Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 262 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Jin Shu turned around and knocked her on the head.

"Green screen, if you shake your head, can you hear the sound of water inside?"

"What do you mean? Where is the sound of water coming from?"

"It's nothing. Go help my mother boil hot water."

Green Screen frowned and walked away muttering.

Everyone would sleep on the same couch at night. Father Liang stood at the door and looked out.

"You go to bed and I'll watch the door for you."

This earth bed just connects the left and right sides of the entire room. It's actually not small, but the only place you can sleep on is the area covered with hay. The rest of the bed is almost as frozen as ice pimples. Lying on it overnight is more effective than freezing it in the refrigerator. The layer is even better.

Jin Shu didn't say anything, just sat aside and lit a candle and read a book.

If she didn't sleep, it was even less likely that Green Screen would sleep, so he simply stood behind Jin Shu and watched over her.

After Mother Liang put the two children to sleep, she couldn't help but start working. The whole house was too dirty and messy. When she thought about living here for a long time, the places that needed to be cleaned had to be cleaned as soon as possible.

It was almost time, and the sound of Liang's mother sweeping the floor suddenly disappeared. Jin Shu put down her book and first settled the few people scattered around the room.

Then he took out from the space the things he bought during his exile, including miscellaneous items.

In the past two months from south to north, whenever she encountered a post station or a market, Jin Shu would definitely stay for a day and open a guest room for everyone to take a rest.

On the one hand, it is to give everyone some relief, but on the other hand, the biggest reason is that she needs to go to a populated place to replenish supplies.

Large purchases are essential, but buying too many things in any place will definitely attract the attention of the local county government, so Jin Shu divided the purchasing plan into dozens of counties along the road.

The south is rich in fruits and vegetables, so go directly to the fruit farmers and get as much as you can. Not only choose the ones you like, but also the ones rich in vitamins.

This part takes up almost one-tenth of the remaining space.

The fishing industry along the river was developed, so Jin Shu bought a lot of fishing tools and two small boats. Due to limited space, she could only buy what was most urgently needed at the moment.

Walking down, there were a lot of clothes. While buying warm clothes for everyone, Jin Shu went to more than a dozen stores and bought three thousand pieces of cloth and hundreds of ready-made clothes. She had enough for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

When she arrived in the Northeast, which is rich in Chinese herbal medicine, Jin Shu visited more than 30 pharmacies in one day and bought enough herbal medicines for a thousand people to use for a lifetime, and threw them into the space for later use.

The breeding industry happened to be developed here, and the meat of cattle, sheep, pigs and other poultry was quite cheap and transported to all parts of the country by water. In a place that would not attract attention, Jin Shu pretended to be a businessman and directly bought more than 30,000 kilograms of meat, chickens and ducks. Fish and goose are the basics. Thousands of kilograms of common meat such as beef, sheep, and pigs are crammed into the space.

If it weren't for the limited space and the fact that most of it had to be reserved for the most important things, Jin Shu would be willing to be more generous with her food.

Finally, it is close to the northern border and is still within the territory of the Great Zhou. Due to the cold climate and special geology of this area, it is rich in coal mineral resources. A considerable part of the economic source of the Great Zhou depends on the coal mines in this area.

In today's situation without any technological support, faced with such rich mineral resources, the ancients could only rely on the most primitive and simple method to dig and use them bit by bit.

During the hundred years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Zhou Dynasty had been digging these mines day and night, and what was finally dug out was not even the tip of the iceberg.

Jin Shu paid for it and went in to take a look and only said one thing.

a waste of resource. This is equivalent to putting a bun as big as a blue whale in front of you. Da Zhou's approach is similar to standing a hundred meters away to smell it, and he can't even dig into the skin.

Complaints remain complaints, Jin Shu did not forget the purpose of her trip.

For something like this that belongs to the country and the Huangfu family, Jin Shu will definitely not spend a penny in vain.

As soon as the rest time was up, she immediately started shopping for zero yuan, and almost seven-tenths of the remaining space was used to pile coal.

After stuffing it, Jin Shu roughly calculated that it was almost 10,000 tons.

A family in the north uses almost two tons of coal for the winter. The amount of coal they have stored is enough to last the entire exiled prisoners in northern Xinjiang for a lifetime.

Before leaving, Jin Shu took a look at the military strength around the entire mine.

As coal is an important resource in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there will naturally be no shortage of guard troops. There are almost more than a thousand troops, and there are military camps stationed around it, which is about 2,300 people.

After roughly understanding the strength of the troops, Jin Shu continued northward.

When you arrive somewhere, the first thing you should do is to improve your living conditions.

The night was still very long for Jin Shu. She first used wood to re-nail the broken windows in all directions, and then replaced the shaky wooden doors.

Metal-clad double doors are not difficult at all for Jin Shu, an advanced carpenter.

Thanks to her interest in developing hobbies when she was rich, besides doing research, she also likes to do some handiwork, not to mention embroidery and sewing, but the most important thing is woodworking and bricklaying.

In her previous life, she had a house from the rough to the time she moved in. During this period, she installed everything by herself. In the end, she took photos and sent them abroad, and she easily won a gold medal as a designer.

Relying on these genuine certificates, Jin Shu saw with her left hand and hammered with the right, and in less than an hour, she renovated and upgraded all the wooden door panels in the house.

After An goes back, even if there is no charcoal, the temperature in the house will be more than ten degrees higher than outside.

Finally, I used the remaining wood to make a few benches, tables and chairs, so that I don’t have to squat on the ground to eat in the future.

It was still early to finish these tasks, so Jin Shu looked at the soil bed where the two little guys were lying.

After measuring the soil quality and hardness, Jin Shu found that he could make do with it, so Jin Shu took out the shovel and started digging from the bottom.

She had seen northern kang heads when she was traveling. As long as they met safety standards, they should be able to keep warm.

The kang head was renovated and a chimney was erected on the roof. Jin Shu tried burning it to make sure that the smoke could be discharged, and then started to put quilts and mats on the bed.

Jin Shu was already sweating all over after doing this. Under the triple effects of the stove, kang, and sealed doors and windows, the temperature in the room soon climbed to nearly 20 degrees.

There was still a little time left, so Jin Shu conveniently built two partitions on the kang, and arranged a separate shower room in the corner of the room.

It was still a bit troublesome to boil water for bathing. While taking a bath, Jin Shu was thinking about arranging for geothermal water heating as soon as possible. After the infrastructure was completed, the next step would be easy.

As soon as the resting time passed, Jin Shu fainted, and the rest of the family slept soundly until the next morning.

When it was dawn, Father Liang and Mother Liang were the first to wake up.

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