Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 233 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

After speaking, Jin Shu sighed.

"Keep working hard and use your theory to continue living."

"You...why are you arrogant?! There are so many scientists who are greater than you, but they are not as arrogant as you!"

Jin Shu raised her eyes and said casually.

"My time is precious, you are not worthy of my high regard."

After Jin Shu turned around and left, Yu Keke chased her out without hesitation. Just as he was about to reach out to pull Jin Shu's clothes, two black guards rushed out of the door and clamped her left and right arms. Yu Keke screamed in pain.

"What are you doing!! Do you want to hit someone?! I want to call the police!"

This movement soon attracted some seminar participants not far away.

Lin Qin, Xu Mu and surrounding Bai also came over. The three of them recognized Yu Keke's voice and immediately ran over. Xu Mu saw Yu Keke being restrained and roared immediately.

"What are you doing! Still not letting go!"

The two bodyguards were unmoved. Finally, Heng Chao ordered Yu Keke to be released after confirming that there were no dangerous items on her body.

"Miss, next time please don't step forward and pull someone else's clothes without their consent."

After Yu Keke was let go, he rushed directly to Lin Qin's side. He hugged his arm with red eyes, as if he had been greatly wronged. His tears fell crazily before he even started to speak, and he looked choked and sobbing. Others couldn't help but wonder how she was bullied.

Lin Qin frowned, put his arms around her shoulders distressedly, and then raised his eyes to look at Heng Chao in front of him.

"In a society governed by the rule of law, you treat a girl like this casually. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"The surveillance camera showed it very clearly that she suddenly rushed over to grab Teacher Tutu. If you have any objections, you can call the police. I will cooperate with the investigation at any time.

Teacher Tutu needs a rest. If you have anything to do, just talk to me. "

Yu Keke shouted.

"How can you just leave? You just insulted me as a low-class person in the bathroom. I talked to you politely, but you said talking to me was just a waste of time. In the end, you insulted me and suppressed me. I couldn't help it and wanted to pull you away. You want an explanation!

I don’t care what your identity is, can you escape unscathed by doing this? Are there any human rights anymore? "

Everyone looked at Jin Shu with surprise and doubt in their eyes, obviously they did not expect Jin Shu to be such a person.

Heng Chao's face turned dark. Based on his understanding of Jin Shu, it was impossible for her to say such words, and she was not someone who took the initiative to cause trouble.

The Yu Keke in front of him was obviously trying to smear Jin Shu's reputation and deliberately looking for trouble!

He wanted to say something else, but Jin Shu held him back.

When she walked up to the person, Yu Keke cried even more aggrieved and said loudly.

"I just wanted to talk to her. I didn't do anything. If you think this bathroom can only be used by you, then why don't you find a bodyguard to stop us low-level people at the door?

What's wrong? Don't you admit that you said this? ! "

"Yes, this is what I said."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect this young scientist to be so arrogant and frivolous.

Lin Qin frowned, his tone was neither humble nor arrogant, even a little harsh.

"We respect you very much, but should you also give us the corresponding respect? No matter who you are, is it too arrogant to say this?" Xu Mu was even more unkind in his words. Seeing how wronged Yu Keke was, He couldn't wait to step forward and slap each of the two bodyguards.

"I apologize to my female companion. When I call you teacher, you should have the demeanor of a teacher. You are indeed smarter than us, but without people like us, who do you expect to buy the gadgets you invented? Half a million sea spiders , or 880,000 rain bombs?

To be honest, they are all expensive and no one will buy them except us. "

The people around Bai subconsciously wanted to favor the goddess who defended him, but they were suppressed by Lin Qin's gloomy eyes.

He also didn't expect that the goddess with a gentle and elegant temperament like lotus in the live broadcast would be so disrespectful to others in reality.

He was a little disappointed, and the filter in his heart was a little broken.

At this moment, a voice that did not belong here suddenly came from the quiet corridor.

"Hello, my name is Yu Keke, one of the investors in this seminar. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Teacher Tutu is great. I have a friend who likes you very much, but he is too weak to say it..."

What Yu Keke had just said in the bathroom was now coming out very clearly from the recording pen in Jin Shu's hand.

The recording pen improved by Jin Shu automatically eliminates the noise from the sink and adjusts the volume in ten levels. The highest volume allows people in the conference room on the other side of the corridor to clearly hear the recording.

Yu Keke, who was still sobbing with grievance just now, suddenly changed his expression, and his whole body froze, with tears hanging in the corners of his eyes. As the conversation continued, everyone's expressions gradually became more subtle.

After hearing Yu Keke's brazen introduction to Jin Shu and her arrogant speech after being rejected by Jin Shu, everyone looked at her from surprise to disdain.

Lin Qin, who had been holding Yu Keke's shoulders protectively just now, suddenly felt that the shoulder in his palm was a little hot. His expression was stiff, he slowly put down his hand, and looked at Yu Keke coldly.

Even Xu Mu couldn't say a word, so he could only turn around and ask without giving up.

"Did you say all these words?"

Yu Keke hesitated for a long time, and finally choked out a few words from his mouth.

"I, I didn't mean that."

The white faces around her became even colder, and they looked at her with hatred in their eyes.

"Then what do you mean? Are you helping me or harming me?"

Yu Keke suddenly became a little angry.

"Why am I not helping you? Don't you just like her? I happened to see her and help you. What's wrong? I'm doing it for your own good! But she's just arrogant and looks down on you!"

"That's none of your business!"

Bai roared around him.

His heart was broken. He knew from the beginning that he was not worthy of her, so from the bottom of his heart he only treated her as an unreachable goddess.

Well now, I actually appeared in front of the goddess in this way. She must look down on herself from the bottom of her heart, she must hate herself!

Heng Chao sneered and sneered.

"Is there anything wrong with what Teacher Tutu said? Who is arrogant? Do you mean that the things that experts and scholars have worked hard to please are just to please rich people like you?!

Tell your organizers! We will not participate in the auction! All products are withdrawn!

Also, our company will never cooperate with you from now on! Since you think you have money and can do things easily, then try to see if your money can buy a little bit of scientific research results from us! "(End of chapter)

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