Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 199 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

Her body was not punctured. Fortunately, no vital parts were hurt, but unfortunately, her body was completely unable to move. If she exerted even a little strength, it would be heartbreaking pain.

She could only watch as the black water slowly rose up, submerging her little by little.

The severe pain caused by the strong corrosive feeling made her screams even more horrifying, and everyone around her was terrified.

"Help me!! Save me!! I have space, help me go up there, I have space——!!"

The people above looked at each other in confusion. Fang Yingqiu was indeed of some use, but looking at her now, it was impossible for her to survive even if she was rescued.

But then Fang Yingqiu shouted again.

"There are still more than ten tons of food in my space!!"

As soon as these words were shouted, several people who had originally planned to turn around and leave immediately turned around and pulled Fang Yingqiu up without hesitation.

During this period, they thought that the woman would not survive, and her whole body was pulled out from the blade. The blood was flowing and the skin was horribly corroded by the black water.

But Fang Yingqiu was still very lucky, and she was not dead even at this stage. Everyone was afraid that if she died, the treasures in the space would also disappear, so they placed her on a soft cloth with extreme caution. Follow her back.

On the way back, I calmed down with a few people who came with me.

The boss is gone, now the group is leaderless and people are scattered, so it is necessary to elect another leader as soon as possible to calm people's hearts.

The few people present were all squad leaders, and all of them had their own agenda and had to return to the temporary base on the mountain.

Several people had already begun to compete with each other along the way. They thought that the next boss would definitely be born among them. However, as soon as they arrived at the base, they found that the whole place was deathly silent.

Everyone secretly felt bad, and immediately took out their guns and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Just then, two mutated wolf dogs with big bloody mouths walked slowly in front of a few people. Only then did everyone realize that the two beasts raised by Boss Gao had escaped at some point.

These two dogs, which usually feed on human flesh, are already extremely ferocious. Now that they have mutated, they are even more bloody and terrifying. Wherever the flashlight shines, there are minced meat residues. At a glance, you can tell how cruel things have just happened here.

These people in the base were killed because Boss Gao usually did not distribute weapons to them, so when they faced a mutated dog that was twice the size of a human and had extremely fast fangs and claws, they were naturally defenseless.

But the dozen or so captains stationed on the ship and those who followed Boss Gao to the back mountain were all armed with weapons. When they gathered together, the two mutant wolf dogs were quickly shot to death.

Base personnel suffered heavy losses.

Only half of the original team of several hundred people remained.

Boss Gao is dead, and the previously orderly team is now undercurrent. Everyone has turned their attention to the big ship with guns and ammunition locked.

But since the supplies were stolen, the lock on the door was upgraded again by Boss Gao and replaced with a specific mechanism lock. If it cannot be pried open twice, it will be locked forever, so it will definitely not work if you want to open it. Door, the only way is the key.

So they returned to the boat in the back mountain, pulled out the corroded skeleton of Gao Boss from the black water, and searched under the cabin for a long time, but found nothing.

They searched everywhere they could, but the key seemed to have been corroded by the black water along with Boss Gao.

Some people also had the idea of ​​smashing the ship, but the hull was of professional military grade, so it was impossible to smash it through.

Everyone placed their hope on Fang Yingqiu, who was seriously injured.

Her injuries were too serious, her limbs were penetrated, and half of her body, including half of her face, was corroded and bloody. Even the doctor who treated her couldn't help but frown.

Fortunately, she woke up in the end, and everyone in the base wanted her to live well, especially the three captains who were the most promising leaders. The three people guarded Fang Yingqiu. As soon as she woke up, they couldn't wait to ask her if she knew the whereabouts of the cabin key.

But the first thing Fang Yingqiu said when he opened his mouth was: "Bring me the mirror."

The three people didn't know why, but they still took her to the mirror patiently.

After seeing his hideous self in the mirror, Fang Yingqiu put down the mirror exceptionally calmly, looked at the three men in front of him, and spoke word by word.

"The keys and space are all here with me."

"Then take it out quickly!"

"You didn't understand, did you? All the things that symbolize power are here with me, so who do you think the next leader should be?"

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and just when they were about to speak, they heard Fang Yingqiu say something hoarsely.

"You three, I can choose one of you to be the leader. Will the other two agree?

And why do you think I would pick you? "

After experiencing death up close, Fang Yingqiu realized this time that if he wanted to live better than anyone else, he had to be the one with the highest status.

Her mind was extremely clear now, and she was able to silence the three of them without saying a single word.

The three of them were useless idiots. Once they heard that Fang Yingqiu promised to give them independent power to lead troops after becoming the leader, the three of them agreed.

In this way, the Black Dragon Gang had a female leader, and Fang Yingqiu sent people to kill all the women in the base on the first day he took office.

Listening to the pleading of the woman below, Fang Yingqiu just lowered his eyelids indifferently.

"You people have to sell your bodies to survive. If so, what's the point of living? I'm doing this to help you get relief."

Such dodder flowers with no ability to survive cannot survive without men. So what is the meaning of their lives?Just to live in this world shamelessly?
Fang Yingqiu's move made the men in the gang dissatisfied, but since she held the key, they could only endure it silently no matter how dissatisfied they were.

After shooting all the women, Fang Yingqiu sent people to the Light Screen Base again the next day to deliver a message.

Jin Shu was turning over the vegetable garden when she heard shouting from outside.

"The leader has sent word that our Black Dragon Gang is willing to cooperate with you and help you collect the materials needed to build the light screen!"

Jin Shu glanced at Liang Qingzhi who was standing aside, then turned back and continued working on herself.

Liang Qingzhi replied coldly with a sullen face.

"You are not qualified to come to negotiate with me."

Fang Yingqiu just sneered after receiving the reply.

"It's okay, sooner or later they will pay for what they said."

Fang Yingqiu has already made a plan to rule the entire South China Sea within one year and strive to rule the southern hemisphere within three years.

"Recently, there are some dishonest people near the South China Sea. We must gather all our troops and set out to teach those people a lesson." (End of Chapter)

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