Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 261 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

"I did it."

Jin Shu stood up first.

The surroundings were quiet, and everyone held firewood in their arms and dared not speak at all. They lowered their heads and waited in fear for the next words of the commander.

"What did you do?"

The commander sneered, looked Jin Shu up and down, and continued.

"If you dare to do it, don't take it seriously. Let a woman take the blame for you. The crime will be increased!"

At this time, a soldier limped out of the tent. After seeing Jin Shu, he roared with anger and ferocity.

"Boss!! It's her!! It's her who beat me!!"

Upon hearing this, the commander looked at Jin Shu with sharp eyes.

"You are the fake goddess from the capital, right? His Majesty specifically asked us to take good care of you. I originally thought that if you were obedient and did things honestly, I would make an exception and resist the order.

But now you are jumping out to cause trouble, my lady, this place is not like the capital, if you make a mistake, you will lose your life. "

The soldiers next to him laughed wildly.

Father Liang gritted his teeth and trembled, while Mother Liang and Lu Ping were already hugging each other and crying together.

At this time, Jin Shu pointed at the commander's neck and spoke.

"Difficulty swallowing and suffocation when lying down. This symptom has been bothering you for many years."

The laughter of the commander who was laughing suddenly stopped.

He looked at Jin Shu fiercely, and the surprise in his eyes proved that what Jin Shu said was true.

"how do you know?"

“Not only can I see it, I know what the solution is.”

The commander stared at her suspiciously for a long time, and finally burst into laughter.

"It's cold outside, let's go and talk inside."

Just like that, everyone watched in confusion as Jin Shu entered the tent and came out safe and sound not long after.

Green Screen quickly ran forward and looked at Jin Shu carefully from head to toe.

"Miss, he didn't do anything to you, right?"

"What are you thinking about? It's okay."

"Then what did you do just now? The commander won't pursue it?"

Jin Shu nodded.

"It's okay. It's getting late. Go back and cook."

She has been hungry for a long time.

Green Screen was still curious as to what Jin Shu had done to soothe the bear-like irritable man in an instant.

"He is sick. The doctors here can't cure him, but I can."

In fact, there is something wrong with the thyroid gland. The first thing you will notice is thyroid hypertrophy. In severe cases, this disease affects sleep and eating, and can also make people increasingly grumpy and irritable.

Thanks to the many books I have read and the many certificates I have obtained, they are all valuable certificates, so that I can find a way to resolve any situation I encounter.

No, this man, who is as irritable as a bear, will instantly feel relaxed after just a few injections.

That night, Mother Liang put in a lot of effort and carefully cut the whole fish into several sections. She ate the head and tail that night, and the body of the fish was going to be frozen for later eating.     In the end, Jin Shu came directly.

"There's no need to hide it. Let's stew all the fish. Add more water to cook the fish soup and give everyone a bowl to warm themselves."

Jin Shu said so, even if Mother Liang was reluctant to part with it, she could only stew the whole fish reluctantly.

The younger brother and sister stood by the pot, looking eagerly at the boiling fish soup in the pot, and their saliva was about to flow out.

Jin Shu first filled a bowl for the two brothers and sisters, and asked them to eat it slowly with the pancakes.

Then she opened the door and let the green screen go from door to door to notify.

Soon, those who had come in a group came over with bowls in their hands.

Not many people came, only about a dozen, and there were many who didn't come.

Jin Shu gave them soup and asked them to drink it in the yard before going back.

The white-haired old woman did not drink, but asked Jin Shu if she could take it back with the bowl.

"My master, hey, has been a scholar all his life. He is very pedantic at heart. He doesn't want to eat the food given by others. I have no choice. I can't watch him starve to death here..."

Jin Shu knew this old woman, in other words, the original owner knew her.

When the late emperor was still alive, the man she said was the right minister of the court, assisting two generations of emperors. Before the late emperor was critically ill, he strongly recommended the eldest prince to ascend the throne. In the end, it was the second prince who ascended the throne. As a thorn in his side, Huangfu Rong directly sent him to prison. He joined the exiled team and left him to fend for himself.

Over seventy years old, traveling thousands of miles, and suffering some torture and abuse, logically speaking, he would never be able to make it to northern Xinjiang alive.

But along the way, Jin Shu not only removed the shackles from everyone's feet, but also took the initiative to give injections and medicines to those in poor health in the team. When it came to food, she also arranged for others to eat what she ate, never favoring one over another.

In this way, Prime Minister You reached northern Xinjiang.

It is estimated that the desolation of northern Xinjiang made the old man completely despair, so he decided to fend for himself and let it go.

Jin Shu didn't say anything, turned around and went back to the house to get something. When she came back, she handed an oil paper bag to Mrs. Right Prime Minister.

"Madam, this is medicine for treating wind and cold. I see that the right minister's face looks wrong today. He must be infected with wind and cold.

Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I told the right minister that this was not a serious illness. It would be cured in three days if I took it three times a day. "

Mrs. Right Prime Minister held the oil paper bag and could grit her teeth and endure it at first, but after seeing Jin Shu's calm and sincere eyes, she could no longer hold back and burst into tears.

"Good boy...good boy, such a good boy has been exiled here. It's unfair, it's unfair!"

Along the way, Jin Shu's stability and kindness were noticed by everyone. Even if she is not a goddess who came to the world, what is the difference between her abilities and conduct and those of a goddess?

Jin Shu looked at her silently, and after she finished crying, she reached out and handed her a clean handkerchief.

"Madam, go back and tell your right minister that as long as people are still alive, there is hope. There is nothing to be afraid of in Northern Xinjiang. We will continue to support you."

Finally, Jin Shu filled a large bowl of fish soup for Mrs. Right Prime Minister and watched her slowly leave.

The people on the side saw this scene in their eyes and were moved by it.

The Minister of Household Affairs who was once in charge of the world's finances came over and said, "Thank you Miss Jin for your kindness. If you need help in the future, just ask."

Jingzhou Tongpan, who once compiled the world's judiciary, also came over: "Miss Jin is right, we will always support you!"

The old general who once deployed thousands of troops bowed to Jin Shu and said: "If you don't mind my old age, I will be willing to serve you from now on!"

There are also the Ministry of Industry officials who are in charge of music, etiquette, and law, and the governor-general who is responsible for dispatching troops and generals...

These people were once high-ranking officials of fifth rank or above, but now they were all packed up and thrown into this barren land by Huangfu Rong.

Finally, when everyone was gone, the green screen was still muttering.

"Miss, I know you are generous, but we have to wait and see. We are all starving to death, but we are still thinking about others. It's okay. You only drank a bowl of soup for such a big fish."

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