Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 234 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

This time, there was no room for change. Heng Chao directly decided to withdraw from the dinner auction.

It was originally a charity auction, and the reason why I agreed to come was to exchange advanced science and technology with other experts.

As the heavyweight finale of this event, most of the people who came to the venue came for Jin Shu.

The charity auction started later, and everyone was eagerly waiting to take pictures of the improved rain bombs and sea spiders brought by Changheng Machinery Factory. However, until the auction was almost over, there was no sign of these two items. .

Soon the organizer was surrounded by a group of people. Everyone asked questions, and some even complained angrily.

"It took me two days to fly here just for the auction of Teacher Tutu's products. Now, Teacher Tutu is gone, and the things I promoted before are gone! Are you kidding me?"

Some people in the know silently turned their attention to Yu Keke not far away. They heard clearly what happened just now. If the organizer hadn't repeatedly persuaded them to stay, they would have left long ago. How could they stay here and waste time.

In the end, because of Jin Shu's withdrawal, the charity auction dinner ended on bad terms. The organizer specially approached Xu Mu and said unceremoniously.

"Since you have offended Mr. Tutu, I'm sorry to say that the cooperation we originally agreed upon will end here. We will not distribute invitations to you for such events in the future.

Don't blame us for not talking about our past friendship. We are all businessmen. You and Teacher Tutu are at odds with each other, which makes us very embarrassed.

I still advise you to go and apologize to Teacher Tutu as soon as possible and make compensation, and try not to antagonize her, otherwise it will only be you who will suffer when the time comes. "

The Xu family's business was already going downhill, but now that this incident has been spread, how dare you continue to cooperate with them.

On the way back from the seminar, Xu Mu's brows did not relax. Yu Keke, who was sitting in the same car, had red eyes and silently shed tears.

"Amu, this matter is my fault. I provoked that woman, so it is up to me to solve this matter.

I'm going to apologize to her! "

For some reason, Xu Mu feels a headache whenever he hears her voice. No matter what the other person says, there is only one thought in his mind, and that is to shut her up.

"I'll take care of this matter, don't interfere."

"It's because of me. How can I stay out of it? One person does things and the other takes responsibility. I just go and apologize to her. Even if she asks me to kowtow, I will kowtow! As long as it doesn't affect you."

Seeing Yu Keke's guilty and uneasy expression, Xu Mu's irritation turned into helplessness.

"Hey, you can't solve this matter."

"Isn't this just a matter between me and her? If she wants to embarrass me, then that's what she wants."

"It's no longer a matter of you two. This is a matter of the Xu family and Changheng. Well, you don't have to feel too guilty. How can I push you to take the blame now that the matter has come to this?"

Yu Keke glanced at him, then couldn't help but rush to hug his shoulders, and punched him in an angry manner just like he did when he was a child.

"Then you looked so serious just now, which scared me to death. I thought I had broken some rules.

Seriously, is Chang Heng that powerful? Aren't they just selling harvesters? Why are you so afraid of them? "

Xu Mu sighed helplessly.

“You don’t understand, Changheng is now a key enterprise to be cultivated by the city, not only the city, but even the country.

They are both physical industries, and what we do is also an equipment industry. After all, we all have interests related to each other. Now all the companies in the city want to be among the first to reach strategic cooperation with Changheng, and they all want to curry favor with Teacher Tutu and gain glory from it. Therefore, even if they cannot reach cooperation with them at this time, they must not make enemies.

Now Changheng has said that it will never cooperate with us, and other companies will also listen to this sentence... Hey, forget it, I won't tell you this, I will send you back to rest first, I will go back to the company to deal with this matter . "

Yu Keke felt in his heart that these people were making a fuss out of a molehill, but after thinking about it he decided to mind his own business.

If you have this time, you might as well talk to Lin Qin about the next thing.

"What happened today is that I was too anxious. I saw that Wei Bai really liked that Tutu, so I wanted to help him. I didn't expect that the other party actually looked down on him, and it ended up like this."

Lin Qin's tone on the other end of the phone was calm.

After today, he was sure that Yu Keke was lying to him not long ago. She didn't know what the drawing meant at all, but she deliberately lied because she seemed to care.

After this incident, Lin Qin seemed to have gotten to know Yu Keke again, and his whole person became extremely cold.

"Well, this matter is indeed because you are nosy. Next time, please take less care of this kind of thing."

"You think I'm nosy? What's wrong with me thinking about my brother's future happiness?!"

Lin Qin frowned.

"If you correct your identity and attitude, the Xu family will not have to suffer such unreasonable disasters. Sometimes staying silent is also a virtue."

Yu Keke was extremely aggrieved. He originally wanted to get some comfort from Lin Qin, but he didn't expect that the other party would scold him all over the place and stand outside to scold him.

"Since you think it's my fault, then I'll kowtow to that rabbit and admit my mistake! Yes, I shouldn't meddle in other people's business, so I won't interfere in your and your wife's affairs anymore. You guys live a good life. Don’t involve me anymore!”

After saying that, Yu Keke hung up the phone directly, buried her head in the quilt and cried for a long time. Finally, full of resentment, she took out her phone and searched for all the news about Teacher Tutu.

Finally, she watched the live broadcast in its entirety. The live broadcast room was filled with the overwhelming sounds of admiration and praise.

Yu Keke realized that this brainless admirer named Teacher Tutu had many other people besides Bai around him.

Thinking of her current situation, Xu Mu, who usually would not say a harsh word to her, turned his back on her today. As for Lin Qin, he directly accused her of being nosy.

Did she really do something wrong?

At this time, Jin Shu, who was preparing to start today's live broadcast, received a message from Heng Chao.

"That Xu Mu at today's seminar, people from Xu's company contacted me, hoping that I could give him a chance."

"It's up to you."

"I respect your thoughts. If you think what I'm doing is okay, then you can leave the rest to me."

"Well, you can handle it. You don't need to discuss this kind of matter with me in the future. I'll leave it to you to handle it."

Originally it wasn't a big problem, it was just a bit of a quarrel.

Jin Shu didn't care how to solve it, as long as it didn't disturb her. (End of chapter)

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