of him tilted his head and shouted inside.

"Teacher Jin, these people are coming to rob our home."

There was resentment and dissatisfaction in the lazy voice, and even some childlike willfulness.

Fang Yingqiu thought there was something wrong with his ears.

She looked at Jin Shu who was walking over in confusion. Before she could figure out what Liang Qingzhi meant, she saw Liang Qingzhi, who had just lost any energy, grinning at Jin Shu, one after the other, completely different. Humans have directly transformed from emotionless robots to college students.

Jin Shu was probably cooking. She was still wearing an apron. Her long black hair was casually tied back with hairpins. Her expression was relaxed and calm, and she was completely free of the anxiety and panic of being threatened by bombing.

Compared with the purgatory outside, the inside is like the picture on the TV, harmonious, peaceful and comfortable.

Fang Yingqiu's eyes were a little red.

She watched in disbelief as Liang Qingzhi clung to Jin Shu like a little animal, with a worthless smile on her face.

"Jin Shu? You... where is the leader of your base? We have something to talk to him about."

"I just want to say something."

Fang Yingqiu frowned, suppressing his impatience and speaking harshly.

"You don't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem at all. Do you think I'm playing house with you? Call your leader out, or I will consider giving up peaceful exchanges with you."

Jin Shu looked at her with an indifferent expression.
"Can't you understand human language? Is it difficult to understand what I just said? This base belongs to me and I am the leader. Do you need me to repeat these four words to you?" At this time, Liang Qingzhi smelled the words from The aroma came from the kitchen. Jin Shu stewed his favorite hoof flower soup for him. The kidney beans that had been soaked last night had to be eaten immediately when the heat was up, otherwise they would become rotten and taste bad.

So he was a little anxious and whispered repeatedly within the minimum safe distance that Jin Shu could accept.

"I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry, Teacher Jin, ignore them, let's eat."

"The kidney beans are about to stew, Teacher Jin."


Jin Shu looked back at him with a helpless tone.

"I understand, don't read it, you go and eat it yourself first."

"I'll wait for you."

Fang Yingqiu watched the interaction between the two, and the expressions on their faces changed from surprise to shock, and finally turned into jealousy and hatred that could not be hidden.

She is also a survivor in the apocalypse, so why can she live peacefully here and get along with such an outstanding man as Liang Qingzhi day and night.

On the other hand, she had tried her best to survive, but in the end, Lu Ling, who had promised to protect her, cursed her as a bitch in order to survive.

Now this boss Gao is almost no different from an animal, bloody, violent, arrogant and ugly. Compared with the gentle and handsome Liang Qingzhi, he is even worse than a wild dog on the roadside.

Seeing this scene was even worse than killing her.

Jin Shu saw the increasingly twisted perversion in her eyes and couldn't help but smile.

Isn't this person just looking for trouble for himself? Since this is his job, Jin Shu doesn't mind making her even more miserable.

"I heard everything you just said. Go back and tell the bear behind you to use it if you have the ability. Anyway, I am idle."

Seeing Jin Shu's completely unafraid look, Fang Yingqiu's teeth were about to break!
She just felt like she couldn't breathe well. If she continued like this, she would go crazy before Boss Gao took action.

"King, these people are stubborn! Just take action!"

When Boss Gao heard this, he said displeased.

"You talked for so long and I thought there was something going on, but if not, you wasted so much of my time!
What do you mean, that boy refuses to surrender? "

"As I said, I have a backer."

"Backer? Who is his backer?"

Fang Yingqiu pointed at Jin Shu and sneered.

"Did you see that? That woman is the leader of the base. She just said that you can go ahead, but she will make it impossible for you to come back."

Boss Gao laughed ferociously, looking at Jin Shu with eyes full of amusement.

"Is this bitch so stubborn? Hahahaha, I want to see how she can keep me from coming back! Go and push all the remaining cannons on the ship over. If I don't shout stop, you will keep firing!"

He robbed a military base and now has plenty of ammunition!

In the face of absolute firepower, he didn't believe there was an impenetrable wall in this world!
At this time, Jin Shu saw their intentions in the light screen and glanced at Liang Qingzhi.

"With so many cannons aimed at us, how long can this thing last?"

"Setting the table, eating, and letting him blow it up, it's just like fireworks."

Seeing Liang Qingzhi's casual attitude, Jin Shu silently suppressed the idea of ​​​​retaliating with firepower, and followed him to set up the table, plus four other people, a table of six people faced the cannons outside and started eating. . (End of chapter)

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