Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 243 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

Jin Shu pulled her lips and smiled sarcastically.

"Even if you have changed your gender, it has nothing to do with me. It's getting late. You should leave as soon as possible. Don't delay our family's dinner."

Lin Qin stood up slowly, and suddenly his feet gave way and he knelt down directly on the ground.

Jin Shu didn't even raise her eyelids, watching indifferently as Lin Qin stood up awkwardly holding on to the chair.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten much these days and I'm not feeling well."

"Well, then go to the hospital quickly and don't spread the illness to me."

Seeing that there was no room for change, Lin Qin said goodbye to the Jin parents with a pale face and left.

The living room was quiet. Mother Jin hesitated for a long time and finally asked Jin Shu.

"What's wrong with him? Why does he come to you? Could it be that his family is bankrupt and he comes to you to borrow money?"

Otherwise, Jin’s mother would have no idea why Lin Qin would take the initiative to come to Jin Shu.

"He is not mentally normal. If you see him during this period, be sure to take a detour or call the police directly. Don't chat with him and don't bring him into your home. Do you understand?"

When Mother Jin heard this, she nodded repeatedly.

"Mental illness is no joke. What's going on with the Lin family? Let a patient run around."

Lin Qin's little episode did not affect Jin Shu's appetite, and the family still had a lively meal of seafood hot pot.

Before leaving, Jin Shu gave another instruction to the old couple.

"Remember to take the health pills I give you, one in the morning and at night. Don't take more or less. Take a photo of your daily pills and send them to the group for me to see. Remember to bring the date on the clock."

Dad Jin: "..."

Mother Jin: "..."

What a precious thing, why is it so strict?

Although they looked and tasted like gummy candies sold in supermarkets, under Jin Shu's strict requirements, the old couple still obeyed her instructions every day, eating one in the morning and half an hour before having breakfast and dinner.

A week later, the couple went shopping for groceries and happened to meet their school colleagues.

A colleague went on a business trip and didn't come back for exactly a week. After seeing the two of them, he looked back several times. Finally, it was Jin's mother who took the initiative to say hello, and the other person turned around and looked at the two of them with a shocked expression.

"I didn't even dare to admit it just now! I didn't expect it was really you!"

The couple thought the colleague was joking, but they didn't expect the colleague to ask excitedly.

"You have rejuvenated recently! You look so good! We haven't seen each other for a few days and you are both young! Tell me, did you two go to a beauty salon recently? What program is so magical!"

Jin’s mother thought it was a joke at first, until everyone who saw her, whether she was going out to work or shopping for groceries, was shocked and asked her if she had gone to a beauty salon for a facelift.

In the end, she finally believed that she was young if she told the truth. Unable to withstand the constant questions from others, Jin's mother said proudly.

"My daughter gave me and her father a health medicine each last week. She said it was specially developed according to our physical conditions. Her father and I didn't believe it at first, but the girl supervised us taking it all day long. We stayed together every day and didn't notice it. After you told me, I looked carefully in the mirror and found that my energy had indeed improved."

"Health medicine? What health medicine? Can you show it to me?"

Mother Jin waved her hands regretfully.

"My daughter gave us a week's supply and said she would bring it to us after we finished eating it. She hasn't come yet today, and I don't have any in my hand."

Many colleagues came around. If they had heard the word "health products" every day, these teachers would have avoided it.

But they all saw the changes in Jin’s mother. Even if they didn’t believe it before, they couldn’t help but not believe it now. As high school teachers, the Jin couple have been very energetic recently. Not only have there been fewer white hairs, even the fine lines on their faces seem to have faded.

The teachers gathered in the office and surrounded the couple.

"Oh my gosh, it's really different from before. Teacher Jin's face looked so bad before! Now he's completely energetic!"

"Teacher Wang, too, you've become younger! You two secretly take health supplements behind our backs. In the entire high school, you two are the only ones who are in the best spirits lately."

Mother Jin was so praised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Okay, okay, now we have finished taking the health medicine, but my daughter will deliver it in the afternoon, and I will bring it to you then."

"Then why not ask your daughter to send the medicine directly to school in the afternoon. Anyway, she was studying in our school before, so she just came back to visit her alma mater!"

Jin's mother discussed it with Jin Shu, and Jin Shu had no objection. In the afternoon, she asked Heng Chao to drive her directly to her high school alma mater.

After so many years of graduation, the original owner always wanted to come back and see. As an outstanding graduate of the school, Jin Shu's name is still circulated in the school after so many years.

She is beautiful and smart. She ranks first every time she takes exams. She even got top ten results in the province in the college entrance examination. She is a top student who is listed on the school's honor list. She has always been the pride of Jin's father and Jin's mother.

Later, the original owner was willing to be a housewife for Lin Qin, and she never mentioned the matter of returning to her alma mater again.

Maybe she herself knew that as a talent trained by her alma mater, she had high hopes from so many people but ended up accomplishing nothing. She didn't deserve to come back like this.

Jin Shu sighed with emotion as she walked on a road she had walked thousands of times before.

"Now that you're back, don't have any regrets."

The last bit of depression and regret hidden in my heart disappeared at this moment.

In the office, many teachers who have no classes have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that Jin Shu finally arrived, several teachers came up to greet her one after another, and they couldn't stop praising her.

"Jin Shu was the pride of our school back then! Why don't you go back to the school after so many years?"

"I'm so busy with work after graduation that I can't always spare the time. I'm really sorry."

"No, no, you're back this time! I heard from your mother that you work in Changheng. This unit has become so famous recently. Isn't the nationally known Teacher Tutu a researcher at Changheng?

Have you met Teacher Tutu while you are at work? "

Jin Shu nodded.

"I've seen it."

"Does it happen often? Do you work under her?"

"Absolutely. It happens quite often."

As soon as these words came out, all the teachers praised him one after another.

"You are indeed the pride of our school! My son is a big fan of Teacher Tutu. Can you please help the teacher get an autograph?"


"And my daughter! My daughter stays in the live broadcast room every day to watch Teacher Tutu's live broadcast! Please help me get an autograph too!"

Jin Shu readily agreed to these requests.

"Oh, don't talk about this anymore, I almost forgot about the real thing! Here are the health medicines, take them out and show them to us."

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