Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 200 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

It's said to be a lesson, but it's actually just finding an excuse to grab something.

When Boss Gao was here before, all the survivors' ships and teams within a radius of a hundred kilometers either surrendered and turned in supplies regularly, or were directly robbed without leaving any survivors.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will give up resistance and surrender directly, and hand over a certain share of materials to the Black Dragon Gang on a regular basis every month.

Fang Yingqiu first led the team to collect the materials that should be collected. After sorting them out, he found that there were very few things collected. Most of them were expired cans, expired instant noodles, and some homemade foods. It's off-putting enough.

Fang Yingqiu has never eaten this kind of junk food. She has never treated herself badly since the end of the world. Every meal is a combination of meat and vegetables with fresh nutrition.

But after the last entrapment operation, the thief was not caught, but instead lost more than half of the supplies in her space.

The few supplies left in her space are not even enough to support her own expenses, let alone the fact that she has so many brothers waiting to eat.

There wasn't much to worry about in these scattered survivor bases, so Fang Yingqiu asked one of the captains that Boss Gao trusted the most.

"Which base in this area currently has the most supplies?"

"Besides us, the one with the most supplies should be the Zero Survivor Base in the south. It used to be the Z Mansion garrison, and many survivors were stationed there. Their original strength far exceeded ours, but then they encountered a wave of mutant beasts. We suffered a lot of casualties, and now our strength is not as good as before.”

After hearing this, Fang Yingqiu ordered to go to the Zero Survivor Base. As soon as he got close, he saw an aircraft carrier standing on the sea. High-rise buildings rose from the ground. From a close distance, it looked like a giant beast floating on the sea. It was quite majestic.

In the past, the Black Dragon Gang could only walk around with their tails between their legs when they saw this.

However, since the invasion of the mutant beasts, the infrastructure here has been greatly reduced. Not only the military losses have been heavy, but very few of the weapons originally reserved have been consumed.

"Chief, Base Zero still has some foundation after all. I suggest that we don't advance so rashly and cultivate ourselves for a while first."

"While we are cultivating, don't others raise soldiers and horses? Besides, do you know how much food you consume in a day? More than 100 kilograms of rice and noodles are not enough for you! If you don't want to starve to death, just be obedient."

When Boss Gao was here before, he said one thing that others didn't dare to say, and when it was his turn, he would babble and retort, wasn't he just bullying her because she was a woman!
The captain choked angrily at her words.

"Chief, you don't know the opponent's strength. If you attack rashly, you may suffer heavy losses."

"I only know that the one with more firepower is the boss. If you are timid, you will only be led by others. Stop talking nonsense. Brothers are waiting to eat. Hurry up and prepare for direct bombardment tomorrow."

There was no warning, catching them off guard.

The captain just glanced at her, then turned around and left without saying a word.

Fang Yingqiu's face turned cold.

After Base Zero is defeated this time, the first thing to do is to replace these captains.

The Black Dragon Gang has a total of twelve ships of various sizes, three of which are military warships with complete equipment specially used for maritime operations.

When the unique flag of the Black Dragon Gang was hung high, the leader of Base Zero also received the alert immediately.

Soon the Black Dragon Gang received a peace letter from the leader of Base Zero.

The content of the peace book is roughly that in the end of the world, the situation of human beings is already precarious. If internal fighting continues at this time, the only ones who will be injured in the end will be humans of the same race.

"So the leader of Base Zero advocates cooperation and works together to help Professor Liang Qingzhiliang to build the light screen base, which is the last home of mankind."

When several captains heard this, they were ready to take action. They saw with their own eyes the environment in the light screen base. Not only was it warm and comfortable, but it was also rich in materials and lush vegetation.

"Chief, why don't we sit down and have a chat with the leader of Base Zero? If we can really enter the Light Screen Base, then we won't have to fight and kill every day to have enough to eat."

These days, as long as you can have enough food and clothing, and don't have to worry all day long, that is already a luxury.

Just when others were about to make a move, Fang Yingqiu, who was sitting on the animal skin sofa, said directly.

"Cooperation is not impossible, but I want to know whether Professor Liang listens to me or you."

The leader of the other party looked at the reply and couldn't help but sneered.

"Boss Gao is dead, and the new leader seems to be in a bad way.

What do you mean, should Professor Liang listen to her or me?Thank God that Professor Liang can accept us. Are these ladies crazy? "

When Fang Yingqiu knew that he had to keep a low profile and hand over all weapons and equipment to be eligible to enter the Light Screen Envy Base, looking at the faces of Liang Qingzhi and Jin Shu, he tore up the letter in his hand.

"What are we worse than them? You don't know how hard it is for the dwarves to live under someone else's roof?
Let me tell you, in the face of absolute strength, Liang Qingzhi will come to us sooner or later. What we have to do now is not to lick our faces and beg for shelter, but to use our morale to get everything we want!

As long as we have resources, Liang Qingzhi's light screen base is short of supplies, won't he have to come to us in the end?

You think, am I right? "

The whole place was dead silent, no one spoke at all.

Fang Yingqiu's face was sullen, and anger was boiling in his heart.

It's a waste of time for these people who are just waiting for food to be served to them. It's a waste of time to give them face and discuss with them. Now these people are eating her food and drinking her food, and one or two of them even want to turn their elbows outward.

So Fang Yingqiu ignored these people's words and directly ordered the attack on Base Zero.

A cannonball blasted over and the war began.

Base Zero is not someone to be trifled with. They don't want to use knives or guns because they are afraid of them, but because they don't want more fellow human beings to be harmed.

But if you don't fight back now, you are waiting for the other party to ride on your head and dominate.

The leader of Base Zero is still a little worried. After all, the firepower and equipment of the Black Dragon Gang cannot be underestimated.

So he sent people to the Guangping Base and found the base leader Jin Shu for support.

Now the two bases have initially reached a cooperative relationship. Base Zero provides raw materials, and Light Screen Base agrees to accept them.

Therefore, when the crisis comes, it is appropriate for Jin Shu to come to the rescue.

However, she didn't really give her any equipment. She just asked someone to bring a message to the leader of Base Zero.

"Those people from the Black Dragon Gang are nothing to be afraid of, just go ahead and fight them."

When the leader of Base Zero heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied in his heart (End of Chapter)

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