Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 198 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

That's the plan.

Arrange baits and traps, wait for the thief to take the bait, and trap him in the trap. Even if he has the ability to stop time, he cannot use it. The purpose is to prevent him from coming back.

This kind of person can never be tamed and used for one's own purposes. The best way to deal with the other person is to kill him directly to avoid causing trouble in the future.

"Then what's the bait?"

Most of the useful supplies have been stolen, so what else can be used as bait?

As he said that, Boss Gao looked at Fang Yingqiu.

"Don't you still have a lot of good things in your space? Let's take some out and use them as bait."

No matter how reluctant Fang Yingqiu was, he had to take out the supplies hidden in Space Road.

Everything is arranged, and traps are arranged around the supplies. If anyone comes close, they will fall to the last floor of the cabin and be pierced by the knife inserted below.

To prevent people from dying if they fall, Boss Gao smeared poison on the densely packed blades, and poured high-concentration black water around the blades. If someone falls, he will be poisoned even if he cannot be stabbed to death. , it will be poisoned for a while, but sooner or later it will be corroded by the black water.

Everything was ready. At six o'clock in the evening, Boss Gao ordered everyone to light a fire and cook as usual.

Just one second after six o'clock, I immediately went to the trap to see if the prey had taken the bait.

Unfortunately, the trap was empty, with nothing in it.

Boss Gao frowned.

"Why not? Is it the wrong time?"

"The time should be fine, just wait for two more days."

Fang Yingqiu was sure that the other party's still time started at six o'clock. If he didn't come this time, he would come sooner or later next time.

In this way, everyone waited for another three or four days, but the other party still didn't come.

The supplies are all still there, not missing at all.

Boss Gao thought for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

"There's too little stuff. If the opponent doesn't take the bait, you have to increase the dose!"

Fang Yingqiu was not happy when she heard this. She had already taken out half of the supplies in the space as bait, and in the past few days, all the people in the gang had eaten and used were the spare supplies in the space.

Fang Yingqiu, who was originally dissatisfied with the use of space materials, was even more conflicted and angry.

"This is our last supply. If we take it all out and it will be stolen, what should we do? Can we all drink the northwest wind together?"

Boss Gao looked disapproving.

"As long as I have a gun in my hand, why do I have to worry about having nothing to eat or drink? You bitches, why are you talking so much nonsense? If I tell you to take it out, just take it out! How come you have so much fucking nonsense!"

Boss Gao has a bad temper. In the past, Yingqiu was still a bit polite and gentle. After his things were stolen and eaten everywhere, his temper became increasingly irritable. If anyone dared to disobey, he would be beaten and scolded, or thrown into a cage and fed to the dogs.

Fang Yingqiu was slapped so hard that half of her face turned to one side, and it became swollen and bruised within 3 minutes.

She gritted her teeth, not daring to say anything more, and took out all the supplies in the space.

"Is it all here?!"

Boss Gao looked threatening. Fang Yingqiu gritted his teeth and replied.

"It's all here! Don't you know how many things there are in my space?"

"Forgive me, you dare not lie to me!"

Boss Gao doesn't have time to worry about the three melons and two dates that Fang Yingqiu has hidden now. The most important thing now is to catch the thief who stole the things!As long as you catch him, you can get back everything you lost before!

To put it another way, even if we still can’t catch him in the end, so what?He has a lot of firepower, and firepower is king in today's world. As long as he has these, his Black Dragon Gang will become the king of this world sooner or later.

That night, the cargo ship carrying a huge amount of supplies was hidden in a canyon behind the mountain.

In the tent, Boss Gao stared at the stopwatch in his hand, holding his breath and staring at the second that slowly went from six o'clock to one second after six o'clock.

He stood up suddenly and shouted outside the tent.

"Catch the thief!!"

The boat was deliberately hidden behind a mountain to lure fish to the bait and lower their vigilance.

He made the trap foolproof this time. As long as the person dared to step on the boat, he would ensure that the person died without a burial place.

Boss Gao was taking huge strides, and Fang Yingqiu, who was tied by an iron chain, couldn't keep up with him. In the past, Boss Gao would just hold her in his arms and use her as a pendant, but today he was so emotional and nervous that he couldn't keep up with her. There is no time to take care of Fang Yingqiu.

He thought to himself that Fang Yingqiu couldn't leave him now anyway, so Boss Gao untied the chain directly and turned around to stare at Fang Yingqiu.

"Step faster! If the thief is caught, it's up to you to bring the supplies back."

Boss Gao was right. Fang Yingqiu would definitely not run away at this time. There were not many supplies left in the space. Leaving at this time was completely asking for trouble.

So she dragged the chain and staggered behind her, and finally arrived near the canyon of the back mountain. A lonely ship parked there, looking particularly eerie under the black rain.

Boss Gao led a group of people onto the ship in a mighty manner, opened the reserved door on the deck and walked down. The leader, Boss Gao, held up a flashlight and looked anxiously along the crack in the door to look into the trap.

"King! There seems to be someone inside!!"

Boss Gao also vaguely saw a figure struggling in the pit. It was dark and raining. If Boss Gao, who was wearing bulky clothing, wanted to see clearly below, he had to bend down and look down carefully against the deck.

At this moment, Fang Yingqiu also arrived. When she heard that there was someone below, she trotted excitedly behind Gao Boss. Just as she was about to bend down to take a look, suddenly, the deck beneath her feet suddenly cracked. Gao didn't have time to react. Lao Dalian and Fang Yingqiu fell from the broken deck together.


A scream frightened the surrounding brothers to retreat in fear, and no one dared to come closer.

"Ah——!! Ah——what the hell are you doing! Get me out of here quickly!!"

When they heard that the voice came from Boss Gao, several people around them dared to approach slowly. They cautiously stuck their heads out and looked down. The scene below scared everyone out of their wits.

Boss Gao's whole body was pierced by a sharp knife, and there was a big hole in his stomach. His red and white internal organs were everywhere.

He had set the trap himself, so the black water would rise quickly as someone fell in, without giving them a chance to help him. Half of Gao's body was submerged in the black water.

The shrill screams came out one after another, accompanied by the screams, as well as women's wails and calls for help.

Only then did everyone see Fang Yingqiu in the corner. Her fate was not much better than that of Boss Gao. (End of chapter)

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