Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 201 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World

"If you don't help, you won't help. How can there be so many excuses? It seems that the Light Screen Base and we are not cooperating sincerely. At such a critical moment, we are still saying such sarcastic words!"

There is no other way. At this point, Base Zero can only bite the bullet and start fighting.

"The Black Dragon Gang are extremely vicious, and they will die regardless of whether they surrender or not. In this case, it's better to risk everything and fight them!
Pass my command and the whole ship will be on alert. Everyone who can use a gun will come out! "

Base Zero also set up cannons and fired directly at the Black Dragon Gang's ship on the opposite side.

When Fang Yingqiu saw this, he sneered, took out the key and came to the warship in person, opened the door of the cabin, and then directed the people behind him.

"Take out all the weapons inside, let's fight quickly, and have a celebration banquet on that aircraft carrier tonight!"

At this time, Fang Yingqiu was full of fighting spirit. After arranging everything, he was just waiting to sit in the best viewing position at the rear, just waiting to end the war in one go.

Base Zero was obviously also angry. A dozen cannons were aimed at the ships on the sea. They occupied the commanding heights. Even if the artillery fire was insufficient, they still had no chance of winning.

At this time, the people from the Black Dragon Gang also hurriedly carried the boxes out of the weapons depot.

It was full of heavy firepower. Each of the four people raised a corner and shouted with all their strength.


The next second, the four people suddenly fell back together. After staggering a few times, the four people looked at the box in front of them. Each of them saw shock and panic in the eyes of the person opposite.

At this time, Fang Yingqiu urged them to open the box and prepare to increase the firepower.

The four people looked at her tremblingly, and then said in unison.

"Why is the box empty?"

empty? !
Everyone was stunned. Fang Yingqiu looked at them with confusion as they opened the box and scratched the hay on top. There was nothing underneath.

What about things? !

"Could it be that you put it back after using it before without paying attention? Where are the people behind, keep moving!"

At this time, frightened shouts came one after another from inside the cabin.

"This one is empty too!"

"And this, these boxes are also empty!"

"Stones?! Why are there all rocks in this box?"

Fang Yingqiu hurriedly rushed in, pushed everyone aside and looked at the scene in front of him. All the boxes were pried open, hay was pulled all over the floor, and all the boxes fell to the ground. Every one of them was empty, which made people panic.

Fang Yingqiu's pupils trembled, and he felt his ears roaring. The shock was followed by a numb trance.

She stared blankly at the scene in front of her. Finally, the artillery fire brought her back to her senses. Only then did she notice that everyone was staring at her. In their eyes, there was anger, suspicion, fear and fear. There is despair.

"how so……"

She immediately took out the key and opened the hatch on the other boat. The result was exactly the same as here, except that there were a few ammunition spread under the hay in the outermost boxes, and the more boxes piled inside were all empty. !

The situation is the same in the third warship!
Fang Yingqiu, who was originally high-spirited and full of confidence, was like a deflated rubber ball in an instant. His whole body collapsed on the ground, his eyes were dazed and at a loss.

At this time, the hull of the ship underneath me shook violently.

She finally remembered her current situation. The troops were approaching the city, and the enraged Base Zero opened fire with full firepower. The artillery fire was soaring into the sky, and bullets were flying in densely like raindrops.

The people of the Black Dragon Gang were powerless to resist. They were like targets and could only be chased and beaten. Without the support of firepower, ten of the Black Dragon Gang's twelve ships were directly destroyed, and the remaining two were also controlled by the battleships of Base Zero, floating alone on the sea in a dilemma.

The remaining people surrendered without hesitation. Fang Yingqiu, who was still tough at first, saw the people from Base Zero jumping on the boat in full force. His stubborn expression immediately changed, and he sat down obediently. In the corner, the leader of Base Zero was waiting for him to come up to her and look at her eyes with tears of despair.

It's just that this scene is really shocking to watch. A face covered with corroded scars, yet she insists on showing a harmless expression, which somehow makes people feel that she has other motives for being like this.

Everyone at Base Zero did not expect that the Black Dragon Gang would be destroyed without any resistance.

Now it seems that they were plotted. After misjudging their own strength, they still wanted to greedily snatch other people's supplies. In the end, they ended up being beaten by others.

In this way, the famous Black Dragon Gang was wiped out in one fell swoop. Fang Yingqiu, the trusted leader of the Black Dragon Gang, was locked in a cage as a prisoner before the chair was even hot, making the heavens and the earth useless.

She was treated the same as all the members of the Black Dragon Gang, no water, no food, no shelter, no shelter, exposed to the sun.

Fang Yingqiu shouted that he wanted to see the leader, and finally his voice became hoarse. The leader finally came, but he was not the only one who came, there was also an old acquaintance.

"Jin Shu?"

How did she come? !
Jin Shu held an umbrella and lowered her eyes to look at Fang Yingqiu in front of her.

"It just so happens that Lu Ling was caught stealing something. You two will bury it together when the time comes."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Chief, chief, listen to me, I am different from ordinary people. I have a treasure in me that can make everything you do more effective.

As long as you let me out, I will be at your disposal and I promise to tell you the truth! "

The members of the Black Dragon Gang on the side couldn't help but sneered.

"What did you say when you executed those women before? Selling your body is useless, and death will be a relief?

So what are you doing now?What is the difference between you and those women who readily give your treasure to others? "

Fang Yingqiu became angry and hesitated to defend himself.

"How can I be the same as those women? My life is more valuable!"

Jin Shu curled her lips and smiled, but this smile hurt Fang Yingqiu's heart.

"What right do you have to laugh at me? Don't you also rely on your personal space to get close to Liang Qingzhi!
Let me tell you, what's the difference between me and you!What you have, I have too!You have no right to look at me condescendingly! "

Jin Shu put her hands in her pockets and glanced at her lightly.

"Then I wish you can sell your portable space at a good price. Chief, you can take care of this person yourself.

In short, I only have one thing to say: She and the Black Dragon Gang are prohibited from entering the Light Screen Base. "

How dare the leader continue to keep Fang Yingqiu after saying this.

If you can't enter the light screen base, what's the use of having a portable space?

Seeing Jin Shu leaving, Fang Yingqiu screamed and shouted.

"Why don't you let me in?! Doesn't the Light Screen Base need talents like me?
You are just jealous of me and worried that I will steal your limelight in front of Professor Liang!

I want to see Professor Liang, I want to see him! I have something to say to him! "(End of chapter)

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