Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 245 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

Jin Shu spent this time running back and forth between City B and this city.

The people above have asked Jin Shu to go directly to City B more than once. It is not impossible for her to work if she wants to. Anyway, the head office of Changheng Agricultural Equipment is in City B. If she goes, she will directly join the top technician of the general engineering office.

Meng Jin and Guo Xu, who were waiting behind Jin Shu, went to the head office together to become leaders, and their positions were directly promoted to more than a dozen levels.

But these were rejected by Jin Shu.

There are meetings every day in City B, and people come to study and visit every day. They are always taken to a meeting with a big leader, which is really troublesome.

So she just wanted to stay in this city and do research in peace.

After sorting out the manuscripts and data and handing them over to the substitute anchor, Jin Shu went back to drink tea and read the newspaper.

Guo Xu bought her a cup of milk tea, poked it and handed it to her.

"What are you looking at, teacher?"

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be recent national news regularly published in newspapers. The densely packed words and hundreds of long articles gave Guo Xu a headache.

"Teacher Jin, you are younger than me. Why do I feel like you are a bit like an old elder?"

Jin Shu coughed slightly, opened the newspaper and continued to read carefully.

"how do I say this?"

"You don't have any of the hobbies of young people."

He had obviously seen Teacher Jin’s information. He was a graduate student who was just twenty-three or four years old and was two years younger than him. However, he never dared to make mistakes in any situation where Teacher Jin was present. Dissatisfied with her.

Over time, he almost forgot Jin Shu's actual age.

Now I see that she is reading newspapers that only grandparents would read in her leisure time, and I admire Jin Shu from the bottom of my heart for being so mature beyond her years.

"Teacher Jin, have you ever gone to a bar to drink? Have you ever played an escape room? Have you ever played games like truth or dare?"

Jin Shu glanced at him and smiled calmly.

"I've played it before."

"How can you still watch such boring things after playing these games? As expected of you."

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows and sighed.

"Maybe it's because I'm older. Those things you said are boring if you play too much. Things that are updated every day to keep pace with the times are always the ones in newspapers."

"Teacher Jin, you are really good at joking. You are much younger than us."

Jin Shu stopped talking and continued to read the newspaper and fish.

At this time, the live broadcast room was completely in chaos.

As soon as the live broadcast of the Changheng Agricultural Machinery account started, 20 million people poured in instantly. Since the development of the Internet, no celebrity or Internet celebrity has been so popular.

The broadcast started again after a week, and these people were already impatient. They had all prepared melon seeds, peanut mineral water, and a soft mat to avoid knee pain when kneeling down for Teacher Tutu.

After much anticipation, as soon as the show started airing, the person sitting in front of the camera turned out to be a girl without a mask.

Just when everyone thought it was Teacher Tutu who showed up, the anchor spoke directly.

"Teacher Tutu has a day off today, so I will host this live broadcast to introduce to you the new product recently developed by Teacher Tutu, the genetic growth agent."

[Ah, isn’t it Teacher Tutu? Bai was so excited, I thought it was Teacher Tutu who showed up! 】

[Where is Mr. Tutu? We want to watch her live! I've been waiting for a week, and I don't watch other people's broadcasts! ! 】

[My daughter has been making trouble for a week, just to watch Teacher Tutu’s live broadcast, but now it’s someone else. My daughter is crying so much that she can’t even be coaxed]

【Teacher Tutu! ! Teacher Tutu, where are you? ! If Teacher Tutu doesn’t come to this live broadcast, I won’t watch it! ! 】

The anchor also didn't expect that just by changing someone, everyone's reaction would be so intense. She was also shocked by the content that flooded the screen. She originally wanted to continue speaking, but soon she couldn't hold it any longer.

"If that doesn't work, let's ask Teacher Tutu to come, otherwise the live broadcast won't go on."

Along with those who were crying and howling in the live broadcast were Bai Bai.

Today, all the brothers came to the bar to play. While they were drinking, suddenly a notification that the live broadcast had started popped up on their mobile phones. Without saying anything, Bai put down his drink and turned off the music to signal others to be quiet.

"You all should be quiet, I have something important to deal with."

Several people thought he had to deal with work matters, and at first they lamented how he suddenly became more dedicated. The next second, live broadcasts came from their mobile phones, and there were angry scoldings from all around.

"Why has the person changed! Where is our teacher Tutu!!"

When Xu Mu, who was drinking, heard about Teacher Tutu, he sat next to him and leaned over to watch.

"Did someone change the live broadcast?"

The people around Bai said anxiously with dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

"I haven't seen our Teacher Rabbit for a week! What's going on? What is Teacher Rabbit busy about? Did something happen?"

At this time, Lin Qin, who was sitting in the corner silently drinking wine, glanced coldly at the people around him.

"Your teacher Tutu? Hehe, what are you thinking about?"

The people around him had sullen faces and angry expressions.

"Don't let me think about it anymore? Hey, Teacher Tutu doesn't usually care about his own body. If he is off the air for such a long time, is he sick?"

"Don't worry, she's not sick and is in good health. You guys can just save your time and don't waste your time."

Bai Bai, Xu Mu and other brothers looked at him with strange eyes.

Zhou Bai: "Why do you say it as if you know Teacher Tutu? What do you know? You don't know her!"

Lin Qin smiled.

"Don't worry, there are few people in the world who know her better than me. If I say there is no problem with her health, then there will be no problem. If you don't believe it, it will happen."

"Are you crazy? Can you please stop talking about how close you are to our Teacher Tutu? I liked Teacher Tutu first!

Fortunately, Ke Ke is not here. If she hears you say such things here, she will tear down the roof! "

Lin Qin stood up and said a word without looking back.

"Keke and I are good friends. Even if she is here, I will still say this, she and I are just friends.

Also, I have a wife, so be careful what you say in front of a married woman. "

Around Bai: "..."

Xu Mu: "..."

A group of brothers: "..."

Is he crazy?

Taking the wrong medicine?

Before anyone could react, Yu Keke suddenly appeared at the door of the bar.

This bar is privately owned by several brothers and only serves a few of them.

In the past, Yu Keke would be brought to every gathering, but recently she disappeared inexplicably and no one could contact her. This situation

It has happened before, and it was just for one reason, that is, they had a quarrel with Lin Qin and the two started a cold war.

This cold war lasted from half a month to a year at the beginning. Just when everyone thought they wouldn't see Yu Keke in a short time, they didn't expect that they hadn't seen her for a day or two, and she took the initiative to appear at the door. (End of chapter)

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