Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 194 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

"I know you also have space ability, but I'm not here to persuade you to surrender. On the contrary, I'm here to remind you that you'd better find a chance to escape as soon as possible. You have the ability to escape, don't you? I know that Boss Gao's ship You stole the oil."

Lu Ling spoke word by word, and the certainty in his tone was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

As expected of a male protagonist, he can still keep his head clear even if he is reduced to such a dog-like state.

After all, he and Liang Qingzhi are both in the same field of expertise, and he also knows that one of the indispensable raw materials for materials like light screens is petroleum.

A light screen of this size must have used a lot of oil.

Where does this crude oil come from?Just think about it for a moment and you'll understand.

In this case, Jin Shu's ability goes far beyond simply owning space. What kind of ability can empty an entire merchant ship in an instant without leaving any flaws?

So Lu Ling had a bold idea.

"Under the apocalypse, it seems that someone has really evolved superpowers. Not only do you have space, but you also have the ability to stop time and space, right?"

Jin Shu glanced at him lightly.

Unexpectedly, the male protagonist is smarter than expected.

She didn't deny it, which meant she acquiesced. Lu Ling took a deep breath and looked at Jin Shu, and all the previous doubts were solved.

No wonder she was able to occupy the base in a short period of time without leaving any opportunity for others to take advantage of. Thinking about it further, before, they were stupidly guarding outside the door, but in the end only one person left the house.

Thinking back, Lu Ling couldn't help but laugh at himself.

I am an ordinary person, but I still want to compete with a person with superpowers who has the ability to stop time and space.

He has completely lost his former sharpness and ambition.

He couldn't live another day in the Black Dragon Gang, so he came to Jin Shu and said so much for only one purpose.

“I won’t tell them this, I only have one request, accept me and let me join you.

If all four of them can do it, I can definitely do the job.

Jin Shu, give me a chance, I just want to live. "

What he said was sincere, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

If it were anyone else, they might have been convinced by this outstanding young man who was tenacious and found his way back.

But Jin Shu just yawned and then asked.

"Then if I let you come in and arrange cleaning for you every day, bring tea and water to all of us, and prepare three meals a day, this kind of work similar to that of an old mother, would you also be willing to join us?"

Lu Ling was obviously silent for a moment, and a flash of sinister resentment quickly flashed through his eyes.

But he quickly agreed.

"I can do anything as long as it keeps me alive."

Jin Shu nodded.

"Since it's a problem for you to survive in the Black Dragon Gang, I'm willing to give you a chance."

Before Lu Ling could be happy, Jin Shu added another sentence.

“But you also know that I am very cautious, so anyone who joins us must pass my test.

So be it, your leg. "

Jin Shu pointed at Lu Ling's only good leg, and then smiled slightly.

"If you chop off this leg, I'll let you in."

The expression on Lu Ling's face quickly stiffened. He stared at Jin Shu and found that the other party had no intention of joking at all. His expression turned extremely cold for a moment. "Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding me or am I kidding you? You can't live anymore, why do you care about that leg?"

"With both legs gone, what's the point of me still being alive! Jin Shu, you can ignore me, but you can't insult me!"

Jin Shu couldn't help but laugh when she heard what he said.

"I think, as a person who can watch the woman he once was lying in the arms of another man and remain indifferent, it does sound a bit ridiculous to say the word insult.

Don’t you think so yourself? "

Jin Shu's words were like a big slap on Lu Ling's face, leaving him unable to refute at all.

"Okay, your dignity is worthless."

"Jin Shu, you will regret it!"

"If I were you and got out of here right now, wouldn't you be afraid that I would use my powers to kill you silently?"

Afraid, why not?

Lu Ling was still frightened and didn't dare to say anything. He could only turn around and leave with a sullen face.

Looking at his expression, Fang Yingqiu knew that the other party had failed.

Useless waste.

Fortunately, she once thought that Lu Ling was still a person.

How could Boss Gao be willing to leave with such a piece of meat in front of him, so he sent people to try it with various weapons.

Slashing with knives and axes, guns and ammunition, fire and flooding, all of them have no effect. Apart from being disgraced, not even a scratch can be seen on the light screen.

"The only way now is to guard it. No matter how strong the light screen is, I don't believe that the people inside can never come out!
From today on, this mountain top belongs to me. I will set up camp here, but I want to see how long the few people inside can hold on! "

There is really only one way now.

Seeing the Black Dragon Gang docking the ship and starting to build a base on the mountain, except for Liang Qingzhi and Jin Shu, the other four people couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It won't be an option in the long run. Sooner or later we will run out of food."

Jin Shu yawned and muttered lazily.

"Let them go."

"Sister Shu has said this, which means she must have a solution. Let's not worry about it. Isn't it planned to transform the automatic light screen production machine today? Hurry up, we don't have much time left!"

The four of them turned out to be rare workaholics.

With them here, Liang Qingzhi only needed to use his mouth and brain, and the rest was taken care of by serving tea, washing water, and cooking.

However, a genius does not need to waste time on unimportant things. A random idea can change the future development direction of mankind, so being able to serve tea and water to such a person, the four students all said, death And no regrets.

The automatic light screen production machine requires a lot of raw materials. At six o'clock in the evening, Jin Shu opened the light screen on time, put on the equipment and started her own night sweep.

Outside are all tents set up by the Black Dragon Gang. The boys are wrapped up like bears and sitting around the stove, drinking wine and eating meat.

The Black Dragon Gang had plenty of supplies due to burning, killing and looting. In addition, Boss Gao was not a stingy boss. He ate the delicious food first, and all the brothers below him could taste the meat.

Jin Shu swayed around and then boarded the largest ship of the Black Dragon Gang docked at the seaside.

The deck was heavily guarded, with shifts taking place throughout the night, and the guarded cabins were heavily locked.

There are no high-end electronic locks in the last days, only the simplest and most crude large iron chains.

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