Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 197 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

At this time, the captain guarding the weapons came over and made a firm promise.

"King, I have been staying here to guard you. Not even a fly can fly in."

Boss Gao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly arranged for someone to open the lock, remove the heavy iron chain, and then open the hatch. The boxes full of boxes were still there. After an inventory, there was basically nothing missing.

Even so, Boss Gao was still worried, so he had someone pry open the nearest boxes and take a closer look. When he saw the neatly arranged guns in the boxes, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, okay, as long as the gun is still there, it's fine. As long as you have the gun, you can still grab supplies and stuff.

The captain guarding the supplies was bitten to death by two mutant wolf dogs raised by Boss Gao.

The captain's screams spread throughout the mountain, making everyone in the tent tremble and feel in danger.

The supplies were stolen, and the biggest suspect was Jin Shu in the light screen.

She was able to steal so much supplies under the noses of so many people. It was obvious that her powers were more than just a simple portable space.

When Boss Gao and several team captains put it together, someone made a bold guess.

Jin Shu has the ability to freeze time and space.

Fang Yingqiu, on the other hand, was sarcastic.

"If she can really stop time and space, do you think we can survive until now just because of her temperament?
How about using your brain when speaking and doing things?If it were you, if you had this ability, could you still keep us alive until now? "

It's not unreasonable to say this.

"That's right. It's really him. Can we still live till now?"

"Who else could it be? Plus this time, he has already stolen from me three times!"

When he thought of the entire shipload of oil being stolen last time, Mr. Gao felt that the bad breath that had been stuck in his heart almost suffocated him to death!

Fang Yingqiu frowned and thought deeply for a while, then said in a deep voice.

"A person with this kind of power is indeed a hidden danger. We can find an opportunity to lure her out."

"What chance? How can you get a chance against such a person?"

Fang Yingqiu still had some sense. She thought about it carefully and suddenly found a breakthrough point.

“Whenever something is lost, what time is it?”

Boss Gao also suddenly understood and slapped his hands fiercely.

"Six o'clock! It's six o'clock every time!"

Fang Yingqiu's eyes lit up, and then a different kind of light appeared on his face.

"That's right! It was an accident twice. If it is like this three times, what does it mean? It means that her ability cannot be used anytime and anywhere! It must be used at a specific point in time!

Six o'clock, that's it! "

Mr. Gao glanced at her, then laughed and took her into his arms.

"Our baby is still smart. What you said makes sense. Six o'clock...does that mean that as long as we are prepared before six o'clock, we can catch clues about him!"

"Time and space are still, so she must be waiting nearby. Starting from today, she will search carefully around and lay traps before six o'clock every time..."

"As soon as she comes, the dragnet will make it impossible for her to come back."

The two of them sang and harmonized, and they cooperated tacitly.

Boss Gao hugged Fang Yingqiu, and for a moment his mind broadened and he felt extremely comfortable.

"You are such a rare treasure, come on, come on, give me a kiss!"

The mouth that smelled of alcohol and stench came directly to him, and Fang Yingqiu endured his nausea and let him get close to her with an expressionless face.

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