Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 244 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

When Jin Shu heard this, she raised her eyes and glanced at Jin's mother, then whispered an apology in a low voice, and pulled Jin's mother out of the door.

"Did you tell them about the health pills?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Can't you tell me?"

Looking at Jin Shu's face, Jin's mother suddenly felt guilty, like a child who had done something wrong, and became a little nervous.

"It's my problem. I didn't tell you in advance. I prepared this medicine myself. I don't have any production and sales license yet. It doesn't matter if I give it to you, but it won't work if someone comes to buy it. Even if it is given away for free, It will cause a lot of trouble.”

She knew that it was a good thing with no side effects, so she could use it on her parents. After all, they were all one family.

But it is different for outsiders. Even if it is given to others for free, without any qualifications, no matter what problems arise with the person who takes the medicine, it will eventually fall on her.

This is a health medicine, the result of more than ten years of studying it with Liang Qingzhi in her previous life. In her previous life, she had been taking it for decades and had been in good health. She knew it was a good thing, but others didn't.

Now that so many teachers in the room are obviously here for the medicine, Jin Shu still has to think about how to reject those people.

Jin's mother also realized that she had caused trouble for her daughter, and she felt guilty.

"Then mom will help you reject them, so you don't have to worry."

"Let me do it."

After returning to the room, several teachers continued to ask about health medicines, and Jin Shu smiled helplessly.

"I put the medicine in the car. The assistant drove the car to run some errands, so I didn't bring it with me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you can just buy it. Jin Shu, help the teacher make one too. The teacher has been having trouble sleeping recently and has severe heart palpitations. I heard your mother said that she has been sleeping very well this week since taking the health medicine. Teacher, look Don’t say how envious I am!”

Jin Shu still had a gentle and calm attitude and said calmly.

"It's like this. The purchasing channels for the raw materials of this health medicine are relatively complicated. It requires multiple reports to be purchased in small batches. I have already used up all the raw materials in this batch.

Let's do this. Teachers, please wait for a while. After a while, I will replenish the raw materials and then prepare the medicine for you teachers. "

Jin Shu had a good manner, spoke respectfully, and was tactful and considerate in her work. When all the teachers around heard what she said, they felt regretful but did not doubt that he was there, so they had to give her instructions again and again.

"When the raw materials arrive, you must tell us. I'm sorry to trouble you, Jin Shu."

"It's not troublesome. All the teachers are colleagues of my parents and my former mentors. How can I find it troublesome just because of this little thing?"

After saying this, the teachers felt very satisfied and looked at Jin Shu with admiration and admiration in their eyes.

"Teacher Jin and Teacher Wang are so lucky to have given birth to such a capable child! Hey, I knew at the beginning that this child Jin Shu would achieve great things in the future, and now I see that it is indeed the case!

I'm jealous. "

Mother Jin smiled on the side and let them praise her daughter.

Don't be humble when you shouldn't be, otherwise you'll look hypocritical.

Jin Shu is indeed outstanding. She worked in such a good company right after graduation, studied with capable experts, and independently developed effective health care medicines. She is gentle and smooth in life, and can find no faults in her body. Such a child is praised No matter how many times you don't have to worry about her becoming complacent.

After bidding farewell to her alma mater and teachers, on the way back, Jin's mother held Jin Shu's hand and talked with her about her childhood.

Jin Shu has a good memory, and she has a clear memory of all the things in the original owner's memory, so even recalling the past can prevent Jin's mother from detecting anything wrong. After giving the medicine to her, Jin Shu gave special instructions.

"You just need to take this medicine by yourself. You should still take one pill in the morning and evening. I will come back every month to take you to check your body. Remember, don't tell others about this medicine."

"I know, Mom is not stupid, but your medicine is so good, why not just apply for a patent and submit it to a third-party agency for testing. After getting the test report, can't it be produced and sold?"

If such a good thing is not shown to the world, Jin's mother always feels that her daughter's talent has been wronged.

"Well, this matter is already being done, but after all, the health medicine has the word "medicine" behind it. This is not something that can be produced and sold casually. It takes time to verify the authority of what you eat. There is no rush. .”

"It's okay, mom and dad will be your guinea pigs. Mom and dad are not afraid, just eat whatever you want!"

Jin Shu was helpless.

"Don't worry, I'm eating this too. There's no problem. It just needs some procedures now."

If this thing works well, if it's just average, and it's a little more expensive, people won't have so many concerns.

But if the effect is surprisingly good, then someone will doubt the authenticity of this medicine.

Therefore, Jin Shu does not plan to sell this medicine.

She is not a saint, and she can do this without any shortage of money.

The only people the original owner cares about in this world are her parents. Jin Shu only needs to take care of her parents according to her wishes. What she just said was to appease Jin's mother's overly lofty moral heart.

As for those teachers, they can finally deal with it by switching to a health product with simple effects and simple ingredients.

A flat refusal will inevitably make it difficult for parents to behave in school.

Leave a little leeway, so that it won't embarrass the couple.

After staying at home for another two days, Jin Shu's vacation was finally over.

It wasn't that she wanted to take a leave, it was mainly because Heng Chao was worried that she would have an unexpected situation happen again if she stayed at the unit all day long, so he gave her a seven-day leave with a wave of his hand and told her that she couldn't come back to work until she took the leave.

In this way, Jin Shu stayed at home for seven days.

This time she lay down, she was too lazy to lie down. When she returned to her work and heard that the live broadcast was going to be broadcast, Jin Shu simply lay down.

"Let others handle the new products this time. Anyway, there is nothing to show and there is nothing technical about it."

Heng Chao saw this and whispered.

"Everyone wants to see you. It wouldn't be as effective if it were someone else."

"What people want to see is technology. What does advanced technology have to do with people? What time is it now? I have to go home to drink chicken soup at night. I leave at four o'clock and can't get home until five-thirty. I leave at four o'clock."

When Heng Chao heard this, he was in a dilemma, but in the end he sent another person with good live broadcast skills to go up.

The content of this live broadcast is the genetic growth agent that Jin Shu announced last time. As soon as this thing was developed, Jin Shu was taken to City B for a meeting. After showing the effect on the spot, the leader of the Ministry of Agriculture directly arranged for everyone to come down. The technical staff held a meeting, and the theme of the meeting was to put Teacher Tutu's genetic growth agent into production.

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