Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 196 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

The temperature dropped sharply at night, and it was around six o'clock when Heilong helped to cook. After a brief moment of daze, the boy who was responsible for guarding the grain storage and transportation cabin was about to continue distributing supplies. When he turned around, he saw that the food was full. A cart of food disappeared.

When he saw this scene, his heart stopped, and he turned around and returned to the cabin to check the situation inside.

The next second, after seeing the situation in the cabin, he was so frightened that his legs went weak and he collapsed to the ground. His eyes widened in horror and his whole body was shaking.

The conditions of the few younger brothers who came in behind him were also similar.

After being stunned for a long time, someone finally reacted, stumbled off the boat and shouted outside.

"Something happened!! All the supplies on the ship are gone!!"

The captain who was responsible for looking at the supplies was frightened out of his wits. At this time, Boss Gao, who was staying in the cowhide tent and warming the stove, was still drinking wine and eating meat without knowing anything.

The captain gritted his teeth and reported the situation in the cabin to Boss Gao with a trembling voice.

"King, something happened."

There was a woman clinging to each side of Mr. Gao. As for Fang Yingqiu, who was holding him in his arms, he was unscrupulously enjoying the leisurely life of the last days.

Boss Gao had just promised her that if she really had a child, as long as she gave birth to the child and she would have half of everything in the Black Dragon Gang, she would be the queen of the Black Dragon Gang, one person inferior to ten thousand people.

Thinking about it this way, Fang Yingqiu felt that this life was not unbearable.

Just when she was in a good mood and even looked at Boss Gao a little bit, the captain walked in with a look of horror on his face.

Seeing his expression, Boss Gao grimaced and ordered all the other women to go out. As for Fang Yingqiu, who was tied by an iron chain, he turned around and walked to the back of the tent.

The chain is about five meters long, so her range of activities is also within this five meters.

Usually when Boss Gao discusses some important matters with his subordinates, he will send her away.

There is a bed behind the tent, which is where Boss Gao and she sleep at night. The big bed is covered with a thick layer of animal skin, which is soft and fluffy. Even the quilt is made of mink skin, and it is equipped with two ovens on the left and right. , no matter how low the temperature outside is, it is warm, dry and comfortable here.

It was so much better than she had been in the past few months.

She climbed into bed and was about to lie down comfortably and eat some dried fruits when suddenly a person came in from outside the curtain. Before she could see clearly who that person was, the other person took her hand and pulled her out.

"What are you doing!"

"Keep your voice down, and come with me if you don't want to die!"

"Lu Ling? Are you crazy? Where are you and I going? Do you know what situation you are in now? Get out quickly, and I will pretend that I have never seen you. Otherwise, what will happen to you if Boss Gao finds out that you are here? I know it in my heart.”

Lu Ling stared at Fang Yingqiu with his only remaining eye, without much affection in it.

"I'm here to save you. If you stay here, you will die sooner or later!"

"Am I going to die? Ha, what a joke, Lu Ling, are you crazy?"

Lu Ling stared at her coldly. It would be a pity if he didn't see that she had space and usefulness, otherwise he would be too lazy to waste time and wait until night before trying his best to find an opportunity to get in and find her.

"That Jin Shu is more difficult than you think. Boss Gao is no match for her. You and I should leave here together before we anger her!"

Fang Yingqiu looked at him as if he was mentally retarded.The meaning was clearly that Lu Ling was crazy.

"Afraid of her? What's there to be afraid of? Lu Ling, can you please stop pretending to be good for me? What are your plans that you don't know?

Also, Jin Shu is nothing in my eyes!What does she have that I don’t?What are you promoting her for? "

Lu Ling looked at her with a look similar to regret in his eyes.

He couldn't understand why he thought such a woman was good enough to be worthy of him in the first place.
"Fang Yingqiu, I've said this, believe it or not, I'm leaving."

"Where are you going! Where else can you go without the Black Dragon Gang?!"

"The Black Dragon Gang? Oh, it will cease to exist soon."

After saying this, Lu Ling turned around and left without hesitation.

Good words can't persuade a damn ghost. Fang Yingqiu is this kind of person. She is blindly confident and feels good about herself. Let's wait and see what her fate will be in the end!
Looking at Lu Ling leaving, Fang Yingqiu turned around disdainfully.

The fair-skinned, handsome, smart and steady man that he once was has long gone. Looking back, it seems like it was all a lifetime ago.

Now she just wants to follow Boss Gao, rise step by step, and finally become the overlord of the world.

When thinking about this, Fang Yingqiu couldn't help but look forward to the days to come. Liang Qingzhi would surrender sooner or later. She would soon live in the Light Screen Base. Every survivor who joined in the future would have to obtain her consent...

When he was drowsy, there was a loud noise outside the tent, which frightened Fang Yingqiu to sit up and walked out with a nervous and frightened look on his face.

The black boss outside had a gloomy look on his face, and the things in his hands fell all over the floor. The captain who came to report knelt on the ground and shivered.

Fang Yingqiu had never seen such an angry Boss Gao before. He looked like a crazy bull. His dark face turned red and purple due to anger, the corners of his mouth were twitching wildly, the muscles all over his body were tense, and his fists were clenched tightly. , the veins on it were terribly bursting.

"All the supplies have been stolen?!!"

"Yes, it is."

"Take me to see!!"

Boss Gao strode out, and Fang Yingqiu was forced to follow him. When they got to the ship, the cabin door opened, and the originally crowded cabin was now empty...

Not even a grain of rice is left!
In addition to this ship, the other two supply ships were also the same, and the supplies inside were all wiped out.

This is enough supplies to feed their entire fleet for a whole year! !In an instant, everything disappeared!
Fang Yingqiu's heart went cold. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him. Before he could react, his neck suddenly tightened and his whole body was pulled forward by Boss Hei!
Boss Gao seemed to have remembered something, and he strode towards the largest ship like crazy. He walked at first, and finally started running wildly.

Fang Yingqiu, who was behind, followed awkwardly and even fell down, but Boss Gao in front didn't care about her at all and dragged her forward forcefully.

"Boss, boss...I...cough cough cough..."

Boss Gao ignored Dahong's eyes and came to the cabin where the weapons were stored. When he noticed that the iron chain locking the door was intact, his heart that was about to hang was suddenly relieved.

Not bad, not bad, as long as the things in this cabin are still there.

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