Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 195 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Circles of heavy iron chains wrapped around the cabin door, and finally a heavy lock was placed on it.

In Jin Shu's eyes, this kind of thing is almost like paper.

After living for so many years, Jin Shu knew more or less any skill, including lock picking.

Bend a piece of wire into the required shape, then insert it into the keyhole, close your eyes and listen to the sound while tinkering slowly.

With a "click" sound, the iron lock fell down.

Opening the hatch, a strong smell of gunpowder hit your face.

Jin Shu turned on the flashlight and looked inside. Everywhere she looked, there were neatly arranged wooden boxes. Large and small ones were arranged in categories. If she opened a small box at random, she would find pistols of various models packed inside.

Open a few more, and there are machine guns, sniper rifles, submachine guns, and a dazzling array of various gun types.

When several boxes nearby were opened, boxed bullets were neatly stacked inside, too many to count.

There were a lot of big guys inside, and Jin Shu pried them all open.

Explosives, all kinds of bombs made Jin Shu's heart beat faster.

This entire cabin of weapons is what gives Boss Gao the confidence to show off his power on the sea.

But now these confidences are about to change hands.

Jin Shu did not hesitate and started the sweep mode directly. All the boxes, big and small, were stuffed into the space and packed away. Even a bullet that fell on the ground was not left for them.

After sweeping out a cabin, go and take a look at several other ships. Oh my god, there is more than one ship carrying weapons like this!
The smaller one next to it is also full of guns and ammunition!

Of course, for Jin Shu, the more the better.

A total of four ships carrying weapons were completely taken out by Jin Shu.

Send the loot back first, then come back and use the equipment to suck up all the diesel fuel stored in the cabin and take it away.

Without diesel and generators, these large ships are just logs without any forward power.

After all the important things were looted, Jin Shu turned her attention to the supplies stored on these ships.

These were all things that Boss Gao had plundered these days. The cabin was filled with gold, jewelry, and other things. They were used as stable metals and were useful for research. Jin Shu took them all away in one go.

In the following time, Jin Shu searched out more than ten tons of food from the ship, including rice and noodles, as well as other daily necessities.

There were thousands of boxes of easily storable cans and other foods, and the exact number was unclear, but there were at least five thousand boxes.

In addition to some rare foods in the apocalypse, Jin Shu also found many of the rarest drugs in the apocalypse, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and painkillers, which are now more valuable than gold. The Black Dragon Gang has a large amount of reserves on its ships.

With such a large reserve of materials and grain, coupled with such powerful firepower support, it is no wonder that Boss Gao can dominate this area. Putting aside his character, this man can be considered a hero.

Jin Shu transported everything back to the base without any guilt.

The light screen area was not enough, so Jin Shu took on the responsibility of building the base, shipped out the light screens produced during this period, and then began to expand as originally planned.

After the light screen came out, regardless of the complex structural principles behind it, as long as the raw materials are available, its production and construction process is not very complicated.

As long as there is the source code provided by Liang Qingzhi, and the light screens are instantly marked and connected according to the code, even the two separated light screens can quickly self-fuse.

In order to create an absolutely safe apocalyptic base, even the ground beneath your feet is made of light screens.

When the rest time was over, Jin Shu wiped her sweat, lay down on the sofa a little tired, and rested with her eyes closed.

Soon she felt a shadow cast in front of her.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a soft blanket gently covering her body.

Liang Qingzhi saw that she was awake and apologized in a low voice. "Sorry to disturb your rest."

"I didn't fall asleep either."

She is so tired mainly because of the hard work. With her efforts, the base area has been expanded by more than 30 square meters. According to the previously designed spherical structure, the entire base space has about twenty cubic meters more.

Liang Qingzhi naturally noticed the expansion of the space. He looked at Jin Shu silently, then slowly sat next to her.

"Do you feel lonely when you are alone?"

Jin Shu quickly realized what he meant by "a person".

Obviously, he probably already knew how long Jin Shu had been stationary.

Jin Shu didn't intend to hide it, she couldn't hide it anyway.

"No, I have a lot to do."

"What if there is nothing to do that day?"

"nothing to do……"

Jin Shu has never experienced this kind of situation. After all, she always arranges her own affairs well.

When one day there is nothing to do, it will be time for her to leave.

But now that we have talked about it, Jin Shu is willing to think about what she will do with the extra time if she really has nothing to do one day.

"I should travel to the great rivers and mountains around the world. The world is too big and there are always places I haven't been to. If there is such a day, I will go to places far away."

Liang Qingzhi stared at her quietly, her pale eyes full of seriousness, as if what Jin Shu was talking about was not ordinary things, but some important research data.

However, in fact, even if it was something very important, Liang Qingzhi would rarely show such an expression of concentration and listening carefully.

"Although you may be offended by saying this, I really want to see your world."

"Stop thinking about it."

Liang Qingzhi lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly.

"I thought you and I were getting along day and night, but it turns out that no matter how hard I try, I can only occupy half of your time."

Based on their interactions during this period, he also roughly knew that Jin Shu had 24 hours more time than ordinary people.

After knowing this, his first reaction was to feel depressed.

Their time can never overlap, Jin Shu can feel more things, and no matter what, he is just an ordinary person.

The chat ended here, Jin Shu interrupted Liang Qingzhi's thoughts, changed the topic and asked him to write down what he needed.

Then he got up and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

At this time, the base was very quiet. It was more than minus 50 degrees outside at around 26 o'clock, but indoors, separated only by a wall, had a constant temperature of [-] degrees.

The extremely strong temperature regulation capability of the light screen makes appliances such as air conditioners, electric fans, and other appliances lose their use value.

In such an apocalyptic world, even if there is no electricity, as long as you are under the light screen, you can enjoy the feeling of spring all year round.

Jin Shu once again lamented that technology changes the world, and Liang Qingzhi is really a genius.

The meal was ready, and the six of them happily sat down to eat hot pot.

At this time, the Black Dragon Gang outside was completely in a state of disarray. (End of chapter)

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