Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 264 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Chapter 264 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (10)

The greatest manifestation of human progress is the use of more advanced tools to facilitate our lives.

Because there is no better way to make holes in the ice, people living in northern Xinjiang have relied on hard work to obtain ice and water for more than ten years. Just when everyone thought that this was the only way to use water in winter, Jin Shu used a simple The tools demonstrated to them what it means to change the world through technology.

"It's more than enough for one person to operate. It doesn't matter even if the holes in the ice freeze over in one day. It won't freeze very deep in one night. In the future, just open a few more holes before getting water. Five people can use it for the entire camp for the next day before noon." Transport it back."

A few people who were dubious at the beginning immediately exclaimed after trying it twice.

"I didn't even use any strength!"

"Why do we need five people here? I can do it alone!"

"The girl is still smart. They have been using stupid methods over the years. I heard them say that every winter, several people freeze to death because of fetching water. Now it's better. These things can be left to us. The older ones can take a rest. .”

The one who spoke was Zhou Yinghuai, a fair-faced scholar who looked a little thin. Jin Shu knew him. In the memory of the original owner, this fair-faced scholar was the number one scholar who was born in poverty. At that time, the saint in front of the temple was very prosperous.

The late emperor put him in high regard at first, but after Huangfu Rong ascended the throne, because Zhou Yinghuai had some connections with the heroine Liang Qingqing among the people, and Zhou Yinghuai's parents had a good relationship with the Liang family, the two elders arranged for them to be married.

Later, Liang Qingqing entered the palace, and Zhou Yinghuai also worked hard to obtain fame in order to fulfill his promise. When he met the emperor, he took the initiative to ask the late emperor to grant a marriage for the two of them.

Naturally, the late emperor would not refuse him, so he married the two of them in public.

There was a promising number one scholar, and the other was an unknown little maid in the palace. At that time, many people felt sorry for the number one scholar, thinking that he could have married a noble girl.

Everyone thinks so, but some people don't.

This move angered Huangfu Rong, who had been canonized as the prince.

So when Huangfu Rong ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to annul the engagement between the two and find any excuse to throw Zhou Yinghuai into exile.

It's a pity that a proud man of a generation who is amazing in talent and strategy was implicated in this situation because of something he didn't know about.

At this time, Zhou Yinghuai naturally didn't know that he was sent here because of his former fiancée.

He was decadent and numb along the way. In the end, Jin Shu saw that he was about to die of illness and took the initiative to give him medicine, which saved his life.

Perhaps because of this life-saving grace, Zhou Yinghuai was very respectful to Jin Shu and responded positively to everything she said.

"Thank you for your hard work. Pay attention to your steps when cutting the ice. The color will be much darker where the ice is thin. Watch carefully before you stand on it."

Many people died because of falling into the water.

After arranging the people to fetch water, Jin Shu went back to summon all the people in the wooden houses.

“I’m calling you all for no other reason than this. Heavy snow is falling day and night, and the house may be crushed at any time. Since it’s fate that everyone is gathered here and there, we should unite as one to spend the cold winter together.

Now, two more people from each household will come to me to learn some carpentry skills. After learning, they will immediately strengthen the house. This matter is urgent and must not be delayed. "

As soon as Jin Shu said this, many people responded.

But there are still some people whispering secretly.

"I've lived here for so many years, and I've never had a house collapse due to heavy snow! What's the use of the limelight when you've already arrived here?

joke! "

The person speaking was the magistrate of a certain county, who was exiled here by the late emperor for embezzling disaster relief food funds.

This person is accustomed to flattering others and has a good relationship with the current commander, so An Ran has lived here for several years. Now that he has no more thoughts of returning to Beijing, he has become the most comfortable person living here.

Jin Shu just glanced at him and continued. “You can come to me to get wood. I cut down a lot of dead wood in the forest yesterday.”

Most of the people were obedient and followed Jin Shu back to get the wood.

After Jin Shu taught them some basic carpentry skills, he specifically told them some areas that needed to be strengthened. After everyone returned, Jin Shu took the tools and went to the home of the Prime Minister.

The people living in this house were the old, weak, sick and disabled. As soon as they entered, the cold wind was biting, and Jin Shu took a quick glance.

The roof and windows were leaking, the door panel was broken, and there were only a few iron-hard mattresses on the couch. Lying on them was no different than lying on ice.

Jin Shu didn't waste any time and took out the things to help repair all the places that needed to be repaired.

Before leaving, he left a basin of charcoal behind.

The Right Prime Minister is white-haired and has long lost the wisdom and calmness he had in court before. Now he seems to have become an ordinary old man, sitting under the window with a bamboo slip of war in his hand.

"You don't need to help me next time. Just take your things back."

"It's easy to do, and the Prime Minister doesn't need to think too much."

"I am no longer a useless person, so there is no need to waste these things on me. If you want to give them away, just give them to those who need them more."

Jin Shu simply sat next to him.

"The Right Prime Minister once directed the country across the world and assisted two wise kings. If a generation of wise ministers becomes useless, who else will be called useful in the world?"

The right minister gave her a tired look.

"You child, you are much more sensible than when you were a child. It's a pity that the current monarch was blind and mistook fish eyes for pearls. Alas... Da Zhou is worried."

"The affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty have nothing to do with us from now on. I know that I am loyal to you. After so many years, you have done what you should do. Now you can live a good life for yourself.

My mother is making dumplings at home in the evening. You must bring your wife to help. "

That night, Jin Shu conjured up a strip of fat and thin pork belly and a bunch of juicy Chinese cabbage.

Mother Liang's eyes lit up when she saw this, and then she asked doubtfully.

"Where did you get all these things?"

"It's buried in the snow. Aren't people here accustomed to burying uneaten food in the snow? I just found it after removing the snow to clear a path."

Jin Shu did go to clear the snow, and then "accidentally" discovered the meat and vegetables hidden under the snow last night.

There were many witnesses, so Liang's mother didn't ask any more questions, but happily studied how to deal with these good things.

"Let's make dumplings."

"Where did the noodles come from?"

"I have it here."

"The noodles are also buried in the snow?"

"It's given by the commander. Anyway, feel free to eat it. The right minister and his wife and his family will come to help later. Make some more and invite everyone to eat together in the evening."

Mother Liang was already used to Jin Shu's generosity. Although she felt distressed, she didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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