Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 193 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

There was no fear on the faces of the four assistants, and they looked even calmer than Jin Shu.

"What are you afraid of? As long as Teacher Liang is here, they can't get in."

"We must have enough trust in Teacher Liang! Besides, if there is really a one-in-a-million chance of being able to stay with Teacher Liang, I will die without regrets."

"Bah, bah, bah! Crow Mouth, don't let Teacher Liang laugh! Don't forget that we still have Teacher Jin. Teacher Jin is our most powerful backing, right?"

"Yes! Teacher Jin, we believe in you, let's eat! We are not afraid!"

What could be more refreshing than eating meat and drinking soup in an air-conditioned room at 26 degrees Celsius?
If so, it would be worse than death watching a group of bastards being tortured under a high temperature of [-] degrees!

When these bandits came, they didn't expect that there was such a hard bone on the top of the mountain.

Seeing that the sun above our heads is getting closer and closer, the high temperature of more than 60 degrees can cause a strong man to suffer from dehydration and heat stroke in 15 minutes.

Even if the Black Dragon Gang brought summer shelters in advance, those who were responsible for firing the artillery on the front line soon couldn't hold on and collapsed.

The next group of people immediately put on the armor, and the deafening sound of artillery fire accompanied by the bursts of thick smoke fermented wantonly on the steamer-like mountain. The group of people who put on the armor gradually fainted in less than 5 minutes.

When no one was available, Gao, who was enjoying the shade under the shed, gradually realized that the problem at hand was more serious than imagined.

Even though there was no sun and there was a special supply of ice water, and there were women fanning people on both sides, Gao Lao Gao felt more and more uncomfortable in his chest, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. He was fat, and when the temperature was high, no matter how many people fanned him, he could not Yes, the whole person sitting there is like a mountain of meat that is constantly emitting high temperatures. The layers of fat meat sandwich emit an indescribable sour smell caused by the fermentation of sweat.

At this time, Fang Yingqiu, who was leaning on the side, couldn't bear it anymore.

It was difficult to breathe in the first place, but now the breath she took in was still smelly. Her face turned pale and her expression was painful. She slowly and quietly moved away, but she was still discovered by Boss Gao.

"Where do you want to hide! Go! Get some cold water and wipe me down!"

This is not the first time Fang Yingqiu has done this.

But this time she was unwilling.

If everyone is not living well in the last days, and she can rely on Boss Gao's blessing to eat well and clothe herself in this purgatory world, then she will be willing to serve Boss Gao. After all, even if she doesn't want to, there are still a lot of women behind her. They are queuing up to take over.

Fang Yingqiu lives a contented life because she feels that there are few women in the world who can live a more comfortable life than her.

But now, looking at these fat men in their early fifties, her heart clenched in pain and she was about to vomit.

If it is as Lu Ling suspected, Jin Shu also has room.

Liang Qingzhi probably wanted to make her the leader because of her space.

But she also has space!She's not bad looking, and her abilities are not inferior to Jin Shu's, so why do she have to serve a pig here!

The strong contrast aroused huge disparity and dissatisfaction in Fang Yingqiu's heart.

She covered her mouth and pretended to be uncomfortable.

"I feel a little uncomfortable. Let another woman wipe it for you."

After saying this, Fang Yingqiu bent over and walked until she couldn't help but vomit.

Boss Gao is so stinky and ugly. How could she be blind enough to think that such a man is one of the rare good men in the world?

Just because he provided him with some food, drink and protection?

But Liang Qingzhi can do this, so why is he just Qingfeng Jiyue, clean and handsome?
Jin Shu’s life is really good.If she was the one who got there first and occupied the base, then she must be the one standing next to Liang Qingzhi in the end!
Why, why would she fall to this point!
Boss Gao on the side saw that her face was pale, and she was a little angry at first. Suddenly, an aunt who was waiting for Fang Yingqiu came up to Boss Gao and whispered something in his ear.

The next second, Boss Gao suddenly looked happy and stood up and walked behind Fang Yingqiu. With one arm, he took her into his arms effortlessly like before and let her sit on his arms like before.

"Hahahahahaha, okay, I didn't expect that I could have a child of my own in my 50s! Hahahahaha, come on, let me hear if there is any sound in my stomach!"

Fang Yingqiu, who once regarded Boss Gao's favor as a supreme honor, was extremely resistant and repelled at this time. Especially when the man put his head on her belly, she felt sick all over and wanted to scream.

But the collar around her neck told her that now was not the time to resist. She had no choice but to hold back her nausea and turn her head to look at the people in the light screen.

The bombardment of artillery fire had no effect on them at all. No matter how many times they were bombed, the light screen could always neutralize the firepower with ease.

Fang Yingqiu was breathing rapidly, so Boss Gao hurriedly sent someone to find a doctor.

"Show my baby's body and see if there is my seed in her belly!"

Fang Yingqiu held her stomach, suppressing the turmoil in her stomach.

A wave of fear came over her, and she couldn't imagine how painful her future life would be if she really had Gao's child.

The envy and jealousy in the eyes of the women beside her made her feel a little better.

Regardless of Jin Shu's case, he is still a master.

If Boss Gao can really break through the light screen and capture Liang Qingzhi, then the world will belong to them sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Fang Yingqiu gave Gao Boss some advice.

"The reason why Liang Qingzhi turned to Jin Shu is because Jin Shu also has space. You can send someone to tell him that we also have the space he wants, and it will definitely be bigger than Jin Shu's!"

Boss Gao was a little dissatisfied.

"You belong to me alone. If I say this, don't I have to share you with others? No way!"

Fang Yingqiu continued to lobby.

"As long as we can trick him out, who says we have to fulfill our promise?"

"Hahaha, in terms of insidiousness, my baby is indeed better. I will send someone there right now...who is better to send..."

"Lu Ling, he is very good at doing this kind of thing."

Fang Yingqiu still remembered that in his previous life, Liang Qingzhi was rescued by Lu Ling and then surrendered to him and did whatever he wanted.

Lu Ling must have his own way to gain Liang Qingzhi's trust.

Boss Gao also thinks it makes sense.

So Fang Yingqiu walked to Lu Ling's side and ignored the coldness in his eyes.

"I've got an opportunity for you. You go and persuade Liang Qingzhi. As long as you succeed, Boss Gao will definitely look at you highly and maybe give you a position so that you can live a comfortable life."

Lu Ling said nothing, just sneered and turned around and walked towards the light screen.

He walked to the light screen and did not look at Liang Qingzhi. Instead, he stared into Jin Shu's eyes and spoke in a low voice. (End of chapter)

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